January 2022
Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM)
REGISTER NOW for a local farmer or ag industry professional to visit your classroom in March! They'll share about their role in producing food, lead a hands-on activity with your students, and answer all of your students questions about where food comes from! Register by February 4th!
Healthy Foods from Healthy Farms (EN/FR)
Students make the connections between the food we eat and the people in our community who grow it and process it by creating a healthy snack using Canada's new Food Guide. Free to order or download.

Healthy Foods from Healthy Farms
GRADES 7 TO 8 | Careers, Hlth, Sci, SS
A 3-part video takes students behind the scenes at farms and processing facilities, then through discussion questions they will begin to make connections between the food we eat and the people who grow it and process it.

The Real Dirt on Farming (EN/FR)
GRADES 5 TO 12 | Sci, SS, Hlth, PAA
Canadian farmers and food producers talk about the important issues in today's food industry and give your students the facts they need on modern food production. Companion Teacher Guide also available for download!

Explore Digital Agriculture Presentations
GRADES 7 TO 9 | Province-wide

Spark your students' interest in the diverse careers available in the compelling world of digital agriculture. A guest presenter will share about their career journey and facilitate a fun, hands-on activity of exploration.
Career Case Presentations
GRADES 9 TO 12 | Province-wide

A guest presenter will share about their experience working in the agriculture industry, then guide your class through a gamified learning experience, encouraging students to explore their personal interests and related career opportunities.
#CdnAgDay Celebration Challenge
Want to get your hands on FREE plantable bookmarks for your Grades 1 to 6 students?! All your students have to do is complete the #CdnAgDay Challenge by February 23, 2022!
Agriculture Student Scholarship
For students who are interested in pursuing a career in agriculture, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is proudly offering a $4,000 grand-prize, and 3 additional $2,000 runner-up scholarships. Apply by March 31.
G3 Grow Beyond Scholarship
Back again for 2022, the G3 Grow Beyond Scholarship will help students recognize their full potential in leading change in the agriculture industry. There are 6 - $4,000 scholarships available.
Career Educator Survey
Help us, help you! Take a moment to fill out our career educator survey. You'll be entered in a draw for a chance to win 1 of 5 Staples giveaways valued at $100 and a grand prize valued at $500!