July & August Virtual All Member Meetings

July 20 All Member Meeting ONLINE
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the 2020 Primaries
Speaker: Terrie Nielsen, Deputy Director of the Portage County Board of Elections

Terrie, who is a long-time Kent League member, will talk about the work of the Board and its staff for the challenging 2020 Primary and how plans are going for the General Election. Here is your Zoom information. LWV Kent friends and persons interested in membership are welcome. There will be time for questions through a moderator.

Topic: LWVK All Member Monthly 
Time: Jul 20, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 7704 3930
Password: 311462
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,87077043930#,,1#,311462# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,87077043930#,,1#,311462# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 870 7704 3930
Password: 311462
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Calling new members for an online orientation with Membership Chair Sherry Rose!
AUG.4, 6:15 PM
Before All Member Meeting
Join the session by clicking on this link (same link as Aug.4 All Member Meeting below):


August 4 All Member Meeting ONLINE

Speakers: Joan Seidel, Commissioner, Kent City Health Department, and Joe Diorio, Commissioner, Portage County Combined Health District

The health commissioners will talk about their agency's work during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in Kent and Portage County. LWV Kent friends and persons interested in membership are welcome. There will be time for questions through a moderator.

Topic: LWVK All Member Monthly 
Time: Aug 4, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 6459 6274
Password: 974028
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,83964596274#,,1#,974028# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,83964596274#,,1#,974028# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 839 6459 6274
Password: 974028
Find your local number:

Coming in September...
Mark your calendar for Sept. 10, 2020, for our annual Fall Kick-off Meeting! Planning is still underway but it will most likely be online.
Looking for your input on Voters' Guide questions

Have a few questions you'd like to see candidates answer in the LWV Kent Voters' Guide for the November election? VG Editor Nena Hankins is looking for suggestions for the following races: Portage County commissioners, sheriff and recorder. Questions should be sent to Nena at no later than August 3.

LWV Kent handles local questions while LWV Ohio provides questions to be asked of the candidates for US Congress, State Senate and State Representative. They work with Judicial Votes Count on the questions to be asked of the candidates for Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, 11th district Court of Appeals, Court of Common Pleas--General Division and Court of Common Pleas--Juvenile/Probate Divisions.

LWV US provides the questions for the president/vice president races. Now you know!
Poll workers needed for November election
If you are feeling confident about your health and social distancing, consider becoming a poll worker for the Portage County Board of Elections. The board is working diligently to keep all workers in health protected environments and also fulfill its mission of providing in-person voting. Click here for information about becoming a poll worker. Click here to complete an online form to submit. Click here to print a form and mail.
New committee chairs and co-chairs!
There are new faces heading up LWV Kent committees: Sally Saltzman for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program, Michelle Chapman and Mary Sartain for Health and Jill Hazelton joins Jen Kinney leading the Voter Service Committee. Thanks to Fran Lantz and Alfreda Brown who chaired Health and DEI respectively. The chairs are looking for new members as well as our other committees. Click here to land on the page where you'll see our list of committees and links to get in touch with the chairs.
The Northeast Ohio Suffrage Centennial Committee will be hosting Dr. Einav Rabinovitch-Fox for her presentation, "Fashioning Women's Rights: Suffragists' Political Style and Its Visual Legacies." Due to public health concerns, this presentation will take place on Zoom. We ask that you register in advance for this presentation at: 

Dr. Einav Rabinovitch-Fox is Visiting Assistant Professor at Case Western Reserve University in the Department of History. She teaches courses in American culture and history, fashion, consumer culture and politics, and women’s and gender studies. Einav's research examines the connections between culture, politics, and modernity, and she is particularly interested in the ways in which visual and material culture has shaped and reflected class, gender, and racial identities. In using fashion as a lens of analysis, her research broadens the meanings of feminist politics in the first half of the twentieth century.

This event is made possible, in part, by Ohio Humanities, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. To check out Einav's work, visit . Visit   to learn more about the local women's suffrage movement through the "Valiant Visionaries of the Vote" project initiative.
Up for the YWCA 21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge?
The Young Women's Christian Association has established an online program that guides individuals to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, privilege and leadership. The program was shared at the 2020 National Convention of the League of Women Voters.

You will be presented with challenges such as reading an article, listening to a podcast, reflecting on personal experience and more. Participation in an activity like this helps us to discover how racial injustice and social injustice impact our community, to connect with one another, and to identify ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination. Here is a link to the YWCA of Greater Cleveland to start this journey:
Meet the new LWVUS President, Dr. Deborah Turner
Fascinating panel from the 2020 LWVUS Convention
You can access this panel presentation from the national convention here: .
LWV Kent Book Club lives online!
Here are the selections LWVK Book Club members chose for the next few months. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. on Zoom until further notice. Join by contacting Jane Preston Rose at or call her at 330-678-9127.

August 5, 2020:   Rising : Dispatches from the New American Shore  by Elizabeth Rush

September 2, 2020:   There There: A Novel  by Tommy Orange

October 7, 2020:   The Ones We've Been Waiting For: How a New Generation of Leaders Will Transform America  by Charlotte Alter