B U S I N ES S R EC A P S i g n i f i c a n t a c t i o n i t e m s a n d r e p o r t s
     Attendance: 66 ---59 voting members; 7 non-voting participants.
     Welcomed into membership, Rev. Shelby Baxter-Andrews, serving at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Wadsworth, Ohio.
    Rev Doug Portz reported on Board of Pension updates and introduced Rev. Luke Choi, our new consultant.
     The Rev. Laura Kelly delivered the message: “Lowering our Nets”, Scripture: Luke 5:1-11. Laura posed the question, "What do you dream when you pray - Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?" Folks were asked to write their response in the chat. Laura composed a prayer based on the responses. (See prayer below)
     Motion prevailed brought by Committee on Nominations and Representation (CNR) to nominate committee members for the Class of 2024 and committee moderators. Also included, the election of Rev. Paul Anderson as Presbytery Vice Moderator for 2022.
     Motions prevailed to accept the 2022 budget, set per capita at $32 for 2022 (no increase), a $56,000 grant payable over two years for a Spiritual Facilitator for Vital Congregations, $30,000 grant payable over two years for the HUB, a new worshiping community in Columbiana -grants expenses to be taken from the Invested Funds, and a 3% increase in salary for the General Presbyter and Stated Clerk. Motion also prevailed to suspend presbytery Bylaws requiring a term of 5 years for the Stated Clerk to a term of 1 year.
     Council Moderator presented a power point with the results of the survey that our sessions completed.
     Cathy Ulrich's report included the announcement that she will retire in February 2023; and recognition of committee members and presbytery leadership ending service in December 2021.
     The designated offering will be directed to the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL). Folks were directed to make a donation through the  Presbytery Payment Portal – Presbytery Meeting Offering
  Synod of the Covenant update report and PowerPoint given by Synod Commissioner Jim Bennett.
     RE Mary Ann Bromley was installed as our 2022 presbytery Moderator and TE Paul Anderson as presbytery Vice Moderator.
     TE Betty Angelini (First, Warren) presided over the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
     RE Mary Ann Bromley pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting at 12:40 p.m.
The next stated meeting of Eastminster Presbytery - Tuesday, March 1, 2022 via Zoom
Oh Lord, hear our prayer, a refrain we pray so often it lives within our hearts,
“May your kingdom come, may your will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven.”
In this Advent season, we have the audacity to believe and trust that you are still at work in this world - still interrupting the brokenness, still healing, still teaching, still loving us. Help us to hear our call to be conduits of your hope, love, joy, and peace. Help us, as Howard Thurman writes “to come alive.”
Lord, hear our prayers.
May your kingdom come,
a banquet arranged by Jesus where all are welcomed and loved and where shame is replaced with grace,
a peace-filled world and in our communities,
a global community of love, grace, and peace where all are welcome and included, and all serve
the common good,
a place with no violence, or hatred or fear, but instead a place where everyone is loved and
welcomed and provided for,
where everyone is affected by just small acts of kindness;
May your will be done,
your will for unity - all people and creation together, living in the Presence of God,
a realm of justice, a realm where everyone belongs, a world where everyone matters, like Isaiah’s vision of sitting under fig trees with children playing,
where the poor and underserved in front of those who have much, face to face, the ones who have much standing in front of those underserved ready to help and seeking to understand their
plight, living together in abundance,
remembering always your will, and not just my/our will,
On Earth as it is in Heaven,
a safe space for all people,
children and parents actively involved in the kingdom,
to have the courage to do, not the easy things, but the right things, the God-called things, the lion and the lamb together,
that all may live in peace, security, and health,
that everyone from where we live are called together, gathering in the city center, seeking to
welcome one another in love, and understanding.
Lord, hear our prayers, we listen for your call. Amen.