October 30, 2020
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Upcoming Events
November 10 — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
November 17 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

More event information can be found at:
Second Semester Commitment Request
Next week, parents will receive an email from FinalForms that will include a survey to indicate the learning path for your student for second semester.

While we encourage families to remain in their current learning option for the remainder of the school year, we recognize that some families may need to request a different learning option for their children.

Due to the complexity of making changes mid-year, all requests to change options for second semester MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 at midnight. This will help us plan for staff, transportation, or building changes for the second semester. Parents will need to complete a survey for each of your children.

Please familiarize yourself with the 2020-2021 Reopening Plan as you make your decision.
Community Learning Series Returns!
The Kings Community Learning Series returns on Thursday, November 19! This first series for the year will be live-streamed on Zoom from 6-8 p.m. Street Smart Ohio will highlight trends of teen drug use. This informational session will help parents learn about current trends, terminology, and some of the ways that teens can conceal drugs in everyday items such as a container of gum.

Click here to learn more and register for this one-time, non-recorded event.
Diversity Task Force Seeking Focus Groups
We are proud to announce our next phase in improving Diversity Relations in our district is Parent Focus Groups.

We are seeking parents who would like to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas around Diversity in an open discussion forum. Dr. Kristilynn Turney, Diversity Consultant, will be leading this process by asking a series of scripted questions in small group sessions. The 1-2 hour sessions will take place in late November and/or early December in socially distanced in-person groups or via Zoom.  

If interested, please send your name and email address to Kim Sellers at
KME is Getting a Therapy Dog
Kings Mills Elementary is getting a therapy dog!

Welcome to Gily, a golden doodle who will join the staff and students at KME sometime in the Spring once she passes her trainings and certifications. Gily’s name means “joy.”
Like Raven, J.F. Burns Elementary School's therapy Dog, Gily will have received extensive training on how to interact with elementary students in a school environment as well as undergone temperament and obedience training. She will be assisting KME School Counselor, Keri Perdrix in supporting students.
We are sure that Gily will bring a lot of joy to the students and staff at KME!

Pictured L-R: Mrs. Perdrix with Gily and Mrs. Sander, JFB Counselor with Raven.
KingsUKnights Helping Families for the Holidays
Kings U Knights is a 501(c)3 organization that helps provide holiday gifts to Kings students in need. Each child receives 3 gifts (2 clothing and one fun) with a total value of approximately $75 per child.

If you are interested, there are several ways to spread holiday cheer this year: donate money/gift cards to KingsUKnights, buy presents for a child/family, or provide wrapping paper and tape. Learn more about KingsUKnights by watching the video below.

If you would like to help this holiday season, please contact KingsUKnights at
KJH Food Drive
Kings Junior High School is hosting their annual Food Drive to benefit the Kings Local Food Pantry. Donations will be accepted from November 2-9. All donations are welcome, but this year, they are gathering items specifically for a family Thanksgiving Dinner. Their goal is to provide Thanksgiving dinner for 75 families of 4.

Each family needs: 2 boxes mashed potatoes, 3 cans string beans, 3 cans corn, 1 can cranberry sauce, 2 pkgs stuffing, 1 can pears, 1 can mandarin oranges, 1 can applesauce, 1 box jello, 1 package crackers, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, 1 box mac & cheese.

If you'd like to donate, please drop off at the front entrance of KJH. Please be sure your donations are NOT EXPIRED as the food pantry can not give those to their clients If you'd like to donate money instead visit the Kings Local Food Pantry website. If you have questions, email Diane Bigelow at
KHS Academic Achievers - Week 5
Kings High School top students are being recognized each week by the Kings High School Parent Teacher Organization.

Week 5 honorees are Brooke Cramer and Kaleigh Cooke. Click here to learn more about Brooke and Kaleigh.

Typically, these students are recognized at half-time of the football games, but this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, this annual tradition will not be able to happen in person.

Neighborhood Bridges
Our Kings Neighborhood Bridges is looking to get the word out to both those who could use some assistance, as well as those who may be willing to help. Community members and businesses are encouraged to subscribe to Neighborhood Bridges-Kings by visiting our website at: There is no cost to subscribe and then residents are notified of specific ways they can help.

Click here for an introduction from our local Neighborhood Bridges volunteers. Residents can also follow along on FacebookTwitter, or on Instagram.

For more information about Neighborhood Bridges - Kings, residents are encouraged to send questions to
Students Given Opportunity to Finish Projects
A yearly tradition for 6th graders at Columbia Intermediate School is to make clay frogs in art. Because of COVID-19, last year's 6th graders were unable to complete their frogs.

Thanks to Kings Junior High Art Teacher, Jan Thomann, those now 7th graders have been given the opportunity to finish their frog project. They have been invited to Art Club to glaze their frogs and Mrs. Thomann will fire them in the kiln for them. #KingsStrong
Kings Preschool Has Openings
Kings Preschool has availability in their 4-day program for children ages 3-5. Please contact Tammy Nelson at 513-398-8050, ext. 10040.
Kings Band Poinsettia Sale
The Kings Band Poinsettia Sale is back! They can help you decorate for the holidays with beautiful, full poinsettias, fresh pine wreaths and ropes, and gorgeous table arrangements. Orders due by November 20.

Kings Band Booster Puzzle Sale
The Kings Band Boosters are selling custom puzzles showcasing Kings Local Schools with artwork provided by Kings students!

These 500-piece puzzles (24”Wx18”H) are high-quality, CPSIA compliant with non-toxic inks, and are shipped directly to you. Cost is $49.99 plus shipping and handling.

Learn more and buy yours today at  
FREE Community Art Night
The Kings Art Club and Kindness Club is dedicated to spreading kindness through art to adults and children of all ages. The creator of the Club, KHS Art Teacher, Carrie Cooke started offering the Free Community Art Nights last year and the purpose is to give the opportunity for adults, young children and families to come together and enjoy a free activity involving the arts.

During this free art night, supply bags will be sent home with any student in the Kings School District containing supplies to create your own Thankful (leaves) or Gratitude (hearts) salt dough ornaments.

This Free Art Event will give families the chance to bond together while creating a message of hope and love. Hopefully, each person that participates will create a tree installation either for their family or as a surprise for a loved one.

This month's Community Art Night is sponsored by the Kings Foundation.

Also, Kings Art and Kindness Club is creating thinking of you cards for the Lodge Nursing & Rehab Center. Their hope is to be able to deliver a large number of cards before Thanksgiving to let the residents know that they are being thought of and loved. If you would like to participate, please contact Carrie Cooke at Cards are due by 11/2.
Kings COVID-19 Dashboard
Each week the COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated with number of positive cases and quarantines. The dashboard can be found on the home page of the Kings website or found on the Coronavirus page on the Kings website.

Please continue to perform a daily health assessment on your student before coming to school. You can utilize this Decision Tree to help decide if you should send your child to school.

We appreciate all of the patience and care shown by our Knight Nation while we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on safety protocols and our back to school plan please visit our Reopening Plan website resource page.
Kings Seeking Educational Aides
Hey Parents!

The Kings Local School District is seeking Educational Aide substitutes. If you or you know someone who is interested in making some extra money and working with our great students click here for more information.

We also have Educational Aide and some other vacancies that can be found on our website.
Dell Computers Extend Discount to Kings Community
Dell Computers is offering Kings parents, students, and staff a savings of 10% on your purchase. All you need to do is get this coupon and enter an email. Once that is completed it will take you to a page where you will enter the registration code "Dell10."

If you have questions contact Shelley Tasman at Dell Technologies at
Kings Ski and Board Sign-Ups
Kings Ski and Board Club sign ups are NOW until Nov 8th. The Club will travel to Perfect North Slopes on 4 consecutive Wednesdays in January and February.

Please visit to register. Bus seats are first come first served.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!

In case you missed it check out Mrs. Lopinto's Online Knight Pumpkin Book Reports on Twitter!
Our social media conversation is growing and we don't want you to miss out!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities such as KHS Softball and CIS PTO fundraisers, and more!
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Boys Youth Lacrosse Sign Ups
The time is here to register for Kings Boys Youth Lacrosse for Spring 2021. Click here for more information.
Kings Football Playoffs
Tonight, the Kings Knights (#4 seed) will travel to battle the Winton Woods Warriors (#1 seed)!! Kickoff from Winton Woods is at 7:00 p.m.! Be sure to follow us on Twitter @KingsAthletics for live updates or stream the game LIVE!!

The Knights and Warriors will be streamed by Spectrum 1 and the OHSAA!! You will need a Spectrum account to watch or you can purchase through the OHSAA for $9.99! Click HERE to purchase! 
Good luck, Knights!
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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