Dear Friends,

To date in Howard County, we have 14,089 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 7,913 active cases, 5,969 total recoveries, and lost 207 of our neighbors from this virus. Our hearts are with the families of those who have departed. We must continue the practices that we all know at this point - wear a mask around people not in your household, avoid gatherings of large groups, keep your distance, and wash your hands. Let's continue to StayCOVIDSafe.

As of 9:00 a.m. today and according to the Maryland Department of Health, our 7-day average positivity rate is at 5.59% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 30.84. We've seen both these metrics decline for 10 and 8 days respectively, out of the past 14 days. Both our positivity and case rates are below the State averages, and our rates are within the lower third of all jurisdictions.

The Howard County Health Department is actively making its way through Phase 1A of our vaccine distribution plan that includes healthcare providers and first responders. Following the Governor’s prioritization, HCHD has also started administering vaccines to adults 75+ in Phase 1B. This week, the new vaccination clinic at Howard Community College will open and can vaccinate up to 1,500 people a day depending on vaccine supply. All vaccinations at this point are by appointment only. Second dose administration will begin this week at the Health Department for those who received their first dose in late December.

The Howard County Health Department is currently pre-registering Phase 1B adults who are 75+ and non-public school K-12 educators and childcare providers for vaccination. Pre-registration allows the Health Department to collect contact information from residents. Once you have completed the pre-registration you will be contacted to schedule an appointment when there is vaccine supply available.
Howard County Public School System staff will be contacted directly by their administration regarding vaccination. Additional surveys are being developed for other Phase 1B populations, including developmentally disabled populations. The Howard County Health Department has begun by prioritizing older adult vulnerable populations, per the Governor’s direction.

While Phase 1C vaccination opens around the state, Howard County adults who are ages 65-74 in Phase 1C can pre-register for vaccination. Once you have completed the pre-registration you will be contacted to schedule an appointment when there is vaccine supply available. Please note that there are nearly 50,000 people in Phase 1A and 1B who are being prioritized, and vaccine appointments for Phase 1C will begin as soon as the supply allows.

While we have the capabilities to administer at least 20,000 vaccinations per week, to date, we have received a total of 10,500 vaccines since December 23rd and administered 8,984. As we receive dosages from the State, we are working hard to ensure it gets to our residents. We ask for your patience and understanding in recognizing how great of a demand we have compared to our very limited supply.  

As we've stated before - not everyone will get appointments immediately until we have enough vaccine, and we do not have enough vaccine. Please visit for additional information or to pre-register. You may also call the Health Department at 410-313-6284 if you need assistance pre-registering. Please be mindful, call volumes are extremely high due to the high demand.

We know this has been a long, challenging time, but the light is at the end of the tunnel. Let's keep working towards it, together.