Let's Catch-up: February 2022
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
Second Event in this Series
Your Child's Mental Health & Family Dynamics
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mental illness can make family life difficult. Grab your lunch and join us for a discussion on how to talk openly about mental health and address the challenges so that everyone thrives.
Featured Speaker:

Well-Intended Parents, Unintended Consequences
During our first Lunch & Learn, Dr. Renee Dominguez, PhD, LCP, Co-Director, Family Service Center, outlined some parenting pitfalls that may undermine our efforts to raise independent, resilient children.

Watch the recording and learn how to avoid those parenting missteps and what to do when they occur.
Coming up... Eating Disorders: Beyond the Textbook
Tuesday, March 29, 12pm-1pm
Via Zoom
Coffee Talk in 2022
Listen, support, and share.
CATCH Coffee Talk is happening every other Wednesday from 12pm-1pm, and you're always welcome.

Join other parents for a confidential conversation about the hurdles and pitfalls we are all facing. 
We are meeting in person, outside in a heated garage with the door open (weather and COVID permitting), or via Zoom.
Coffee Talk
Sign up, and we'll send you the address or a Zoom link shortly before we meet. Come for as many talks as you are able to attend.

Upcoming Dates:
  • March 2 & 16

Prioritize your mental health with the self-care of a CATCH Coffee Talk. #TalkAboutIt
Parents Connect
Spring 2022 Groups Forming
Parenting is hard. Parenting a child with mental health struggles is even harder. Sign up for Parents Connect and meet other parents who are walking in your shoes.

Parents Connect brings parents and caregivers together in small groups (based on child's age) once a week to talk about the challenges they face raising children with mental health struggles. (If you are looking for a drop-in program, check out our Coffee Talks!)
Here's what previous Parents Connect participants say:

"It was really nice to have an understanding group of parents to be able to bounce thoughts, struggles, and ideas off of each week."

"A group of parents who don’t judge your parenting or your child’s conditions can be difficult to come by but Parents Connect provided that to me."

When my kids started struggling, I was looking for support in a group like Parents Connect, and I'm so grateful I've found it.
CATCH ran five Parents Connect groups this winter.
 New groups will start in March.
Parenting the Mental Health Generation
CATCH Podcast Episode 3: Our Kids Learning Loss, A New Perspective
It's clear many children have slipped academically as a result of the pandemic, and parents are quite worried about the learning loss.

In this episode of Parenting the Mental Health Generation, Amy O. (aka "the mom") and Dr. Lisa (aka "the psychologist ") talk with Becky Parkinson, a school social worker, about how to get our kids on track and what really matters when it comes to education.
Dear Anxiety: A Personal Poem
When someone is struggling with anxiety, it's often hard to understand what they are truly experiencing.

In this brave and personal poem in the CATCH Journal, Shawn Oberholtzer offers a glimpse of what it feels like to live with this relentless mental illness. Read.
Together for Mental Health
An Alliance For Greater Chicago

We thrilled to announce our partnership with other local organizations who are working along side us to build awareness around mental health and provide a variety of resources and information to families.

We will do our best to share what these mental health warriors are doing and encourage you to follow them on social media, visit their websites, join their email lists, attend their events, and take advantage of all that these amazing groups have to offer.
Upcoming Events

  • Grit2: The 101 on 504s & IEPs, March 2, 7pm, via Zoom, More info
  • No Shame on U: The Art of Perseverence During Times of Uncertainty, Feb. 22, 7:30pm, More info
Mental Health in the News
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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