Our Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Fellowship Program offers an incomparable chance to gain experience as a professional researcher at Ohio State's Stone Lab.
Under the guidance of top scientists, REU students carry out their own research projects from start to finish, including specimen collection, data analysis and a final presentation.
Stone Lab REU alumni have gone on to master’s and PhD programs at colleges across the country and are working scientists in a host of fields.
Click this link to learn more about the program!
Details of the program and the application process are below:
REUs get free room and meals, and are paid an hourly stipend (equivalent to $5,500) for the eight-week research experience.
In 2023, the program runs from June 5 through July 28. Students will research botany (the study of plants), fish ecology, mammalogy (the study of mammals) or limnology (the study of lakes and other inland waters).
REU applications require college transcripts, a resume, a cover letter, and two recommendation forms. Applications are due February 25, 2023.
Click this link to apply!