HOVC Scouter Newsletter | June 9th, 2023

We'd like to give a big SHOUT-OUT to everyone who made our 2023 UP3 events such overwhelming successes - especially Adrienne, our June 7th UP3 MVP! Adrienne helped with set-up and take-down, and worked hard at the Camp Masters Popcorn table all evening. Plus, she was a really good sport! 🌽

Learn more about our fall fundraising!

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Blast Day is Back in 2023!

Sell $2,000 in Popcorn and/or Peanuts in the Product Sale and you can earn your way to the Blast Day Rocket Launch Party! Receive your very own Alpha Flying Model Rocket to build! The event will be held at Cub Adventure Camp in Maidens, VA on December 9, 2023 (rain date December 16, 2023). Also enjoy shooting sports and our climbing tower!

[Register Your Unit] [More Information]

A Scout Shop Sale That Will Knock Your Socks Off!

Be prepared for summer camp! The HOVC Scout Shop has everything you need to be prepared for summer camp. June 12th through 30th, stock up on green Scout socks for just $8.50 per pair, take 15% off all knives (including our brand-new designs), and stock up on your merit badge pamphlets for just $4.75 a piece.

[Visit the Scout Shop]

Adult Leadership Update

Effective September 1, 2023, the following rule goes into effect: All adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult fee required position as listed or as an adult program participant. Registration as a Merit Badge Counselor does not meet this requirement. There are limited exceptions for Cub Scout overnight Programs.

[Read the Full Announcement]

Cub Scout Day Camp

Coming Soon!

You auto know that Cub Scout Day Camp is squealing wheels to a local park near you! Join in on the fun at Deep Run Park from June 26th - 30th or Dorey Park from August 12th - 13th. Good news! REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Visit our page below to sign up.

[Get Set... GO!]

[Volunteers Are Needed!]

Eagle Challenge Brick Orders Due by July 7th!

A great way to honor your Eagle Scout is to sponsor a personally engraved Eagle Brick. The cost is $200 per brick which includes engraving of up to eighteen characters per line (letters, space and punctuation) with a maximum of two lines. To be included in the 2023 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony, brick orders must be received by July 7th, 2023.

[Learn More]

“There’s the stuff you plan—the stuff you work toward, the stuff you aspire to, your desires and wishes. And then there’s things that just happen. And the things that just happen are usually of more intricate design and a higher purpose.”

Michael J. Fox, beloved actor and activist, born this day in 1961

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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Prepared.For Life.