
June Update from the

Florida-Israel Chamber of Commerce

Good News From Israel

News of Israel's Achievements and Heartwarming Stories from the Jewish State

In the 21st May 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:



In the 14th May 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:



Personal and Business Coaching-Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Franchises Available

Be your own BOSS. No Brick & Mortar needed.

Genesis 12:3 says:

“I will bless those who bless you…”

 God Will Bless You!

God will Bless those who Bless Israel.

Check out this new sustainable work-leisure brand, Ponto Footwear, that wants you to Love The Planet You Walk On 



Why did two Egyptian coffins get CT scans at a Jerusalem hospital?

Coffins are over 2,500 years old and belonged to a singer and a nobleman. 



Can headbands and thimbles cure insomnia?

Two promising wearable solutions could change sleep medicine forever.

Dramatic win propels Israel to U-20 World Cup quarterfinals

NVIDIA to build Israel’s most powerful AI supercomputer

Israel-1, based on the Israel-developed NVIDIA Spectrum-X Networking platform, will be a blueprint and testbed for joint development with partners.

Researchers develop micro robot to target damaged cells

Inspired by bacteria and sperm cells, hybrid robot can navigate in a biological sample and transport dying cells for further analysis.

Why cancer patients suffer weight loss and how to stop it


Contrary to the HBO hit show about a dangerous fungus, fungi are now being used to create nutritious, cost-effective and scalable superfoods.

First responders team up with Bedouin teens to save lives

Israeli emergency services give students first aid training to turn them into ambassadors in their communities and to enable prompt response.

New clue to understanding Alzheimer’s progression in women

Study reveals sex-specific molecular mechanism leading to accelerated cognitive deterioration in females.

How recyclable packaging can help save the planet 

Plant-based, sustainable cellulose nanocrystals could be the key to keeping contents safe from light, air and moisture without plastic.

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The 25th May 2023 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

Dr. Haitham Amal discovered a direct connection between levels of nitric oxide in the brain and autism 

Reducing the amounts lowers indicators and behaviors

Jerusalem undergoes revitalization with a bustling real estate sector

US tech giant IBM acquired Polar Security, an automated data security to track and protect sensitive data across hybrid cloud-based systems

Volvo strategic investment in Israel

European car giant and world leader in automotive safety invests in CorrActions that monitors driver behavior to prevent accidents

The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is teaming up with Toronto University on the use of Artificial Intelligence to develop working practices for “the medicine of the future,” Based on shared challenges

The Sheba Longevity Center in Israel is the first of its kind

Offering research-based medicine for longer, healthier lives - will focus on treating people with cognition, sleep, frailty and menopause

Ancient Sussita’s rich history is now accessible

Settled on The Golan Heights 2000 years ago Revamped recently and open to the public –near Kibutz Ein Gev 

Major Netherlands arms contract

Royal Netherlands Army buys $305 million Precise artillery rocket systems made by IAI

IceCure Medical treated 42 women with the chronic, painful, incurable disease endometriosis

Freezing the tumor instead of surgery. 93 % had no pain after 6 months, 82 % remained pain-free 3 years later

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The Florida Israel Chamber's mission is to promote trade and commerce between the State of Florida and the Land of Israel. We are also committed to fight anti-Zionism, which is just another form of antisemitism. It is our belief and goal that sharing good news about Israel will help change minds, change hearts, and change the world. Jews and Israelis should be proud of their heritage, their history, and our contributions to society. We don't mean to suggest that Jews and/or Israelis are better than anyone else, but we are also not inferior to any other people. Yet, antisemitism is on the rise throughout the entire world. No other nation has been condemned by global bodies, like the UN, more than Israel. Nobody talks about the more than 100 disputed "occupied" territories that exist today worldwide; they only know about and complain about Israel's legal possession of land won in several defensive wars where much larger and more powerful armies tried to annihilate the tiny State of Israel and kill its Jewish inhabitants. The world would be a much better place if countries and peoples traded with Israel, visited Israel, and benefitted from Israel's products and services.

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Keith Wasserstrom, Chair
