February 5, 2021
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
After the snowfall (Photo Credit: Master Gardeners of Strafford County NH via Instagram)

With some recent snow accumulation over the last week, it is finally feeling more like winter. While many are not excited for the cold, it is great to step outside into a winter wonderland of beautifully snow-covered downtowns and rural neighborhoods . And I'm sure all of you ski (and snowboard) bums are over the moon! 

Here at SRPC, we are making progress with our data snapshot document, which will benefit all our long-range plans; beginning to implement technical assistance programs for regional businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; and just wrapped up CommuteSMART Seacoast's Conquer the Cold Challenge, a commuter challenge we were administering in partnership with the Rockingham Planning Commission. 

In this issue you will find information on the recently released PREP Assessment and complimentary grant funding available, planning events of interest, a save the date for the 2021 NH Coastal Climate Summit, a community spotlight on the Town of Durham, staff news including a baby announcement, kickoff outreach events for our Communities for Healthy Aging Transitions (CHAT) project, some news you may have missed, and community happenings.

Until Next Month, 
Shayna Sylvia 

PREP Launches Data Assessment and Grant Opportunity
Planning Events of Interest
Save the Date: 2021 NH Coastal Climate Summit
Community Spotlight: Town of Durham
Staff News: Baby Annoucement!
Let the CHATting Begin!: Outreach Kick-Off
In Case You Missed It
Community Happenings
SRPC staff meet with OSI as part of their road show meetings with RPCs. (SRPC photo)
A snowy New Durham Town Hall. This photo was taken when SRPC staff delivered Planning and Land Use Handbooks across the region this month. (SRPC photo)
Piscataqua Regional Estuaries Partnership Launches Data Release and Aligned Grant Funding Opportunity
On Monday, Feb. 1, the Piscataqua Regional Estuaries Partnership (PREP) released its 2020 Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment (PREPA). This data is collected with staff support from Southern Maine Planning & Development Commission, Rockingham Planning Commission, Strafford Regional Planning Commission, and Southern NH Regional Planning Commission. Municipal Master/Comprehensive Plans, zoning ordinances, subdivision and site plan review regulations, hazard mitigation plans, open space plans, natural resource inventories, and climate change vulnerability assessments are reviewed as part of this effort to gather information.

The information collected has now been transferred to an extremely useful tool on PREP's websitewhich separates data by theme (shoreland protection, freshwater wetlands, etc.) and by municipality. .

For this data cycle and in conjunction with their report release, PREP has announced a grant opportunity for implementing recommended actions for each community in the watershed. 
Grant proposals are due March 31, 2021 by 4 p.m., for projects up to $10,000. Funds can be used towards achievement of one or more of the proposed actions for their community identified in the 2020 PREPA or an action related to climate vulnerability, adaptation, and/or preparedness. A total of $45,000 is available for projects for 2021-2022. If you are a community that is interesting in applying for this funding source, but need assistance with grant writing, please reach out to Kyle Pimental at as soon as possible. Learn more on the PREP website. I
Planning Events of Interest
PREVIOUS WEBINAR NOW ON DEMAND: “Overview of 2019 - 2020 Municipal Land Use Regulation (MLUR) Survey Results”

The recording of the Office of Strategic Initiatives webinar “Overview of 2019 - 2020 Municipal Land Use Regulation (MLUR) Survey Results”, which was presented on Dec. 9, is now available for viewing on the OSI YouTube Channel.

Main Street After COVID-19: What Do Downtowns Need to Adapt? - Thursday, Mar. 11 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

The Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) has partnered with Jeff Levine, AICP from Levine Strategies, to offer a webinar to present the findings and recommendations of his recent study. The outcome of his work outlines strategies for the next five years and beyond, as identified by small business owners and downtown planning organizations in six small cities in the northeast. This webinar is framed around the questions, what happens long-term with small business after the pandemic, and what will help Main Street survive, adapt, and thrive after the pandemic? 

The cost is $25 for NNECAPA members, and $35 for non-members. Register online.

Virtual Resiliency Academy for Small Business and Communities - April 7 & 21, May 5 & 19, and June 2 from 9 – 11 a.m.

UNH Extension and NH Small Business Development Center (SBDC) are partnering to offer a virtual Resiliency Academy, bringing together small businesses and community leaders to focus on the intersection of small business and community resiliency.

Academy sessions will include opportunities to learn from practitioners, municipal staff, business owners and experts through case studies, presentations, discussions and Q&A sessions. In addition, Resiliency Academy includes Regional Discussions, Regional Business Cohorts and the opportunity for businesses to receive advising from SBDC advisors.

Resiliency Academy will explore:
  • Resiliency planning and business retention   
  • Defining and measuring resilience    
  • Value and Supply Chains         
  • Workforce Needs and Quality of Life            
  • Communications and Cybersecurity
  • Innovation, Sustainability and Partnerships

View the flyer to learn more. The trainings are free due to funding through the EDA CARES Act. Register online.
Save the Date: 2021 NH Coastal Climate Summit
Community Spotlight
The Town of Durham recently submitted a commitment letter to participate in the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) initiative, joining thousands of other local governments around the world currently engaged in climate leadership. This decision was made on behalf of the town with the affirmative recommendation of the Durham Energy Committee.

In the letter submitted to the GCoM, the town pledged to, "implement policies and undertake measures to: (i) reduce / avoid greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, (ii) prepare for the impacts of climate change, (iii) increase access to sustainable energy, and (iv) track progress toward these objectives." The town also listed out objectives to complete over the course of the next three years. The letter of commitment can be viewed here.

Also in exciting news, Durham's Living Shoreline Project at Wagon Hill Farm was recently highlighted in a series of videos filmed last summer by the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GBNERR) and UNH. Steve Miller, former Coastal Training Program Coordinator with the GBNERR, should be recognized for his role in coming up with the idea, organizing the team, and for posting the videos. 

Spectators can view the full "field trip" (about 22 mins), or view smaller segments including the intro, site assessment, and design.

Stay tuned for a NHDES Coastal Program webinar this spring to showcase the field trip with a Q&A. 
Staff News
Senior Transportation Planner Colin Lentz Welcomes Baby Oliver

On Jan. 16 senior transportation planner Colin Lentz and his wife Josie welcomed Oliver Bryant Lentz-Earle. Weighing in at 5 lbs and 10 ounces, Ollie is baby #1 for the new parents. Please join us in congratulating Colin and Josie!
Planning and GIS Staffers Welcome New Fur Babies

Did you know pandemic puppies (and kittens) were a thing?! In October GIS Planner Jackson Rand adopted a kitten and name him Vinny Casparino, and just this week regional planner Stefanie Casella brought home Maple! Congrats to these new pet parents as well!
Recent Staff Milestones

James Burdin, senior regional planner, recently celebrated four years at SRPC in January.

This month marks equity and engagement planner Nancy O'Connor's fourth year at SRPC.
Let the CHATting Begin!
The Communities for Healthy Aging Transitions (CHAT) project team is kicking off outreach this month with two meetings scheduled for February. CHAT is funded by TUFTS Health Plan and seeks to engage regional communities to foster diverse, equitable, inclusive, livable environments where people can grow and thrive, regardless of age.

Input is vital to CHAT as the project team seeks to determine communities' strengths and opportunities in response to providing a high quality of life for all ages.
Durham Community Zoom Forum on Feb. 18 at 7:00 p.m.

SRPC will host its first municipal outreach event for CHAT on Feb. 18 with the Town of Durham.

Scheduled for 75 min, this community Zoom forum will allow for SRPC to hear from the people that know Durham best, those that live and work in town.

SRPC will lead participants through an exercise in small break out group, and then reconvene to reflect and complete a live polling exercise.

This event is to gather feedback about Durham's strengths towards and opportunities for providing inclusive, welcoming, supportive, and healthy environments for people of all ages.

Register online.
SRPC February Commission Meeting on Feb. 25 at 3:45 p.m.

Following an introductory presentation on CHAT, and a complimentary presentation by AARP NH's state director Todd Fahey, SRPC staff will lead an interactive activity to gather feedback for its CHAT project.

Commissioners and guests will be asked to share their input surrounding the question, "What does your community provide to support an inclusive, welcoming, supportive, and healthy environment for people of all ages?”

This will be completed in an interactive exercise using Zoom breakout rooms, and a live polling activity.

Register for the meeting online.
In Case You Missed It
SRPC Launches ArcOnline Sea Level Rise Impacts Map
In the Jan. 22 edition of Bits and Pieces we shared that SRPC GIS planner Jackson Rand finalized our Sea Level Rise Impacts map viewer. This online mapping tool shows various scenarios of projected sea level rise and its impact to transportation infrastructure and community infrastructure. 

View the map here.
NHDES Shared Information on Municipal Electric Vehicle Purchasing
Did you know that municipalities, school systems, and some non-profits can purchase electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and other higher fuel-economy vehicles off the NH state contract?

To see the vehicles available, check out the 2021 Vehicle Index. Learn more in the published announcement

View information here.
Community Happenings
Wentworth Greenhouses Winter Farmers Market

Feb. 6 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The Seacoast Local’s winter farmers market at the Wentworth Greenhouses will take place this Saturday, Feb. 6.

Markets this year look different due to the changes made to keep sellers and customers as safe as possible.

Seacoast Eat Local is strongly recommending that customers make an appointment to attend the market, though it is not mandatory,

Learn more about the market, and procedures online.
Valentine's Brunch at the Sassy Biscuit

Feb. 14. from
7 a.m. - 1 p.m.

The Sassy Biscuit in Dover will be holding Valentine's Brunch on Sunday, Feb. 14.

They will be donating 10% of the proceeds from the special valentine's brunch menu to the Dover Children's Home.

Learn more on the Facebook event page.
Snowman Slam Demolition Derby

Feb. 20 at noon

Heat up Winter with a Demo Derby!

First in history in the northeast, The Snowman Slam will take the classic Rochester Fair favorite, the demolition derby, to the snow at the Rochester Fairgrounds on Feb. 20 at noon. 

Masks are mandatory per the Rochester Board of Health.
Gates open at noon and the action starts at 1pm.

Admission is just $10.00 and $5.00 for children 5 years old and under. Registration starts at 9am. Registration is $30.00 and pit passes are $15.00.

Event and rules are posted at

Learn more online.