How is CCI Reaching the Nations?
One Coordinator at a Time

CCI's ability to expand into new areas is predicated on the work of our coordinators. Under the guidance of the National Director, our coordinators develop and expand the training with local churches, pastors, and church leaders. Through Teacher Training Workshops (TTW), they equip local leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to teach the CCI curriculum and gain ministry skills. Our coordinators oversee and conduct these TTWs and are “on the ground,” shepherding new teachers and certified trainers to ensure quality training.
Proven Strategy
When I started this ministry in the Philippines, I began with a staff of three Filipino coordinators. Since then, the Lord has opened doors to equip nearly 14,000 leaders globally.
This relational discipleship model works because it employs Jesus’ apprenticeship teaching method. Our coordinators look to Jesus’ relationship with His disciples as THE Example for equipping and multiplying leaders. It’s more than just imparting Bible knowledge—it’s growing in character, developing ministry skills, and applying all that is taught and caught to make future disciples of Jesus Christ. 

In Luke 6:40, Jesus told His disciples that the goal is for the student to become like his teacher. With CCI, the goal of the national director is to equip the coordinators until they can serve as they do, for coordinators to work with teachers until they can do what they do. Everyone is serving each other to lift each other up.
Why Coordinators are Essential
Coordinators are indigenous staff familiar and embedded in their country’s culture. They know the language and understand cultural issues. God has called and equipped them as the primary means of expanding the CCI ministry. Adding new coordinators allows untrained indigenous pastors and church members to be equipped and mobilized as proclaimers of God’s truth so that more people come to salvation.
What are the benefits of coordinators doing their duty faithfully?
Training in Action
The Need
Nearly every day, we receive invitations from untrained pastors from around the world asking for our CCI training. Unfortunately, we often have to turn down these requests due to a lack of personnel or funds.

It only takes $300 per month to support one coordinator. YOUR prayers and investment make a world of difference and allow us to expand into unreached areas. As more leaders are trained, the gospel spreads so that unreached peoples hear the gospel for the first time. Hearts are forever changed as people believe in Jesus Christ and begin to worship the one true King.

Next month, we will highlight one of our area coordinators and take you on his journey from being a student to becoming a teacher and then a coordinator. Thank you for investing in expanding His Kingdom and seeing many new worshippers of Jesus Christ. 

Grace and Peace,
David Nelson
President & Founder
Crossing Cultures International
For God to guide us to find faithful pastors and church leaders to be equipped.
For God to open the doors for more Teacher Training Workshops
For God to touch the hearts of His people to start supporting a coordinator.
Consider supporting one or more coordinators at $300 per month.

to select the coordinator you would like to support. 
Join a coordinator's team and get to know them through emails, phone calls, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp. This will greatly encourage your heart as you become a partner for the gospel. Choose any coordinator and sign up for their monthly email news updates.
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