The EPG Connection
Your Resource for Landfill, Environmental, and Industrial Solutions!
November 2020
Issue No. 124
In This Issue:
On-Demand Webinar - Gauges & Meters

Product Highlight: Using Pressure Gauges
We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Safe Holiday season and Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at EPG!

EPG's office will be closed on the following days:
Nov. 26 and 27 (Thanksgiving Holiday)
Dec. 24 and 25 (Christmas Holiday)
Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 (New Years Holiday)
EPG On-Demand Webinars
This Months On-Demand Webinar
Length: 11:40
This webinar covers some of EPG's optional gauges and controls to monitor pump system health. We discuss utilizing level and flow sensors, elapsed time meters, cycle counters, and pressure gauges.
Product Highlight
Pressure Gauges can be used to monitor and verify pump health. Normal pressure and flow is determined by a pumps performance curves and should be referred to when diagnosing flow issues. A pressure gauge is most effective when used in conjunction with a flow meter.
What can a Pressure Gauge tell you?

  • Low Pressure / Low Flow may indicate:
  • A worn pump
  • Starved suction - little or no liquid
  • Dry running

  • High Pressure / Low Flow may indicate:
  • A plugged pipe
Pressure Gauge Example
A pressure gauge reads the system pressure at the point where the gauge is at in the system. It is not reading pump discharge pressure unless it is mounted directly at the pump discharge.
Pressure Gauge Install
Above: Suggested location of pressure gauge placement.
Consult with an Applications Specialist 1-800-443-7426 or email us at for more information about Monitoring & Control solutions.
Industry Events
Dallas, TX (EPG / Viridian America Exhibiting)