November 22, 2021
Dear Friends,

Last week, I announced nearly $2 million in funding for enhanced mental health services in our schools during my State of the County Address. In partnership with the Horizon Foundation, The Kahlert Foundation, and the Howard County Public School System, all 78 public schools will have direct access to a social worker.  

We know how important mental health is to our overall wellbeing, which is why we're committed to this long-term investment for our students, educators and schools.

Read more here.
Community Updates
A Note of Gratitude

As we prepare to gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I want to convey my gratitude to each and every one of you. The last year has been tough for many of us. Together, we have seen uncertainty, despair, and grief. However, we have also seen resilience, grace, and neighbors lending a helping hand to one another. 

This pandemic has been hard. However, Howard County’s progress for our diverse community has been a collaborative effort. Together, we have helped sustain our community throughout one of the most challenging periods in our world’s history.

This Thanksgiving, I extend my thanks to you. Progress cannot be made alone, and I'm grateful to walk this journey together. I wish you a happy, safe, and restful Thanksgiving with your loved ones!
State of the County

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, our resilience has never wavered. Though we are not immune to challenging times, the state of Howard County remains strong. Last week, I was honored to deliver my 2021 State of the County Address where we discussed the progress made in Howard County, through adversity.

Read more about my address in this Baltimore Sun article. Watch the full speech here.
COVID-19 Update

As of 9:00 a.m. today, our 7-day average positivity rate is 3.19% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is 12.9. There are currently 3 COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care units. Already, as the weather cools and more folks are gathering indoors, we’ve seen an uptick in our case rates. This holiday week, please continue to be vigilant with mitigation measures and encourage those who remain unvaccinated to get their shot. If you develop COVID symptoms, please stay home and get tested.

As winter approaches, it’s vital to have a highly vaccinated community. Fully vaccinated adults are now eligible for booster shots. If you are not yet vaccinated, please roll up your sleeve and get your shot. According to the Maryland Department of Health, Howard County continues to be a leader in the state with our COVID-19 vaccination rates – with 96.5% of residents 12 and older receiving at least one dose of a vaccine.

To find a COVID-19 vaccine clinic near you, including those offering booster and children’s shots, visit, call 410-313-6284, or contact your medical provider. 
Vaccine Clinics - Including those for 5-11 y/o

Howard County has more than 31,000 residents ages 5 to 11, and getting this group vaccinated is another step towards ending this pandemic. We have been a leader in the state in our vaccination rates – with 95.6% of those 12+ with at least one dose and nearly 75% of our total population with at least one dose – and we are not stopping any time soon.

Vaccine clinics for our youngest, those between the ages of 5 and 11, are NOW available. For more information, and to register for an appointment, please click here.

Additionally, Howard County General Hospital is also offering vaccine clinics to residents. For more information on their efforts, please click here.
Time for a Boost!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently approved COVID-19 booster shots for all residents 18 years-old and older. Residents who have received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine can now receive a booster dose at least six months after their second dose. Residents who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine have already been approved for a booster dose at least two months after their initial shot.
The Howard County Health Department has appointments available for residents who wish to receive any form of a COVID-19 vaccine. To learn more, please visit
COVID-19 Testing

If you have:
  • recently been to a large gathering or around someone who has attended a large gathering
  • concerned that you've been exposed to COVID-19
  • or are showing symptoms

I strongly encourage you to get tested as soon as possible. Please remember that it is possible to have COVID-19 and not have any symptoms.

For more information, please click here.
Helping Our School Bus Drivers

I am pleased that the Board of Education has approved needed compensation to these employees who are providing a critical service to our County. I’m glad to have worked with the School System, in providing the $2 million needed to ensure incentive pay and bonuses.

I support continued conversation with the Board of Education to develop a mutually agreeable solution that ensures appropriate compensation timing, while preventing further interruptions in service for our children and families.
Support Our Small Businesses!

As you work your way through your holiday shopping list, remember the best products and services are found at our small, local businesses.
This #SmallBusinessSaturday, November 27th is a great time to shop small and see the power of your dollars support our community.
Let's Play Ball!

I was glad to join the Howard County Branch NAACP #7020 and the Howard County Police Department for their 3rd Annual Community Pre-Thanksgiving Flag Football Game.

This year, the teams also included some of our students from Homewood. It’s wonderful to see our community come together as the holiday season begins. Special thank you to Willie Flowers and Jim Marshall for leading the effort on bringing this event into fruition.
Best Wishes to Delegate McIntosh!

Maryland is so grateful to have dedicated, passionate, and committed leaders who serve on behalf of all residents. It was bittersweet news to hear the retirement of my dear friend, Delegate Maggie McIntosh. As Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, Del. McIntosh championed transformative legislation that impacted every Marylander. 

Her leadership on the Marriage Equality Referendum, healthcare, education, the environment, and even bringing funding to flood mitigation projects right in our backyard, has made her a tremendous advocate statewide. By the end of her term next year, she will have served her constituents and our great state for 30 years. We sincerely wish her all the best.
Lending a Helping Hand

During the last year, many members of our community experienced food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was pleased to join Lisbon Elementary Principal Debra Anoff and Lisbon Elementary School PTA President Cathy Datz for their 4th Annual Community Night where we put together 250 food baskets to help address food insecurity for our neighbors in need. 

Thank you for all you do for our families, which makes a difference in the lives of so many. Together, we can ensure no one feels alone this holiday season.
Launching Career Pathways

To culminate National Apprenticeship Week, I spent time with many of our partners who run apprenticeship programs in the County. We are fortunate to have so many organizations and businesses working together to provide jobs, training, and hands-on learning for our apprentices.

Partners like Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc. - IEC. BoMark Electric, SCD Information Technology, IBEW LOCAL 24 BALTIMORE MD., Glenelg Construction, Howard County Public School System, Howard Community College, and Howard County Office of Workforce Development are working together to launch career pathways and give our residents opportunities to live their best lives.
Helping Our Agriculture Thrive

As the fifth largest economic driver in Howard County, agriculture plays a vital role in our community and our Farm Bureau is critical to providing a voice and improving the quality of life for our farmers. Over the last 20 months, our farmers and agriculturists have remained resilient throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to put food on our tables, and we couldn’t be more grateful. 

I was so glad to join the Howard County Farm Bureau and our Future Farmers for America last night for their Annual Dinner to thank them for their commitment to our community. Special thank you to the Farm Bureau President Leslie Bauer for her leadership to promote and protect our agriculture and rural life. We will continue our work together to ensure that Howard County’s agriculture continues to thrive.
Providing Solar Power

We’re continuing our work earnestly to remain a regional environmental leader, and are so excited that solar panels are going up on Howard County’s new circuit courthouse! Once completed, this project will provide nearly 60% of the building’s power and reduce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to planting 13,000 trees. 

The courthouse install is the first of 11 sites in Howard County’s groundbreaking solar project that will generate enough energy to power more than 50% of the County government’s energy usage. This project was funded by an innovative power purchase agreement with CIRenewables that creates long term electric savings for Howard County with no capital investment.

Learn more here.
Get Ready for Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches and residents begin preparing for family dinners, it’s important that we continue to support our local farms and businesses. Howard County is home to many farm stores which provide local produce and proteins. 

This holiday season, I encourage us all to shop local, support our small farms, and enjoy locally grown and nurtured food sources.
Achieving HoCo Higher

Small businesses are the economic engine that pushes Howard County forward and help our community thrive. HoCo Higher has helped entrepreneurs, especially those who are traditionally underserved, reach new heights and access important resources and support structures. 

I joined the inaugural class of the HoCo Higher Program to celebrate their completion of the program and recognize the winners of the pitch competition. Congratulations to the winner, as recognized in this video, Tocar Spa and finalists HoCo Pirate Adventures!, Mosquito Hunters, Pest Control, UPL!FT!, and Sheri Koller Consulting. 

We’re thrilled with this inaugural class of innovators, who have come together and really put forward new, thoughtful ideas that we’re excited to see come to life.
Thanking Our Scouts

I was pleased to join Boy Scout Troop 333, Den 7 as they learned more about local government. We had a wonderful discussion about the role of the County Executive, how we work together for our community, and our favorite places to visit in Howard County - like the Robinson Nature Center. 

Under the leadership of Abby Bolisay, I’m certain that our scouts will continue to make an incredible impact for generations to come.
A New Park in Savage!

Howard County is known for our amazing parks and outdoor spaces, and this new playground at Savage Park continues that tradition. It’s so vital that as we maintain and upgrade our facilities we are building structures and parks that are inclusive and meet the needs of children of all ages and abilities. 

Watch this video for a birds-eye view of the brand new, inclusive playground.
Government Updates
Thanksgiving Holiday Closures
Howard County Government offices, 50+ centers, courts, animal shelter, Recreation & Parks’ community and athletic centers, activity rooms and historic sites, and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed this Thursday, November 25th in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. As there will be no curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap collection on Thanksgiving Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect for the remainder of the week. County park gates will be open on the 25th; however, there will be no staff on duty.
County government offices, 50+ centers, courts, historic sites and animal shelter will remain closed this Friday, November 26th; however, county parks and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will re-open. Also, while Recreation & Parks community and athletic centers and activity rooms will be closed on the 26th to the general public, they will be open for scheduled special or permit-approved events that day.
The Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) buses will not run on Thanksgiving Day; however, they will resume a regular weekday schedule on Friday, November 26th. For more information on RTA services, call 1-800-270-9553 or visit Also, parking fees will not be enforced on November 25th, but will be in effect on the 26th.
The 9-1-1 Center, Police and Fire departments remain staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, call 9-1-1 and for non-emergencies, call 410-313-2200. 
County operations will resume on Monday, November 29th at regular business hours. As a reminder, all employees and the public are currently required to wear masks upon entry to county government buildings, and throughout common areas, including elevators, stairwells, and/or meetings with other employees or visitors.
Department of Community Resources and Services
Medicare Open Enrollment Now Open
Open Enrollment for Medicare’s 2022 health and prescription drug plans is now open, running through December 7th. During this time, Medicare beneficiaries are able to add, drop or switch their plans. Residents who are in need of assistance with reviewing their Medicare Prescription Drug coverage options are encouraged to contact DCRS’ State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) team. To schedule a remote counseling appointment by phone with a certified SHIP counselor, call 410-313-7392 (voice/relay) today. 
Scam Warning for Veterans
According to the Federal Trade Commission, the financial loss from fraud and scams is higher for veterans than current service members or civilians. This Veteran’s Month, DCRS’ Office of Consumer Protection is warning veterans of common scams and phishing attempts with vet-focused twists:
  1. Veterans are told they qualify for money from “secret” government programs, but first must pay a fee or provide personal information.
  2. Scammers may offer cash upfront in exchange for (much higher) future disability or pension payments.
  3. Con artists attempt to charge veterans for access to their service records or for government forms. This information is available for FREE from the US. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or the National Archives. 
Veterans should be wary of any unsolicited callers purporting to be from the VA asking for personal information, offering help to increase benefits or access government programs. For more information, visit
November is National Family Caregivers Month
Coordinated by the Caregiver Action Network, the theme of this year’s National Family Caregivers Month is “#CaregiverAnd.” This year’s theme encourages family caregivers to celebrate all the roles and responsibilities which make their lives complete. Caring for others, while juggling the demands of family, home and work life can be overwhelming, that's why it's oh so important for caregivers to incorporate components of self-care into their daily routines to prevent burnout and depression.
As part of National Family Caregivers Month, DCRS’s Office on Aging & Independence’s (OAI) Caregiver Support Program will present a virtual webinar for caregivers, “Explaining the Process: How OAI Supports Our Caregivers, Our Heroes,” on Tuesday, November 30th from 10 a.m. to noon. Participants will learn more about caregiver support options offered through OAI's Home and Community-Based Services, including: Caregiver Support Program; Maryland Access Point; Community Living Program; Senior Care; Medicaid Supports Planning Unit; and Assisted Living and Nursing Home Placements. To register for this FREE event, visit
For more questions and/or more information, please contact DCRS’s OAI Caregiver Support Program Manager Kathy Wehr at 410-313-5955 (voice/relay) or email
Virtual 50+EXPO
DCRS’ Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is a proud sponsor of the Beacon Virtual 50+EXPO, an online event which features an interactive website with information and resources geared to older adults. Now through January 31st, visitors can access content on demand 24 hours a day from Log on anytime to visit more than 100 exhibitors and sponsors, including OAI's Bronze-level sponsors, Lorien Health and Maryland Vascular Specialists; engage with speakers; attend online classes; and enjoy a wide variety of entertainment.
Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Keeping Your Loved One’s Safe in the Kitchen this Thanksgiving
Our kitchens can be the heart of our home. However, they can also be the cause of fires and unnecessary fire deaths, especially when we leave our cooking unattended. This is especially important to be aware of during the holiday season, as Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day, the day before Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas Eve according to the National Fire Protection Association.
In 2018, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,630 home cooking fires on Thanksgiving. To keep you, your loved ones and home safe this Thanksgiving, DFRS is offering up these kitchen safety tips:

  1. Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, broiling, grilling or boiling food. If you leave the kitchen for even a short time, turn off the stove.
  2. Keep anything that can catch fire – oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or curtains – away from the stovetop.
  3. Be on alert! If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, do not use the stove or stovetop.
  4. Stay in the home when cooking your turkey and check on it frequently.
  5. Never leave children alone in a room with a lit candle. Consider switching to electric candles.
  6. Keep lighters and matches out of reach of children – up high in a locked cabinet.
  7. Make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are working, test them by pushing the test button and remember to change the batteries when you change your clocks for daylight saving time.
  8. Keep knives out of reach of children.
  9. Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids. The steam or splash from vegetables, gravy or coffee could cause serious burns.
  10. Keep children and pets away from the stove. The stove will be hot so create a three feet kid/pet free zone.
Howard County Health Department
General Public Members Sought for Board of Health
Calling all members of the general public, if you are interested in serving on the County’s Board of Health – who is responsible for the health and sanitary interests of the people of Howard County, I implore you to apply today. Comprised of 11 members, the Board must include: one environmental health professional; three health professionals, one which may be a veterinarian; and seven members from the general public. Those representing the general public must meet one of the following qualifications provided that not more than three meet the same qualification: 

  • at least two may not have professional or administrative training in the health occupations; 
  • at least two may have had professional or administrative training in the health occupations, but have not worked as a health professional in the past five years; 
  • at least one shall have professional experience in mental health; and 
  • at least one shall have professional experience in substance use disorders.
To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be Howard County residents, 18 years of age or older, have an interest in public health and be able to attend the Board’s meetings. With the exception of December, July and August, Board meetings are currently behind held virtually on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. 
If interested in apply, please send your resume and brief letter explaining why you want to serve on the Board to Kimberly Pruim either by email to or by mail to: Howard County Government, Office of the County Executive, Attn: Kimberly Pruim, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043. The names of eligible applicants will be submitted to the County Executive for approval and then to the County Council for confirmation. The deadline to apply is next Wednesday, November 24th.
Request COVID-19 Vaccination Records
Misplaced your COVID-19 Vaccination Card? Never fear! You can easily request your vaccination records the Maryland Department of Health’s “Maryland MyIR” website. Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows residents to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Financial Aid Available for Those Needing Assistance to Pay Past Due Rent and Utility Bills
If you are in need of rent relief and utility assistance, the County has received an additional $7.7 million in grant funding from the U.S. Treasury’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). Assistance is available for Howard County residents experiencing a loss of income, reduction in earnings, medical illness or had to care for family due to COVID-19. The funding can be used to pay past due rent and utility expenses for up to 18 months. Residents that have received assistance previously are eligible to apply for additional assistance from this funding up to a total of 18 months assistance. Our Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is encouraging all residents with COVID-related household income losses to contact one of the non-profit providers as soon as possible to bring rent and utility accounts current and avoid eviction. For details on how to apply, visit DHCD’s "COVID-19 Housing Information" website.
This latest funding is in addition to the previous $9.7 million in grants from the ERAP I announced back in March, which as of October 1st, has assisted 719 households in need.
For homeowners, while this additional funding only supports rental and utility assistance, last month I announced $2 million in American Rescue Plan funding to assist struggling homeowners and prevent foreclosures in Howard County. Homeowners that have fallen behind on their mortgage payments are also encouraged to visit DHCD’s "COVID-19 Housing Information" website for details and an application.
Office of Human Rights and Equity
Native American Heritage Month Lunch & Learn: “Two Spirits: Native & Black Intersectionality”
Finally, in continuation of its series exploring intersectionality, our Office of Human Rights and Equity’s (OHRE) will wrap up its celebration of Native American Heritage Month with a virtual Lunch & Learn: “Two Spirits: Native & Black Intersectionality,” featuring Karelle Hall, a Black and Native American PhD Candidate studying Anthropology at Rutgers University. Hall will present on the history and experience of those who racially and ethnically identify as Native and Black American. Hall’s presentation will be feature on OHRE’s Facebook page and the County’s YouTube channel this Wednesday, November 24th at noon. 
The Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission Video Audition Casting Call
The Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Holiday Commission is seeking Howard County student performers to participate in its annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Celebration on Sunday, January 16, 2022. The Commission is looking for actors, dancers, singers, poets, MCs and more. If you are a county elementary through high school student and would like to participate in the Commission’s upcoming MLK celebration, I encourage you to submit a three-minute video to, along with your signed application form (available on the Commission’s website), by no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 6th.
Kwanzaa Celebration
I invite you to join myself, OHRE and the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks on Tuesday, December 28th at 6:00 p.m. at the Owen Brown Interfaith Center in Columbia, for a Kwanzaa Celebration. With inspirational speeches and musical performances, we will explore the creativity, self-determination and faith of Black people during this annual holiday celebration. If joining us in person, we ask that your please register as seating is limited; however, if you will be joining us virtually, you can watch the program live on OHRE’s Facebook page.
Department of Public Works - Construction Report
Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.
Ellicott City

  • Upper Little Patuxent Parallel Sewer Extension Project (Capital Project S-6274) – Project to increase sewer capacity in the 4000 block of Woodland Road, with the installation of approximately 2,500 linear feet of 36-inch sewer to provide adequate sewer capacity to the area. Additionally, manholes, structures and miscellaneous appurtenances will be installed. The project is not expected to impact traffic flow. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late December 2022.
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Department of Public Works' Bureau of Environmental Services
Holiday Slide Schedule in Effect This Week
Reminder, the County’s holiday slide schedule WILL BE in effect the remainder of this week as the Thanksgiving Day holiday is one of the six holidays that affects the County’s curbside trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap collection services. As a result, there will be NO curbside collection on Thursday, November 25th and Thursday’s collection will slide to Friday and Friday to Saturday.
Household Hazardous Waste Season Ends November 27th
REMINDER: The Bureau’s final Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) day for the 2021 is on Saturday, November 27th. While the HHW season normally runs from April through November, the Bureau does plan to offer special Saturday collections during the winter off-season. Stay tuned to the Bureau’s HHW website for details. The 2022 HHW season will reopen on the first Saturday in April.
Department of Recreation and Parks
Recreation & Parks’ First-Ever Reindeer Games
Families come join Recreation & Parks’ for its first-ever Reindeer Games on Friday, December 10th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Roger Carter Community Center. Geared towards children six to 11 years old, come play games, dance, create a craft, drink hot chocolate and maybe even win a prize during this enchanting evening. While the event is FREE, preregistration is required to participate. Attendees are also encouraged to bring a canned food to donate to the local food bank.
“Ain’t Too Proud – The Life and Times of The Temptations” Trip
Mark your calendar and join Recreation & Parks on December 19th, as its Trips and Tours team travels by bus to The Kennedy Center for “Ain’t Too Proud – The Life and Times of The Temptations.” This electrifying new musical follows The Temptations' extraordinary journey from the streets of Detroit to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. This thrilling story of brotherhood, family, loyalty and betrayal is set to the beat of the group's well-known hits, including “My Girl,” “Just My Imagination,” “Get Ready,” “Papa Was a Rolling Stone” and so many more. Tickets are $159 and can be purchased by clicking HERE. The Kennedy Center now requires that patrons present their vaccination card for admittance.
Holiday Train Gardens are Coming to a Museum and Community Center Near You
This holiday season, I invite you to stop by our Baltimore and Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum and Gary J. Arthur Community Center for this year’s train garden spectacular displays!
The train garden at the Baltimore and Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum will feature train models set up throughout the museum, including in the museum’s year-round exhibit in the Freight House. This free event is open to all ages from November 26th through January 2nd, during museum hours.
After visiting the Baltimore and Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum’s train garden, I invite you to stop by the train display at our Gary J. Arthur Community Center, brought to us by train enthusiast Dennis Moore. This year’s layout features four, continuously operating trains through an 8 x 8 foot scenic garden. Visitors of all ages can enjoy an interactive exhibit of accessories and sounds. This train garden is also free to all and open during the center’s operating hours from November 29th through January 7th.
We Want Your Input!
Our Department of Recreation & Parks is seeking your input Howard County for its Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan (LPPRP), a comprehensive plan produced every five years that guides the department on key issues, trends and plans for managing and enhancing the systems of preserved public lands, parks and recreation facilities. To learn more about the LPPRP or to provide your input, click HERE.
Office of Transportation
Feedback Still Being Accepted for Proposed Bike Lanes on Guilford Road, Gerwig Lane and Patuxent Woods Drive
Our Office of Transportation is still seeking public comment on its proposed bike lanes on Guilford Road, Gerwig Lane and Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia. Improvements include bike lanes and sharrows along segments of these roadways. To learn more about this project and/or to share your feedback with Transportation via a short survey, visit the project webpage today. Please note, the deadline for public comment is next Wednesday, November 24th.
If you have questions or require reasonable accommodations to participate in this event, please email Transportation at or call 410-313-4312. Accommodations requests must be made at least five business days before the event.
This project supports the County’s Complete Streets policy, as well as implements portions of Howard County’s Bicycle Master Plan, BikeHoward. 
Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia Survey
As part of the development of its Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia (DTC), the Office of Transportation is working with the Downtown Columbia Partnership to survey those who live, work and play in DTC. The purpose of the survey to develop a better understanding of the transportation needs and assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel patterns of those who live, work and play and this area. Your responses will help Transportation design new transportation options and strategies to address current needs as well as into the post-COVID period. To take the survey, click HERE.
Proposed Bike Lanes on Harpers Farm Road Public Meeting
During its current road resurfacing effort, the County is proposing to implement the recommendations of the Howard County Bicycle Master Plan for bike lanes on portions of Harpers Farm Road in Columbia.
To learn more about this proposed project and to provide your feedback, I invite you to join our Office of Transportation for a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, December 7th from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. To register for the meeting, click HERE.
Following the December 7th meeting, Transportation will also accepting feedback via a brief survey through December 21st that will be available on the project website.
If you have further questions about this proposed project, require reasonable accommodations to participate in this event or need the contents of this flyer in an alternate format, please contact our Office of Transportation at 410-313-4312 or email at least five business days before the event.