January 22, 2021
Teamsters Strike

Teamsters are picketing at Marathon Refinery in St. Paul Park. Employees who are working under an NMA will need to sign in. The union and Marathon are scheduled to meet next on Monday, but have deep divides. Feel free to email Mike if you have any questions.
Bituminous Roadways Celebrates 75 Years

Congratulations to AGC member Bituminous Roadways, Inc. on celebrating 75 years in business this year! From a humble beginning of a three-man crew in 1946 to more than 200 employees during the 2020 paving season, BR has much to celebrate.

Read their history, and view their press release and historical timeline here.
AGC of Minnesota welcomes the following new members:
HNTB Corporation
5500 Wayzata Blvd., Ste 450
Golden Valley, MN 55416

HNTB Corporation is an infrastructure design firm specializing in aviation, bridges, roadways, ITS, tolls, transit/rail, and tunnels.
Promoting Me, LLC
230 West Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55802

Promoting Me, LLC works with businesses to develop a Human Capital Management (HCM) strategic approach to promoting the knowledge, skills, abilities, life experiences and personality of the people within your organization. We help our clients evaluate, design, and deliver a strategy that separates them from their competition.  
Seacom, LLC
160 Birchwood Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55110

Seacom is an MBE low voltage cable/fiber installation company. Telecommunication installations include IT network design and integration, IT hardware, wireless, AV, security, DAS, access control, sound masking, paging and telephone system installations.
AGC Members: if you are celebrating a milestone or other major event,
please let Renee know, and we will periodically publish news from
members in the Weekly Update.
Workplace Revolution: From Talk to Collective Action

March 8 – 12, 2021
Online/Virtual Event

Topics Include:
  • Matching Intent To Impact: The Diversity of Stress
  • A Step-By-Step Guide To Developing And Implementing A Diversity and Inclusion Program
  • New Lens For Revealing Unconscious Bias
  • and more!

Click here for more information and registration.
MnDOT Submits Constructability Review Request for SP 5202-57 (TH 14)

MnDOT is asking potential contractors to assist with evaluating construction staging and risks to delivering the New Ulm to Nicollet 4-lane Expansion Project. MnDOT requests one-on-one meetings with potential construction contractors to review the proposed concepts and provide feedback. The meetings are expected to last approximately 90 minutes each, and will preferably take place between February 15-19, 2021. Meetings will be held virtually, via Microsoft Teams.

More information available here, as well as in this document.

Please contact Zachary Tess, Project Manager, at 507-317-8168 or to schedule a meeting.
Industry Leadership Transitions
MnDOT this week announced the appointment of Kim Collins as the agency's new Deputicy Commissioner and Chief Administrative Officer. Collins succeeds Scott Peterson, who retired from MnDOT in January after 29 years in state service.

Deputy Commissioner Collins most recently served as the Director of MnDOT's Office of Civil Rights.
After two years serving as the Executive Director of the MN State Building and Construction Trades Council, Jessica Looman has been appointed Deputy Administrator for the Wage and Hour Division at the US Department of Labor.

Ms. Looman will be working remotely from Minnesota, and looks forward to continuing to serve Minnesota workers in this new role.
CHASE Level 3 Projects
Congratulations to Mortenson for their CHASE Level 3 project at Hmong College Prep Academy in St. Paul!

Now in its 18th year, CHASE is a partnership with Minnesota OSHA that recognizes contractors for superior achievements in safety and health programs and job sites. Level 3 partnership is for vertical projects lasting between 6 and 18 months, and highway/heavy projects that are under 6 months.
Congratulations also to Ryan Companies US, Inc. for their CHASE Level 3 project at Kindeva Drug Delivery (3M spinoff company) in Woodbury.

For a map and photos of all Level 3 projects, click here.
MN Real Estate Journal 2021 Construction Summit
CM-Lean March Cohort

AGC of Minnesota will be starting another Lean cohort in March! Participants can save money by taking the entire series, or may register for individual units. See all the available units here.

  • March 9 & 11: Unit 1 (Variation in Production Systems)
  • March 16 & 18: Unit 2 (Pull in Production)
  • March 23 & 25: Unit 3 (Lean Workstructuring)
  • April 6 & 8: Unit 4 (The Last Planner System)
  • April 13, 14 & 15: Unit 5 (Lean Supply Chain and Assembly)
  • April 20 & 22: Unit 6 (Lean Design and Pre-construction)
  • April 27, 28 & 29: Unit 7 (Problem-solving Principles and Tools)
PMDP Discounted Rate for AGC of Minnesota Members

AGC of Minnesota members can save $800 on the AGC of America Project Manager Development Program (PMDP) offered through AGC of Wisconsin. More information and registration details here.

For discount code to get member rate, contact Renee.
BIM Discounted Rate for AGC of Minnesota Members

AGC of Minnesota members can save $100 per unit on the AGC of America Building Information Modeling (BIM) program offered through AGC of Missouri. More information and registration details here.

For information on getting the discounted rate, contact Nancy Lake.
Your Trusted Resource

Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103