Symptomatic testing for Nova Scotia Health care workers 1-833-750-0632
The SHORT Report
Happy Holidays!
Member Updates
- Welcome
- Farewell
- Recruitment
- Interim Division Head
Feature - Did You Know?
- Dr. Stephen Phillips, Stroke Neurologist and Photographer
- 2022 Internal Medicine Chief Residents Announced
- QEII Mitral Valve Clip Implant Team including Cardiologists Drs. Osama Elkhateeb and Doug Hayami recognized
- Dr. Stacey Northgrave, Dermatologist, honoured by Doctors Nova Scotia
- Dr. Lisa Barrett wins Science Champion Award
- 2021 Young Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Ian Epstein
- 2021 MHMA Mentorship Development Grant - Dr. Lori Connors
- EPUB in American Diabetes Association Journal - Diabetes Care - Rachel Warren
- Making Waves Outstanding Research Award - Dr. Ratika Parkash
- Making Waves Early Career / Emerging Researcher Award - Dr. Karthik Tennankore
- Making Waves Leadership Excellence Award - Physician Leader - Dr. Todd Hatchette
- 2021 Everest Canadian Seniors Curling Championships - Bronze Medals - Mary Sue Radford
DoM Inpatient Billing
- Changes accommodate two new fee codes
Upcoming Events
- December 12 - And the winner is - Sachin Seth, Holiday Star Baker!
- December 14 - MTU Holiday Blanket Donation - Last day to donate!
- December - Ho Ho Ho Hold the Holiday Party Festivities!
- January 7 - Call for Nominations - DoM Research Awards
- January 14 - Departmental Killam Scholarship
- January 24 - Call for Abstracts - DoM Research Week 2022
- February 11 - Volunteers for Faculty Committees
- Nova Scotia Cases
- Monthly timeline
Quick Reference / Recurring Content
Hi everyone,
Welcome to our December edition of the DoM newsletter. It is hard to believe another year is coming to a close. As we celebrate our successes and reflect on our challenges, I look forward to continuing to grow and develop together, in the new year.
We have made it through a full calendar year with COVID and I am thankful for the work each of you has done to sustain us through this. We are navigating a challenging world right now and I know many of you are tired from the sustained pressures you experience each day.
Although we could not celebrate together again this year, we can celebrate the spirit of giving through the Department’s donations to Feed Nova Scotia, Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia, Shelter Nova Scotia and United Way Halifax.
I know I have said it often before, but it is so important for all of us to be intentional and find some time to re-energize over the holidays. A great way to refill your resilience bank is to do something you find meaningful. Acts of Kindness are a great and easy way to do this.
I challenge all of you to do something nice for someone else over the next few days – a little kindness goes a long way.
My holiday wish for all of you is to set aside some time to spend with friends and family (COVID rules applied).
I look forward to working with all of you in 2022.
Take Care,
Christine Short, MD, FRCP(C), FACP
Associate Professor & Head/Chief, Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University / Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health
We welcome the following members to their new positions:
Allysa Robinson joined the Division of Respirology, Education Program Assistant on December 2.
Danielle Lowe joined the Division of General Internal Medicine on December 6 as Administrative Assistant to Drs. Mary Malebranche, Kyle McCoy, Chinmoy Chowdhury, Brent Culligan, Babar Haroon, Paul Charlebois.
Anee Mendoza is moving from General Internal Medicine to the Division of Cardiology on December 13 as Administrative Assistant.
We are grateful for having these team members in our department. We say farewell and best wishes to:
Leah Day, Division of Medical Oncology, Education Program Assistant has left the Department and is moving on to a Team Lead Role in ER within Nova Scotia Health as of November 26, 2021. We wish her well in her new endeavour.
Dr. Stephen Phillips, Division of Neurology, is retiring as of December 31, 2021. A department member since January 1988, Dr. Phillips, is an esteemed Stroke Neurologist and we thank him for his significant contributions during his career. We wish Steve well in the next phase of his life. Check out his photography skills below.
Kathryn McIlrath, DoM Physician Resource Officer, will be leaving the department after 12 years on January 7 for a new opportunity at Dal.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Neil Finkle as the interim head, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine effective November 15, 2021. This is a one-year appointment.
Dr. Finkle received his medical degree from the University of Manitoba in 1995 and obtained his subspecialty training in Nephrology from Dalhousie in 2000. Dr. Finkle has been a member of the Division for the past 21 years and is currently an Associate Professor. Throughout his career, Neil has held various leadership roles and chaired or been a member of many committees both locally and nationally, focused on advancing education in nephrology, quality, and public advocacy and awareness around Kidney Disease. Neil is currently the Program Director for the Nephrology Residency Training Program. Previous leadership roles also held by Neil include, Clerkship Director for the Department of Medicine (2006-2013), as well as Head of the Med 2 GGM (GI-GU-MSK) Unit. Neil has also served as the Medical Director of the Peritoneal Dialysis Program for mainland NS and PEI from 2003-2015 and the Chair of the Peritoneal Quality of Care Team for the former Capital District Health Authority from 2006-2015. Lastly, Neil currently serves as the Atlantic Representative on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Society of Nephrology.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Ken West for leading the Division of Nephrology over the past 10 years.
Please join us in welcoming Neil to this role.
A message from:
Dr. Christine Short, Head, Department of Medicine, Central Zone
Dr. Todd Howlett, Executive Medical Director, Central Zone
Starting September 2021, we launched a feature called "Did You Know?" The purpose of this feature is to celebrate what our members do when they are not at work. It takes many unique individuals to make up a great Department and we really want to share those special stories with everyone. We welcome all members to share their accomplishments. Email: with your story.
Dr. Stephen Phillips, Stroke Neurologist and Photographer
"My photos were hit and miss until 2010 when I began taking courses with Eric Boutilier-Brown ( My skills and confidence have since grown so that my photography has transitioned from a solitary pursuit to a more social one involving sharing my pictures with others.
I now have an appreciation of the difference between looking and seeing, and the creation of captivating images. The large canvas prints on the walls of the 7.4 Acute Neurology Unit at the Halifax Infirmary have generated lots of positive feedback, and the QEII Foundation helped set up a way for patients and families to acquire their own prints while making a donation to the Acute Stroke Team Trust Fund, which is mainly used to support education activities.
The top two faves shown here came about in quite different ways; the Côtes du Rhône Poppies were spotted and snapped within seconds (had to get back on the tour bus!), whereas the Lighthouse Moon involved a tripod, careful set up, and a wait for the right moment.
Photography has been a rewarding counterbalance to my work life – the combination of the creative and the technical is very absorbing and satisfying. I particularly enjoy the post-processing; it’s amazing what you can do with a raw image file in Adobe Lightroom!
Retirement will hopefully allow me to take things further. I’m looking forward to making more beautiful images of the people and places around me."
Dr. Stephen Phillips
Division of Neurology
2022 Internal Medicine Chief Residents Announced
Please join me in welcoming our 2022 Chief Residents for the Core Internal Medicine Program. It was a tough day of decisions for our panel, the applicant pool was strong and we are so grateful to have such leadership and teamwork amongst our group here. Thank you to all who stepped forward.
Program Co-Chiefs:
Dr. Hayam Hamodat
Dr. Alex Nachman
MTU Chief Halifax:
Dr. Jordan Thorne
Saint John Chief:
Dr. Cameron Ashe
MTU Chief Saint John:
Dr. Natasha Larivee
December will be our handover month with new chiefs officially taking the roles January 1, 2022 until December 31, 2022.
Have a great day everyone!
Katie Barkhouse
Manager-Education, Program Administrator | Administration | Department of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University – Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health
Thank you!
A huge thank you to our outgoing chiefs - you made this year a great one:
Dr. Peter Gregory
Dr. Suzanne Boursalie
Dr. Steven Morrison
Dr. Shannon Rasmussen
Dr. Rachael Chan
QEII Mitral Valve Clip Implant Team including Cardiologists Drs. Osama Elkhateeb and Doug Hayami recognized
New treatment option available for some patients living...
John Dillman is thankful for many things. Topping this list are his loving and supportive family, the exceptional health care team that has rallied around them since his near-fatal heart attack and more recently, becoming the first patient to...
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Dr. Stacey Northgrave, Dermatologist, honoured by Doctors Nova Scotia
8 Nova Scotia physicians honoured for their work
Nova Scotia is home to many innovative and talented physicians. The association's annual achievement awards are one way that Doctors Nova Scotia (DNS) celebrates the dedication of its members, physicians who go beyond the call of duty, but are...
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Dr. Lisa Barrett wins Science Champion Award
2021 Discovery Awards
Dr. Lisa Barrett, Division of Infectious Diseases, received the Science Champion Award at the 2021 Discovery Awards held virtually on November 25, 2021.
Read more
2021 Young Alumnus of the Year
On November 25, 2021, the Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association (DMAA) recognized nine deserving members of the alumni community during a virtual ceremony.
Awardees included Dr. Ian Epstein (MD ’04, PGM ’09) who received the 2021 Young Alumnus of the Year Award.
Of note: Dr. Epstein is currently Interim Co-Division Head, Division of Digestive Care & Endoscopy (along with Dr. Steven Gruchy) as well as the DoM Director for Postgraduate Education.
2021 Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award (MHMA) Mentorship Development Grant
Dr. Lori Connors, Division of General Internal Medicine, is the recipient of the 2021 MHMA Mentorship Development Grant. Dr. Connors is an Associate Professor of Medicine and a clinical immunologist and allergist with an academic and a community practice.
"Women in Allergy and Immunology face unique challenges in both community-based and academic medicine, and I am passionate about increasing the supports for these women. The training supported by this grant will help me develop a mentorship program for all career stages for Women in Allergy and Immunology, as well as a Women in Allergy and Immunology conference."
October 29, 2021
EPUB in American Diabetes Association Journal - Diabetes Care
Rachel Warren has published her thesis work in Diabetes Care – she is reporting some cool results! We are so proud of her hard work.
Rachel’s paper is a collaboration between:
- Dalhousie University (Departments of Medicine and Community Health & Epidemiology),
- Nova Scotia Health,
- Harvard,
- Columbia, and
- Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
Title: “Haptoglobin Phenotype Modifies the Effect of Fenofibrate on Risk of Coronary Event: ACCORD Lipid Trial”
Authors: Rachel A Warren, Allie S Carew, Pantelis Andreou, Christine Herman, Andrew P Levy, Henry N Ginsberg, John Sapp, Eric B Rimm, Susan Kirkland and Leah E Cahill
Take-home message from our study: Fenofibrate may be beneficial for coronary heart disease prevention in people with type 2 diabetes who have the non-Hp2-2 type of the blood protein “haptoglobin”, particularly for males, but further research in diverse populations is needed before clinical recommendations can be considered.
Leah Cahill, RD/PDt, PhD
Howard Webster Research Chair and Associate Professor
Departments of Medicine and Community Health & Epidemiolgy, Dalhousie University
Affiliated Scientist, QEII Health Sciences Centre, Nova Scotia Health
Re-analysis of large #RCT in people with #T2DM shows #fenofibrate prevents #CHD in one #haptoglobinphenotype but not in others.
@leahcahill, @HarvardChanSPH, @NSHAResearch @DalMedSchool @sa_kirkland @rachawarren @johnlsapp @ericrimm
Final publication date: TBD
Making Waves Outstanding Researcher Award 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Ratika Parkash, Division of Cardiology, who is being recognized with the Making Waves Outstanding Researcher Award in 2021.
In the Research & Innovation Category, this award recognizes one researcher (or research team) who has made an outstanding contribution to research at NS Health. This is a provincial award and nominations are accepted from throughout the province.
Very well deserved Ratika!
Making Waves Early Career / Emerging Researcher Award 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Karthik Tennankore, QEII Foundation Chair in Transplantation Research, who is being recognized with the Making Waves Early Career/Emerging Researcher Award in 2021.
In the Research & Innovation Category, this award recognizes one early career researcher (e.g. within 10 years of completion of a PhD), who has shown promise in terms of leadership and achievement and who has contributed to research at NS Health.
Very well deserved Karthik!
Making Waves Leadership Excellence Award - Physician Leader
Congratulations to Dr. Todd Hatchette, Division of Infectious Diseases and Division Head, Microbiology, who is being recognized with the Making Waves Leadership Excellence Award - Physician Leader in 2021.
In the Employee & Physician Category, this award recognizes a total of two outstanding NS Health leaders – a physician leader and employee leader. These awards are presented to individuals who regularly model the behaviours and values of a NS Health leader and who demonstrate a consistent application of the LEADS leadership philosophy. These individuals are true professionals who consistently deliver their role in a manner aligned to the vision, mission and values of our organization.
Very well deserved Todd!
2021 Everest Canadian Seniors Curling Champions - Bronze Medals - Mary Sue Radford
Mary Sue Radford, DoM Chief Financial Officer, wins a bronze medal with her team, at the 2021 Everest Canadian Senior Curling Championship held in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario from December 6 - 11, 2021.
Congratulations Mary Sue!
Nova Scotia (Breen)
Lead - Helen Radford
Second - Julie McMullin
Third - Mary Sue Radford
Fourth - Theresa Breen
Changes Accommodate Two New Fee Codes
You will soon see change in the DoM Inpatient Billing app that is required to accommodate two new fee codes based on a recent MSI Bulletin.
What you will notice is that for many areas, inpatient records previously displayed as Radio Buttons will switch to Drop Down lists.
Radio buttons (appear as circles) are changing to drop down lists.
And the winner is...Sachin Seth, Holiday Star Baker!
The Great Canadian Holiday Baking Show
Hosts Ann Pornel and Alan Shane Lewis welcome four bakers from seasons past to The Great Canadian Baking Show tent for the chance to become this year's Holiday Star Baker. Watch it on CBC TV and streaming on CBC Gem on Sunday, Dec. 12 at 8 p.m....
Read more
When: Sunday, December 12
Time: 8 p.m.
You can still watch the episode on CBC GEM for a limited time.
Did You Know?
Sachin is the husband of Isha Seth (DoM Education Coordinator) and the brother of Dr. Ratika Parkash (Division of Cardiology). "We’re all very proud of Sachin!"
Occupation: Dentist and dental professor
⛄️❄️MTU Holiday Blanket Donation❄️⛄️
Hello everyone!
Last year we collected donations from our residency group to provide a small gift to each patient admitted to MTU over the holidays. Steve and I bought almost 50 blankets, wrapped them and distributed them to all patients. It was a really lovely thing to do and you could see how appreciative people were that we had thought of them (lots of tears and smiles). I’ve also continued to receive feedback from patients over the past year about how much that gift meant to them.
Well, we’d like to do it again this year! I’ll be collecting $15 donations to my email: Please consider donating if you can.
Deadline to donate: Tuesday, December 14 - Last day to donate!
Distributing day: Sunday, December 19
If we receive more donations than needed for these blankets, we may add extra items into the gift or donate to local charity.
Thank you!
Maggie M.
Internal Medicine Resident, PGY3
Ho Ho Ho Hold the Holiday Party Festivities!
We're making December Donations.
Nova Scotia Health is recommending that healthcare teams avoid Holiday celebrations together again this year.
In lieu of holiday gatherings, the Department is donating $5,000 each to:
Call for Nominations - DoM Research Awards
Please see guidelines and nomination information for the Department of Medicine Research Awards:
The deadline for nominations for these awards is noon on Friday, January 7, 2022. Nominations are to be submitted electronically to
To: DoM Residents
Re: Departmental Killam Scholarship
Dalhousie PGME is currently accepting applications for the Killam Scholarship. As this scholarship requires ranked departmental letters as part of the application package, please ensure that any applications are submitted to no later than noon on Friday, January 14, 2022, to allow time for the departmental letters to be completed prior to the Dalhousie deadline.
These scholarships were established by the late Mrs. Izaak Walton Killam, and are awarded to postgraduate students in their third, fourth or fifth year of training in one of Dalhousie Medical School's clinical departments.
Call for Abstracts
DoM Research Week 2022 (April 19-22)
Open to all DoM Faculty, Residents, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Research Fellows, and Research Staff
The DoM Research Committee invites you to submit an abstract for consideration for DoM Research Week 2022. Please share with your trainees and research groups as needed.
TO: All Members, Faculty of Medicine
Volunteers are being sought for future vacant positions (June 30, 2022) on the following standing committees within the Faculty of Medicine:
Faculty Council
Admissions Committee
Research Advisory Committee
Scholarships & Awards Committee
Faculty Awards Committee
Tenure-Stream Promotions & Tenure Committee
Continuing Appointment (Clinical) Promotions Committee
UGME Curriculum Committee
UGME Progress Committee
Nominating Committee
Interested faculty members are asked to submit a brief statement of interest and motivation for serving on any of these standing committees by e-mail to by Friday, February 11, 2022.
The terms of reference are available at:
If you have any questions about these committees, please contact Anne Weeden in the Dean's Office at
4 currently in non-ICU;
286 total patient admissions
2 currently in ICU;
90 total patient admissions
total completed tests
Rapid tests performed at pop-up locations
Tests via Workplace Screening Program
Home tests distributed
Total doses administered
One or more doses
Second dose administered
Received second dose
received third dose
Protocols at Nova Scotia Health
Protocols at Nova Scotia Health
Nova Scotia Health is taking a phased approach to COVID-19 health and safety measures based on risk level in each zone.
* Subject to change; refer to online version for latest updates.
Tier 1 – Low Risk (Blue)
Tier 2 – Moderate Risk (Yellow)
Tier 3 – High Risk (Orange)
Tier 4 – Extreme Risk (Red)
Province Covers Cost of New Cystic Fibrosis Drug - Trikafta
Health Canada has approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11
COVID-19 Vaccine for Children Aged 5 to 11
Infectious disease expert (Dr. Lisa Barrett) explains COVID-19's new variant of concern, Omicron
How is the Omicron variant different and why are scientists so concerned?
New Long-term Care Facility for Liverpool
Fifth Update on Vaccination Mandates
Nova Scotia Health Authority – 99.6% vaccination rate; 323 employees placed on Leave of Absence
Canadian-made, plant-based COVID-19 vaccine sees positive Phase 3 results
"Medicago’s vaccine demonstrated 75.3 per cent efficacy against COVID-19 of any severity for the Delta variant, which D’Aoust said is the most widely circulated strain, and 88.6 per cent efficacy against the Gamma variant."
Rapid Tests Available at Libraries for Holiday Season
Starting December 13, Nova Scotians can pick up COVID-19 rapid test kits (one kit per person) at public libraries across the province.
Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 mins
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 mins
Uploaded: June 15, 2020
Video: 1 min 25 seconds
All press briefings are listed
Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
Complete online then download or email document. Once signed and witnessed, it is valid.
Spectrum MD
(Antimicrobial Stewardship)
Nova Scotia Health logo needs to be visible in the upper left corner of the home screen to ensure you are accessing local content.
Nova Scotia Health staff and physicians experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, contact Occupational Health:
Nova Scotia Health - Library Services
COVID-19 resources for health care providers
Canada (as of December 10, 2021)
1.8 million cases
30 K deaths
49.8 million tests performed
63.2 million vaccine doses administered
76.3% of total population fully vaccinated
World Health Organization (WHO)
Globally (as of December 10, 2021)
268 million cases
5.3 million deaths
8.2 billion vaccine doses administered
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.