ASDC News • May 2021
ASDC Releases New Fingerspelling App
ASDC and tech partner Hello Monday is pleased to announce the arrival of our free web-based fingerspelling app. Improve your skills with this fun program that gives you real-time feedback on your accuracy!
ASL Signs for May
Learn ASL signs for the month of May – and put them all together in an ASL story! This fun video is presented by Ricky Rose, who teaches at Gallaudet University and many of ASDC’s online classes
New Documentary about Deaf Students
Audible, a new documentary on Netflix, follows a Maryland School for the Deaf high school athlete as as he and his friends complete their senior year and prepare to enter the hearing world as adults. 
Getting an Authentic Assessment for your Deaf-Blind Child
How can you know what a child with deaf-blindness knows and how they learn? Learn how getting an authentic assessment can create a roadmap that builds on your child’s strengths.
ASDC se enorgullece de presentar nuevos recursos y eventos que se llevan a cabo en español. Ofrecemos estos recursos y clases para que nuestras familias Latinas tengan los recursos y el apoyo que necesitan. Siga este enlace para obtener más información sobre los recursos en español.
Promising Practices for Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
Read about innovative and promising practices from EHDI programs around the country.
Sorenson releases new videophone
Sorenson Communications, a provider of Deaf communication services, announces the release of Lumina, a new videophone that enhances communication with family and friends.
Research Participation Opportunities
Infant Language
If you have a deaf infant ages 5-18 months, you're invited to participate in an online research study from Gallaudet.
Multilingual Families
Ashley Thurman, a senior at Gallaudet, has a survey for hearing parents of deaf babies regarding their deaf mentors.
April Donors
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to these generous individuals, families, and organizations for their support. Don't forget that when you donate, you can still get clear face masks to make communication easier.
Anonymous (9)
Barbour Family 
Dan K - Bourbon Pursuit 
Deborah Korhonen
Gerald Daggett 
Jordan VandeBogart
Judith Stuber 
Patrick Latona 
Marcus Greenville 
Martin Elzingre 
Monica Cortez
Nancy McFalls 
Patrick Higgins 
Ryan G 
Thomas McCormack 
Tonya Taylor 
Tyler Ackerman


Anonymous -
In honor of all my truly wonderful Deaf ASL Instructors! 

Anonymous -
In memory of Jessica O. Sweeney 

Anonymous & Joseph Missigman -
In honor of cjm11

Dunkin Besties -
In honor of all the baddies

Fanny Smellmore -
In honor of Mac Dre

Millman Diamond Group, Ltd. -
In honor of Cole Renhart 

Robert Rosella -
In memory of Flor Hernandez

Shannon Deputy -
In honor of Amy Fouse 

Susan Ball -
In memory of Jessica O. Sweeney

In honor of
Anonymous (16)
Blake S
Brad Pennington 
Chad Heald 
Chris Simpson 
Dustin Yonts 
Evan Favocci 
Hannah Wade 
Holly Burda 
Jacob Knight
Jim Mueller 
John H 
Matthew Layton
Mike Avramovich 
Mr. Yak 
Nathaniel Gordon 
Pete Sabo 
Randy Outman 
Ronnie Burda 
Ryan B 
Sam Brown 
Sam Ferruolo 
Sean Gerety 
Sean Pawlowski 
T Goodson 
Tony Pacheco 


Blackbaud Giving Fund
Exelon Cyber Grants

Share your dedication!
ASDC provides resources, advocacy, and mentoring for every family with a deaf child so they can communicate, connect, and thrive – together. Get five free sessions of SignOn or Friends Like Me when you join ASDC.

Family membership is $35/year.
ASDC programs and events are sponsored by:
American Society for Deaf Children |