July 29, 2022
Some trees grow very tall and straight and large in the forest close to each other
but some must stand by themselves or they won't grow at all.

Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) American Writer

HCPF July 29 Announcement
Myths and Facts about Change to Case Management
Major changes to a system can mean major confusion. Let’s help put some of the rumors to rest! This Learning Collaborative will help anyone interested in sorting through facts vs. fiction about changes to case management as a result of the Colorado Case Management Redesign work. It is open to the public and will be most helpful for individuals and their families who are being served by a Case Management Agency today, as well as individual case managers and providers seeking to understand this important reform.
Meeting information will be posted on the Department’s Case Management Redesign webpage.
The next meeting will be held:
Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2022
1 - 2:30 p.m. MT
Meeting ID: 953 1233 0628, Passcode:838502
Join via Phone:
(Toll-free) 1-877-853-5257

HCBS Supporters gotta love the highly informative "ARPA Project Pulse Newsletter"!

It states that "This newsletter will serve as a source for key updates on all project planning and implementation, stakeholder engagement opportunities, and other topics of interest related to the funding."

HCPF is implementing a multitude of projects to expand, enhance, and strengthen the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) system from Fall 2021 through Spring 2024 tied to federal funding in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

The July 2022 issue includes an introduction to "The ARPA Team," which is newly assembled and specifically designed to help subject matter experts and project leads implement successful transformational change through this unique funding opportunity. 

Sign up to receive the HCPF ARPA newsletter as well as read back issues!
AUGUST 1, 2022


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Basic 8 Course
Certificate Program
with Instructor Access

Class A and Class B
First-time Administrator/Manager Training, and
Administrator / Manager Annual, Ongoing Training
Completion required before your Initial Survey
This foundational course is THE overview of Licensure standards that leads the way for all other course topics and regulations.

Guidance in
  • Common deficiencies and best practices,
  • Resources with audit tools and tips,
  • Bonus Guides with sample policies, forms, and resources for further reading,
  • More!

Learning the role of administrator on the job can be very difficult. The new administrator may be familiar with their particular practice or with the Conditions of Participation but much less familiar with payer requirements, fraud and abuse, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA), Department of Labor wage and hour issues and a host of other state and federal regulatory requirements. Add to these the operational issues that include budgets, scheduling, corporate oversight and training, recruiting and retention of all staff and you have quite the list of responsibilities. Basic 8-hour Administrator/Manager training course will orient the new as well as the seasoned how to put it together in manageable form.


  • Class A Skilled Home Health Licensure Policies and Procedures
  • Class B Non-medical Personal Care Licensure Policies and Procedures

  • P&P for Existing Non-medical HCA w/HCBS EBD and IHSS
  • P&P for Existing HCA without HCBS EBD or IHSS
  • P&P for Existing Non-medical HCA w/o IHSS

  • Homemaker and Personal Care Worker Competencies
  • Certified Nurse Aide Competencies ~ (303) 548-4310 ~
Connie McWilliams, MBA & ACHC-Certified Consultant
Founder, President, CHC Training and Consulting
303.548.4310 ~
Serving Colorado and SW Florida
Thank you for reading!