The Triple 5 Trail Series returns with a new spin for 2022. We are keeping what you liked last year and making improvements based on your feedback.
The series will move to Tuesday evenings at 6:15pm – May 10, 17, and 24.
Each week you will complete a 5 mile course at Munroe Falls Metro Park. The uphill finish was not popular last year, so we're eliminating that and looking for ways to freshen up the course each week.
Each race will conclude with a raffle of unwrapped prizes. Bib numbers will be chosen randomly after all participants have completed the course.
Series awards will be given after the final race. Each race is scored according to your finish time, with bonus points earned when you beat your finish time from the previous race.
Hoodies and pint glasses will be back this year, and finish line food and drinks will be improved.
Registration is open. Are you ready to hit the jackpot?