Newsletter Issue: Vol 9 Issue 12
December 2020
2020: A Year in Review 
This has been a tough year, there’s no other way to say it. From a global pandemic to tense politics and that’s just the start. It has been a wild ride in the markets. We have watched more Netflix and Amazon Prime than we ever thought possible. And yet, there are some wonderful silver linings.

We remain grateful for many things in life and look forward to a new year with new challenges and hopefully more solutions. We are most grateful to be taking this journey with you, our clients. We appreciate your trust in us and our continued partnership in this eventful year. We look forward to whatever challenges the new year brings us. For a moment, we’ll look back at 2020, a year most of us won’t forget.

We’ve been reminded of all the things we don’t know about and can’t control; the virus, how markets will behave and where to find toilet paper!

We’ve been impressed with the creativity and innovation that has led scientists to design effective vaccines and led us to figure out how to work from home with kids, pets, and our neighbor’s leaf blower!

We remember how much we love and miss hanging out with friends and family.

And most of all, we mourn for those we’ve lost, those who’ve lost jobs and businesses, and those still sick and those recovering.

We also miss seeing you in person. We so appreciate Zoom and its ability to connect us with folks near and far but meeting with people in person is 40,000 times better.
May 2021 be a year of hope for us all.

Happy New Year from all of us at Symphony,
Amy, Nancy, Phil, Kristin, Mitch and Linda
2021 Limits for Retirement Savings
On October 26, the Treasury Department released the 2021 adjusted figures for retirement account savings. Although these adjustments won’t bring any major changes, there are some minor elements to note.
Monthly Economic Update
Stocks opened in November strong, climbing throughout election week as bargain-hunting investors appeared to swoop in following a weak September and October.
The projected results suggested a divided Congress, which investors interpreted as a productive environment for businesses.
Symphony Financial
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Fax: 703-865-4096
Registered Representatives. Securities offered
through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representatives, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Symphony are not affiliated.