At a Glance
2022 Oath of Office Ceremony
All residents are invited to attend the inauguration of the new mayor and council members on January 3rd at 7 pm at the SCERA Center for the Arts.
Thank You Notes for Brunst and Sumner
Express your appreciation for Mayor Brunst and Brent Sumner's service to the community by submitting a thank you note.
December Library Programs
The Orem Library creates all sorts of fun activities and events for all ages! See what's available on their Calendar.
Caroling at the Cemetery
Come join in the holiday spirit by singing Christmas carols in the cemetery Dec. 20th at 6pm.
Brunst Tells "The Rest of the Story"
Mayor Brunst shares stories of the behind-the-scenes action that brought many changes to Orem during his service. Watch the video series here.
Orem-United Way Book Drive
You can contribute books to be used in mini free lending libraries in the community. Read the article in this newsletter to find out more.
Popular Links
Mayor Message
Mayor Richard F. Brunst, Jr.

Mayor thanx Healer

The title of "Mayor thanx Healer" is taken from a Hallmark TV show that I recently watched. It reminded me of my feelings about my job as the Mayor for the last 8 years.

I have felt many times that I was receiving direction and help from
above and not of my own making.

Also I have needed help to get a project done or move the city in a certain direction that I myself did not have. I am thankful for the many times I have felt that help came in many different ways from direction to someone entering into the conversation
to someone offering to help.

I have felt honored to serve as the Mayor of Orem. I have loved the job. I have felt challenged many times beyond my abilities. But it has been a work of love and concern to try to do what is best and right for the city of Orem. 

I have been privileged to work with many city councilmembers during this time, a hard working city manager, a great city staff, and many residents who have helped me on my way. Thank you to all of them for all that they have done.

I truly wish to say in closing that the "Mayor thanx Healer" for all that he has done to guide and help me in my job.

Lastly a resident requested that I write down for the citizens of Orem all that has been accomplished by the Orem City Council, Mayor, and City Manager over the last 8 years. So please just click on the link to find out. Also I have included a link
to "the rest of story" events that have occurred that might be of interest.

Again thank you so much for opportunity it has been to serve you as Orem's Mayor for the last 8 years.

Mayor Brunst
Councilmember Message
Hopefully at this wonderful time of year we can be grateful for the blessings we have and we can reach out to help others.
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!

— Councilmember Terry Peterson

Watch the Video on YouTube
After 20 combined years of service to the City of Orem, Mayor Richard Brunst and Councilman Brent Sumner are retiring from public life. We want to thank them for their dedicated service to our city and provide you with the opportunity to express your appreciation as well.
Upcoming Events
Caroling at the Cemetery - Dec. 20th
The holiday season can be a difficult time for those who have lost loved ones.

For the past several years we've hosted a caroling night in the Orem City Cemetery for anyone who is missing someone at Christmas time. Come sing and enjoy some hot chocolate and be uplifted by the community at 6pm.
2022 Oath of Office Ceremony - Jan. 3rd
Library Programs

Join us for holiday concerts, a one-man-show based on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, and Beauty & the Beast presented by SCERA's youth theater company.

There will be no storytime in December, but there will be winter activities for kids at the Children's Desk and a style-a-stocking activity for teens in the Teen Area.

The library will be closed December 23–25 and December 31–January 1.  
Pictures from November
Lights On!
Veterans Day
Kindness Week
Opportunities to Serve
City of Orem + United Way Book Drive
The City of Orem is partnering with United Way of Utah County Everyday Learners to collect children’s books this holiday season. Books will be used to fill lending libraries across Utah County. Lending libraries have grown in popularity throughout the United States and are used to increase access to books for children and their families. These mini libraries will be placed in Utah County neighborhoods and outside schools. Books will be free to take, with no expectations of needing to be returned.

If you would like to donate, books should be age appropriate for children in infancy up to 8th grade and should be new or gently used. We are looking for board books, picture books, early readers, and early chapter books. You can drop books off at the Orem City Offices at 56 N. State Street at the south side entrance.
The City of Orem is Hiring

We are hiring for multiple full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions. To view a list of available job openings and to submit an application, follow the link below.
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At a glance
Mayor/Council Message
Upcoming Events
Pictures from November
Opportunities to Serve