See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
February 4, 2021
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Dear Friends -
You may be aware that today one in four Americans has a diagnosable mental illness. While there is a wide variety of mental illnesses both in type and severity, this statistic means that the vast majority of us have an immediate or extended family member with some form of mental illness. What are the implications for us as individuals, as families, as a faith community, and as the body of Christ?
One year ago, the first weekend in February was the official Mental Health “Kickoff” at Grace. In addition to weaving messages about mental health into worship through the liturgy, sermon, music and prayers, we offered a variety of resources in the Fellowship Hall as members of Grace enjoyed a pancake breakfast served by the Boy Scouts. How strange and distant that event now seems!
When we began this mental health journey at Grace, we had no tangible goal in mind. We didn’t have a specific destination. We couldn’t even see the next steps on our path. Our journey has been - and continues to be - shaped by vulnerability, compassion, courage, and trust in God’s provision.
Over the past year, there have been multiple opportunities for learning about mental health. Those who participated in book discussions shared their questions and insights. Some shared their own stories of fear, pain, and darkness. They also shared stories of hope, healing and recovery. And it became more and more evident that there is no “destination” or “point of arrival” as we love and care for those with mental illness. The point is to walk with them on the journey.
This coming weekend, we will again be focusing on mental health in worship. Each Wednesday throughout the month of February, a devotion, written by a member of Grace’s Mental Health Team, will be posted to our website. (Click here to read the first devotion, posted yesterday.) Additional opportunities to learn about mental health will be offered throughout the year. We invite you to join us on this journey.

Debbie Jorgens and Nancy Jenkins
on behalf of Grace Lutheran's Mental Health Team
Because worship is being recorded at our Saturday evening service, it will not be posted until late on Saturday night. It will be available here for you to join us online on Sunday morning.

We are asking people to sign up for worship and to stay home if you are sick and to follow all of our COVID protective guidelines. Thank you!

Remembering and Celebrating
the Life of Pastor Delwayne Hahn
Pastor Hahn's funeral in New London will be at 11am on Saturday, February 6th at Peace Lutheran Church. There is only room for 125 people to attend. It will be live-streamed. The link is below. There will also be a visitation at Peace on Friday, February 5th from 5-7pm.

If you want to give a memorial in honor of Pastor Hahn, the family has recommended giving in his name to the ELCA Hunger Appeal. We are also exploring purchasing a piece of new art for Grace in his memory. If you wanted to write a check to Grace and write in the memo line Pastor Hahn's art memorial.
A Letter from Bishop Ann Svennungsen

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As Bishop of the Minneapolis Area Synod, I am honored and humbled to bring a greeting on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the church Delwayne Hahn so faithfully served.

Delwayne Hahn deeply loved his callings as a pastor and servant in God’s church. As a pastor, interim pastor, and stewardship expert, it would be impossible to count all the congregations touched by his wisdom and wit.

Our synod benefited enormously when he and his beloved Marilyn built a new home in Dalbo seventeen years ago. We were able to see firsthand, the passion he had for sharing the Gospel and why being a good steward is the most important mark of a follower of Jesus. His love of the Church, coupled with his sound theology, lively sermons, and sense of humor, made him a favorite interim pastor in our synod and neighboring synods these past years. 

Tom Baker's Retirement Celebration Weekend!

This weekend we will be celebrating Tom Baker's Retirement! Due to the chill in the air this weekend, Tom will greet and talk with those who wish congratulate him on his retirement by remaining in the sanctuary after worship has concluded or by joining us around 9:30 AM in the church sanctuary.

Tom decided that his 11th year at Grace will be his final and he is retiring as Youth Coordinator so he can focus on responsibilities at home. As you know, Tom has been a stability in the youth ministry program at Grace, an advocate for our youth and caring presence in so many lives. Tom and his family will continue to worship at Grace, so while this isn't goodbye, it is time to celebrate Tom's ministry here at Grace!

If you would like to give a gift online to Tom Baker, please click on the GraceRealm link below and indicate on your Current Offering in the Memo Field that this is to Tom Baker's Retirement.
Ash Wednesday Worship
February 17, 2021

Drive by Ashes: 8:00am until 5:45pm

Worship: 1pm, 6pm and 7:15pm

We are looking for volunteers to help us with ashes. Help for a half hour or more if you like. We will be going outside and coming in to get warm. It's a wonderful way to share God's love with our community as they drive by.
Contact or 763-421-6520
Lenten Wednesdays Worship

Worship: 1pm, 6pm and 7:15pm
With small groups in person
 and on Zoom.
 Look for sign ups.
Virtual Service Availability

Throughout everything we will continue to provide worship online. We will be streaming worship through Grace's YouTube account. We encourage you to join us and listen to God's word through virtual services. Worship will be posted Sunday morning, allowing you to worship at the time you prefer.
Annual Meeting Results
The following are the member voting outcomes from Sunday's meeting.
There were 101 total member votes cast.

2021 Budget
  • 99 yes = 98% of the vote
  • 2 abstain = 2% of the vote
  • 98 yes to ratify = 97% of the vote 
  • 3 abstain = 3% of the vote 
Nightingale Property
  • 87 in favor of selling Nightingale = 86% of the vote 
  • 13 total opposed (9 oppose votes + 4 "other" comments falling into the oppose column) = 13% of the vote 
  • 1 abstain = 1% of the vote

All three items voted upon passed. I appreciate your prayerful discernment, for your involvement and care for our faith community, and for bearing witness to the love of God. I am grateful.

Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Ministries News
Tips for Practicing
 Monday, February 8
6:30-7:30 PM via Zoom 
Many of us are better at caring for other people than we are for ourselves. Yet, it is essential to pay attention to the needs of our own body, mind, and spirit if we are to live as fully as God intends. And it is through the nourishment of our own well-being that we can help nourish the well-being of others.  

What has been successful for you in caring for yourself? Where do you struggle? We hope you’ll join us for an interactive one-hour zoom gathering for this important discussion on improving our self-care! No registration necessary. Sponsored by Grace’s Mental Health Team. 
OK@Play Zooming
through COVID-19
FEBR _ A _ Y
What’s missing?
U R if you don’t join us on Thursday, February 11 at 6:30 pm for
“Re-tired Trivia!”

We will share laughs and yawns as we try to answer questions we all should know!
U R important to us and we would love to see you on the 11th!

Click on the ZOOM link below and don’t hesitate to contact Ann Lange, Mary Jo Trapp, or Deb Stang with your questions.
Returning to in-person
Sunday School
February 14th

We are excited to announce we will be returning to in-person Sunday School beginning with a party on February 14th in between worship services beginning at 9:30 AM and ending at 10:20 AM. Kids of all ages are welcome to attend together. We will be in the fellowship hall to ensure we can social distance, until weather permits we will stay indoors, but when the weather gets warmer, we may move to an outdoor model much like in the fall. If we need to split into multiple rooms and groups for safety we are able to do so. Kids are required to wear masks. Together we will explore the Bible lesson for the day through stories, games, crafts, and other activities! We look forward to seeing you face to face!
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Noisy Offerings

Noisy Offerings collected from February 1st-15th will support the "Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies" program through World Wide Village in Haiti. Being pregnant in Haiti is risky - especially in rural Haiti where access to maternal care is minimal, at best. Most women in rural Haiti do not receive consistent medical care during or after their pregnancies, sometimes causing heartbreaking results. World Wide Village is working to change that! 

Every $5 given can provide prenatal vitamins for one mother for an entire month. Every $10 provides a birthing kit for an expectant mother. Funds may also be used for midwife salaries and educational materials, all contributing to a greater chance of healthy pregnancies and babies! Thank you for giving generously! 
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

Bring healing to those who are hurting, recovering, and living under disease, illness and injury. Today we pray especially for Donald Bemis, Eric & Candace Mahowald and their soon to be born twins, John Malecha, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, Mike Burckhard, George Rongere, Marge Davidson, Arden Kirkendall, Deb Corey, LaDonna Lilyquist, Lynda Wilde, Deb Stang, BJ Scott, Charlotte Montei, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Carroll Potter, Judi Wold, and Colleen Wernimont. We pray for all those suffering from COVID-19 throughout the world, and we pray that the end of COVID-19 would be near. Lord, hear our prayer.
God of promise, grant comfort, peace, and the hope of Christ’s resurrection to all who grieve. We pray especially today for Marcie, Maiya, Kaylee & Jaeden Haggerty upon the death of their husband and father, Pat Haggerty; the family and friends of Pastor Delwayne Hahn upon his death; and Howard & Jan Prieb & family upon the death of Jan’s brother, Glen Foltz.  Lord, hear our prayer.
Virtual Connections

During this time of high COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to connect with Grace and others! If you are looking for ministries and groups to connect with please visit our web site at and click on Church Online to see opportunities to connect.