It's my first World Wish Day with Make-A-Wish, and it is so exciting to see the energy our community brings to wish-granting not just on World Wish Day, but every day. That commitment and enthusiasm for making a difference has been ever-present for 40 years!
That's a tremendous milestone, and we are proud to celebrate 40 years of wishes! But as we mark this moment with gratitude for the community of supporters who make these wishes possible, we know our work is not done.
Right now, children in our community are enduring a long stay in the hospital – missing their friends and the chance to simply be a kid. They’re going through harsh, painful treatments or they may be anxiously awaiting a scary surgery.
But you have the power to make their heartfelt wishes come true – showing them that the impossible is possible and providing them with the strength they need to persevere.
Help us make this our best World Wish Day yet, so that the next local family who receives the news of a child's critical diagnosis will know the power and promise of a wish, too.
Best wishes,