We have added a Thursday evening Open Book to our schedule so that bookmakers can meet and work on current projects together. Try it out! Come on Thursday, April 20, to the Christ Lutheran Church classroom to work on your books in progress or discuss what you are planning for Books As Art 2, or work on other bookmaking projects. Our last program meeting in this venue was well received, and everyone found the location convenient.
At this Open Book we foresee an emphasis on projects planned for Books As Art 2, our Guild exhibition of artist books scheduled for June 2017. It's right around the corner!
We look forward to seeing you there!
The first letter press publication of Northwoods Book Arts Guild
The letterpress shop at the Northwoods Book Arts Guild Studio has been in high gear for the last couple of months! By the time you receive this newsletter at least 8, and possibly 9 of the 11 texts will have been set and printed. The printing process has been exciting and very satisfying. Following layouts designed for Imprints several months ago, setters have been at work setting the type. We are using a 14 point Bernhard Fashion font for the texts and 12 point for the authors' names. With every page we find ourselves extolling the elegance of this typeface printed on our beautiful Japanese papers.
Many thanks to our writers: Suzanne Bishop, Bruce Campbell, Susan Campbell, Susheila Khera, Mary Maisch,
Rebecca Morse, Peggy Shumaker, Frank Soos, Connie Stricks, and Karen Stomberg. You have contributed beautiful texts to Imprints!
The next steps of publishing Imprints will begin in June. This phase will focus on producing the images that respond to each of the writings. Guild members have been paired with texts and are already at work finalizing compositions for wood block prints. We will be working over the summer and into early fall to print each image by hand onto each of the text papers. Stay tuned for progress!
The projected date of completion is spring of 2018, giving us enough time to meet the challenges of creating a fine letterpress publication, and involving as many Guild members as possible. We wil be looking for members interested in binding the books once all the folios are complete. We hope you will join us!
Please send questions and/or comments to
The Imprints Committee:
Susan Campbell, Bruce Campbell, Margo Klass, Mary Maisch
Books as Art 2
June 2-30
The time is NOW! It's not too late to design your entries to the Guild's second book arts exhibition. Those who saw the 2014 Books As Art exhibition in the Bear Gallery will not forget its impact. One's idea of "book" was forever changed after seeing how over 40 Alaskan artists exhibited their ideas of what constitutes a book. Plan now to participate in the second show that explores the image and meaning of BOOK. Everyone is invited to enter.
Download more information and the prospectus
Don't forget...
it's time to pay your 2017 Guild dues
Annual dues for 2017 are $30
Dues are payable on line or send check to Guild Treasurer:
Kathy Dietrich
1977 Tall Timbers Dr.
Fairbanks AK 99709
Membership includes placing up to three entries in Books as Art 2
Thank you!
1798 Iniakuk Ave., Fairbanks
Many thanks to Christ Lutheran Church for providing
an alternative venue for our meetings!
A fine selection is available at If Only...a fine store!