A newsletter that promotes our core values of
Personalization, Risk-Taking, Integrity, Discovery, and Empowerment
Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341
Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
Staying Safe During COVID: A Student Perspective
A PSA by the Modern Media Class
Senior Spotlight: Joe Santerre
An Article by Staff Member Michelle Farrar
I first met Joe at the Ellis School when he moved to Fremont from Lynn Massachusetts, I was his middle school counselor. Joe quickly acclimated to Fremont, making lifelong friends and earning the respect of the staff at Ellis School. I would often joke that I would follow this class up to high school, when I actually did I was thrilled to learn that I would be working with Joe again! I have always found Joe to be kind, intelligent, polite and respectful. Art teacher Ms. Vitolo shares, “Joe is a pretty funny guy. He can also be polite and helpful. I enjoyed teaching him Ceramics and seeing him in FLT’s. I wish him well in his future ventures”.
Joe is a natural athlete having played football starting in 3rd grade and through his sophomore year of high school. Joe’s favorite classes at Sanborn have been art classes and woodworking, Joe took both Woodworking I and II. I am so proud that Joe will graduate as a NH Scholar, he worked hard and took challenging classes to accomplish this. Joe has been working for several years at Fremont House of pizza making deliveries. Joe is interested in learning more about becoming an electrician after he graduates from high school. I have no doubt he will be successful in whatever he chooses.
Best of luck Joe, you will be missed.
Parents Are Asked to Make In-Person/Remote Choice for Jan-May by Tomorrow Morning!
In October, 2020, we surveyed families to select an in-person or remote learning model for their students until January 2021. As promised, we are now planning for January and need to know if students will be attending school remotely or in-person starting on January 11th, 2021.
Every family is asked to let the district know if they wish their child to stay in their current instructional model, or swap to a different one (e.g. move to or from remote, or stay as they are) by completing the survey using the button below. This form needs to be completed by 9 AM on Monday, December 7, 2020.
Mr. Stack's 12.1.2020 Video Update to the Community
In this video update, Mr. Stack talks about how the school handles a COVID-positive case, and what the process of "contact tracing" looks like.
Key Points From Key Club
An Update by Student Morgan Belle
The Key Club has been working on some amazing things this holiday season. Our club has been doing as much as we can around the school and in the community during these crazy times.
A major focus at the beginning of the year was End 68 Hours. Each week baskets are put together to give to people in need to end the 68 hours of hunger that can occur without school meals over the weekend.
For Veteran’s Day, members wrote 44 letters to our veterans at New Hampshire Veterans Home. The letters were thoughtful and showed much appreciation for their service to our country.
Kindness Day was November 13th this year and Key Club organized a Spread Kindness Campaign. There were over 150 nice messages sent to people around the school.
Before Thanksgiving the Key Club got enough donations from the students to put together 23 baskets of food for the community. Thanksgiving meals, non-perishables, and toiletries were donated to the towns of Kingston, Newton and Fremont.
A new on-going project this year is virtual reading videos. Key Club members record themselves reading a book for the elementary school students to listen to. Coming up in December there will be blankets to be made by students to donate, the Key Club members will also be volunteering at the Kingston Rec Tree Ceremony on Saturday the 12th. The Key Club has been working hard for our town and school communities.
Stay tuned for more Key Club Point from Key Club next month!
School Picture Day for Remote Students Moved to January 13
As a result of our abrupt closure the week of 11/30, school picture day for remote students has been postponed. The new date is January 13. Appointments are necessary. Click the bottom below to sign up for an appointment.
Student Council 7 Days of Caring
College and Career Planning Kickoff for Juniors
Sanborn Regional High School will be administering the ASVAB assessment instrument, which is part of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) on December 9, 2020 at 8:00am. All juniors will be participating in this assessment. This test is an invaluable tool to help your student with his/her future educational and career plans.
The ASVAB CEP will help your student:
- To learn about themselves and the world of work
- Explore occupations in line with their interests and skills
- Develop an effective strategy to realize their career and education goals
The school counselors will use the results of this assessment during the college and career planning activities to help students find colleges and programs that best meet their interests.
One of the ASVAB scores is the military entrance score/ Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) which your student can use to explore career options in the military. Even if your child’s scores are released to the military, by no means is your child obligated to military service.
Your child’s ASVAB CEP scores will be released to the military unless you choose not to have their scores released by completing this form
You may also opt your child out of the testing all together by completing this form
You may also opt your child out of the testing all together by completing this form
If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Leavitt at
Do you have a student interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)?
UNH is planning a virtual event for junior and senior high school students to teach them what it is like to pursue a STEM based degree in college. The plan is to host a panel, over Zoom, of UNH students studying various engineering, math, and science disciplines, and allow students attending the panel the opportunity to ask questions. We hope to provide high school aspiring STEM majors the opportunity to learn what it's like to pursue this degree and hopefully inspire others to do the same. We are answering questions students send prior to the meeting but also opening up the room for live questions.
The event will be on Wednesday, December 9th at 7:00pm
If you have any students interested please sign up using this form:
Next Driver Education Course to Start in January
The next Driver Education course from Pro Staff Driving will start January 11, 2021 and run through Feb 17, 2021. Classroom instruction is being offered remotely, but driving hours are (obviously) in person.
Sanborn School Nurses Run Giving Tree for the Community
As we approach the 2020 holiday season, the Sanborn School District will once again sponsor local families in need with our annual "Giving Tree". Please consider clicking the link below to fulfil a gift wish.
Anyone who would like to help is asked to choose a gift from the list, purchase and return the item unwrapped with the ID# on each gift to the main office of any one of the schools no later than Wednesday, December 18th.
We thank you in advance for your generosity. The community response to "Giving Trees" of the past has been AMAZING, and we are sure Christmas mornings for the families that we sponsor are so much brighter because of it.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to any of the school nurses.
(If you select a gift and are unable to find the item or fulfill your commitment, please delete your name from that item so that we can be sure that everyone's wish is filled.)
Cindy Cole, RN Juliann Herrick, RN & Camille Mawhinney, RN
Sanborn's School Nurses
National Honor Society Winter Clothing Drive
Nurses To Run Giving Tree For Families in Need
With Halloween behind us the Holidays are quickly heading our way requiring much preparation.
This year Sanborn School District will be hosting a giving tree . All children living in the household of those who choose to participate are eligible to receive gifts through the giving tree. If your family is in need this year and you are interested in receiving gifts please let us know the name, age, gender and a few gift requests for each child living in your home. The names of those participating are completely confidential.
Each gift request should follow the guidelines of something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read. We request a $25 limit per gift. You can e-mail your list to the school nurse, send a list into the nurse’s office via a sealed envelope with your student or call us with your list. The nurses across the district are organizing this together this year so if you have students in multiple buildings you can send your list with all of your children to any one of us.
Please feel free to call or email with any questions. We need to have all gift requests in by Nov 23rd. For planning purposes, if you want to receive gifts from the giving tree we would appreciate a quick note as soon as possible just to let us know so we can keep an eye out for incoming lists.
If you want to purchase gifts for the families within our community that have needs this year through the giving tree watch your e-mail the first week of Dec as we will be sending out a district wide Sign up Genius.
The Sanborn School Nurses
High School Nurse Camille Mawhinney RN
Middle School Nurse Tracey Gilmartin RN
Memorial School Nurse Cindy Cole RN
Bakie School Nurse Julianne Herrick RN
As you may have seen or heard, the School Board took action on Winter sports this past week. You will find some important information on our winter sports by following this link:
Free/Reduced Lunch Application Information
NEXT MEETING: 1/20/2021 at 6:00PM. A Zoom link will be emailed the morning of the meeting.
The mission of the Sanborn Regional High School Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance and support the Sanborn Regional High School learning community of students, staff, and families of Fremont, Kingston, and Newton. This is accomplished through the following endeavors:
*Community Outreach *Teacher Involvement *Educational Programs *Civic Cooperation
*Volunteer Programs *Fundraising
If we all help a little it will be amazing how much we can accomplish as an organization.
We typically meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom
(check the Points of P.R.I.D.E. Newsletter or our FB page for any changes)
Thank you for taking the time to complete the membership form and become part of the SRHS PTO. Check us out on Facebook at Sanborn Regional High Scholl PTO.
If you have any questions or information you would like to share with our organization, please contact Alicia D’Antonio at
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)
SoRock SRHS Newsletter week of 12/7
Thank you!
SoRocks first annual 5K/walk for mental health and substance misuse awareness “Steps for Strength” was a big success!! Congratulations to the selfie and race winners from each town. The town of Fremont was out SRS Prevention Champion for the most participants and steps to reduce stigma! Great job Fremont families!
Free Teen Peer Helping Workshop
On December 8th from 3-4:30 SoRock will be sponsoring Teen Institute to present a virtual workshop on “The Pyramid of Prevention”. The Pyramid of Prevention is a framework for understanding the peer helping relationship when normal everyday teen stressors (Tier 1) may escalate to more of a crisis (Tier 2) where the helper may want to consult with adult advisor, and when the stressor or problem becomes more of an immediate safety concern or emergency (Tier 3) where the peer helper should bring the friend immediately to the trusted adult. This workshop is open to all HS students.
Kingston we need your help!
Kingston requires that all agencies be a citizens petition warrant article for their first three years. Thank you to all who signed for us for 2020! Once again we need the signatures of at least 25 registered Kingston voters. You are not voting to fund us by signing this petition, only endorsing our ability to be on the warrant to be voted on in 2021.
COVID-19 has greatly impacted our ability to collect signatures through in person events this year. We would appreciate your help this year through email.
As part of our #BeSafewithSoRock campaign, by year end 50 free home safety kits will be distributed to families free of charge. Kits will include locking medicine box, reusable personal hand sanitizer with hotline numbers for mental health and substance use disorders , How to Teen Proof Your Home, trigger lock, NH COVID-19 Family Resource Guide, resource magnet with hotline numbers for mental health and substance use disorders, as well as safe medication disposal pouches. These should be available by the end of the month.
SoRock has also purchased reusable fabric masks for SRMS/SRHS and our local police departments.
PTO Clothing & Shoe Donation Bins
When you drop your unwanted clothing and shoes off in these bins, the SRHS PTO gets paid based on the weight of the clothing! This is a really easy way to help our school. All PTO proceeds go directly back to programming and scholarships that directly benefit our students. NOTE: Shoes must go in a separate bin.
Did you know? From April of 2015 - May 2017, this fundraiser has helped us raise nearly $2400.00 for the PTO. Help us double that number by sharing this opportunity with your friends, your family, and your neighbors!
* Not Sponsored by the Sanborn Regional School District
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. Click on a picture to send one of us an email.
Bob Dawson
Assistant Principal
Steve Krzyzanowski
Assistant Principal
Heidi Leavitt
Counseling Director
Matthew Malila
Assistant Principal