Saint Catherine's
Greek Orthodox Church
119 Common Street, Braintree, MA 02184
Office: 781-843-0047

Thank you to all the parishioners who donated for our Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive! Together, with everyone's help, we served 138 families, 18 more than last year! It was a great success!

 We are humbled by the generosity of all of our people here at Saint Catherine's! God Bless !

Christmas Gift Drive for the Needy
Help us provide the less fortunate children with needed household items, clothes and toys.

The General Assembly
has been rescheduled to December 13th following Braintree Health Director Covid regulations. See below

As directed and interpreted by Marybeth McGrath  Director of Health for Braintree Massachusetts. In compliance with Massachusetts guidelines for Covid 19 we are exempt from private (10 or 25) gathering limitations and able to accommodate 50% of our capacity for all religious activities in our church, hall or other spaces as long as those activities are religious in nature. This is in compliance with the Religious Covid Guidelines for the State of Massachusetts for Covid 19. 50% must include spacing and masks as per the state guidelines. The church with spacing and masks can accommodate approximately 175 people which is less than 50% capacity and allows for social distancing. The Hall 50% capacity is approximately 200 people and any events the amount of people allowed will vary depending on what configuration is used in order to ensure proper spacing according to Covid regulations. 
Please see the attached three documents for state documentation for further information, thank you
Fr. Ted's Message
Dear Family in Christ,

I would like to thank you for your prayers and for all that you do for our beloved church of St. Catherine. God Blessed us with a wonderful church and community. Let us offer thanks to God as we celebrate both the feastday of our church of St. Catherine and Thanksgiving. I pray this message for the feast of St. Catherine gives your spiritual benefit….

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen
On a sunny day a man walking in his backyard found a beautiful chrysalis , in other words the beautiful cocoon of a butterfly, which contained inside it a struggling butterfly.....
Don't forget to vote!

The elections are going to be held on Sunday, December 6th.

Sunday School Registration is still open!!
Although Sunday School may look a bit different for all this year, the one thing remains the same…….    

Make A Christmas Card
Make a Christmas Card for an American Soldier and drop it off at the church by December 13th.

Come and decorate our Christmas tree!
Hang your ornament on the tree and pick up your gingerbread kit to go!

Please RSVP by December 9th so that there are enough gingerbread kits for everyone!

We are accepting orders
for our
Annual Christmas Bake Sale.

It's that time of the year for our Annual Christmas Bake Sale on Sunday, December 20th .

You can order
in advance by December 14th.
You can download the advance order form by clicking the folowing link

You can read more for the poetry competition by clicking the following links.
News from the Metropolis
Archdiocesan Encyclical for the holiday of Thanksgiving
which will be celebrated this year
on November 26th.