Week of December 12, 2021, With St. Martin's
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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to
Christmas Offering
Please consider making a special Christmas offering during this season either in the offertory plate or at
St. Martin's"Adopted" Family
This is your last week to finish your Christmas shopping for our adopted family.  All gifts are to be at the church this Sunday, December 19th. We are encouraging people to wrap their gifts and to attach the “ornament” gift tag you took from the tree. Any unwrapped gifts will be wrapped at the luncheon. The generosity of St. Martin’s parish family has been overflowing and Outreach appreciates all the help you have offered in addition to the gifts. Hope to see you all at the fellowship luncheon where Fr. Rob will bless all of the gifts.
Adult Forum during Advent
Please join us on Sundays from 9:30-10:00 am in the Lady Chapel for the Adult Forum. During Advent, we will be praying the Gospel Reading of the day using the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. No experience is necessary. Come center your mind and heart in Christ as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.
Prayer Requests
  • Marilyn has requested prayers for Andrea, Stephanie, and Alex.
  • She also asks for prayers for her granddaughter, Kelsey.
  • Anne Marie Verdiramo requests prayers for her friend Sarah and mom, Marion, who had surgery.
  • Keep Lauren Jandak in your prayers, that the new regiment of medications controls her Crohn's.
  • Alison is also asking for prayers for her friend Karen who was diagnosed recently with ovarian cancer.

Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at
Episcopal Relief and Development
As you are looking over your Christmas list this year, consider gifting a family in need with a life-giving gift that could transform their lives. You can give a family a chicken, cow, or pig, or help a community have clean water- and you can give the gift in the name of a family member or friend. Check out

Father Rob's Ordination Anniversary
December marks the first anniversary of Father Rob's call to serve St. Martin's as rector. December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, is the 21st anniversary of Fr. Rob's priestly ordination. Please celebrate these anniversaries by praying for God's continued blessings on the people of St. Martin's. May we continue to share God's love and grace in this community.
Pandemic Cookbook
There has been renewed interest in purchasing more copies of the cookbook we created last year. If you are interested buying a copy, please email Alison ASAP so that she can order some from the publisher. 20 copies = $22 per book; 30 copies = $20 per book.
Upcoming Dates
December 19 - 11:30 am Pasta Luncheon with Dropping off of Presents for our Adopted Family and Greening of the Church; 7:00 pm Zoom Fellowship

December 24 -
4 p.m. Family Service: Carols and Communion
8 p.m. Festival Sung Mass of Christ with Incense, Holy Communion with Carols

December 25 - 10:30 Christmas Day  (No 5:30 pm Mass) Low Mass (a simple spoken Mass)

December 26 - 10:30 am (No 8:15 am Mass) Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion

January 16, 2022 - Annual Meeting - There will be a joint Mass at 10:30 am on that weekend, and the meeting will follow the Mass.

Sunday Evening Zoom Meetings during Advent

Advent is the time for quiet preparation of our hearts for the coming of the Lord. In this busy season, it is important to allow time for reflection and peace.

This is the last Sunday to join us at 7 pm via Zoom for a few minutes of fellowship and the sharing of blessings, thanksgivings, and prayers followed by a short Compline service. The Compline service leaflet can be found on the website. Here is the Zoom link and Compline leaflet: 
Altar Guild
This year we are inviting all parishioners to donate towards the costs of these adornments and to participate in the “Greening of the Church” on December 19 after the 10:30 service. Make checks payable to St. Martin’s Episcopal Church and please specify “Christmas Flowers” in the memo section of the check. You can also donate online at
Thank you for your support of St. Martin’s and the Christmas Flower Fund.
RITE 13 in December
Rite 13 will not be meeting on Sundays in the Lady Chapel after Mass. Rite 13 youth are encouraged to help wrap gifts or help green the Church on Sunday, Dec. 19. We will gather again in the Lady Chapel on Sunday, January 2, after the 10:30 am Mass.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or