For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
~ Romans 1:16 
February is an important month for two reasons. First it is Missions month in our church and secondly it is Valentine’s Day. You wouldn’t normally think to put these two events together but if you think about it, we are called to share the gospel with the entire world and the reason we do that is because of the love of God. So it seems right that they should go hand in hand. Valentine’s Day is about showing Love and Missions is about evangelizing those near and far. It is telling the good news of Jesus Christ and His redemptive plan.
Fishing - Katey Temple

Fishing is not something many women enjoy doing. I must admit it has been a few years since my husband and I took our two granddaughters fishing, and thoughts came rushing back about little poles, squirmy worms, warm summer days, and a pretty calm lake. All we had to do is cast the fishing line in the lake and watch for the little red bobber to disappear under the water, and then pull a little fish from the water. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus told His disciples Peter and Andrew to “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men”. Quite different from “casting their nets into the sea, as they were professional fishermen. In the last two verses of Matthew 28:19-20 says “Go ye therefore into all the world and make disciples”, was this what Jesus was referring to as He told Peter and Andrew that He would make them fishers of men? Peter and Andrew as were all of Jesus’ disciples, expected to go and make disciples. We are no different. That command is for us as well. Ok, you say, I am a mom. I have toddlers to take care of, or I’m seventy years old, how can I follow Jesus’s command?
After reading how Donna Evans watched fishing boats on her vacations to the beach, she wrote about how God equated that to evangelism. Fishermen go where the fish are, not where the fish aren’t. (Don’t stay in your” Holy Huddle”.) They go slow, not fast. They aren’t’ riding on jet skis or speed boats. They move slowly taking their time, but they keep moving. They don’t stand still. The fishermen get out early and keep working even as the day gets harder. They are diligent seekers and hard workers. They travel with the right tools to get the job done. There’s an initial investment of time and treasure: boats, nets, tools-before they reap the harvest. They don’t anchor where other fishing boats are or where the fish aren’t. They persevere and eventually are rewarded for the efforts. Their harvest is worth the work.
Jesus’ words, “I will make you fishers of men” is a great metaphor or word picture for evangelism and discipleship, both of which are addressed in Jesus’ Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”
Jesus never said it would be easy to do this. But He did promise to be with us wherever the “fishing” takes us. Like the fishermen, we are called to go where the fish are. Evangelism and discipleship require hard work, diligence, perseverance and an investment of time, treasure, and manpower. Donna says that evangelism and discipleship are a process, not a program. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. (Luke 10:2) Paul in his epistle to the Galatians 6:9 said, “We will reap a harvest if we don’t give up. Dr. Harry Reader, pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church says “The great commission is a great commandment that requires great commitment.”  
A letter from Pastor Jonathan
Dear Women of the church,
Often, when we hear the word evangelism, it conjures up pictures of mass crusades, or street corner preachers, or maybe walking up to a perfect stranger or going door-to-door and handing out tracts (the very thought of which gives some of us sweaty palms) But evangelism simply comes from the biblical word that means good news, and the sharing of that food news with others. And that good news centers on the person and work of Jesus Christ. How we share Christ can take many forms, forms which are natural and unique to each of us. Our job is just to be faithful in sharing the good news, God’s job is to do the saving, but we pray that God in his sovereign grace will use our faithfulness to bring many to eternal life! I truly cannot think of anything more worthy or important that that.
Let me tell you just a couple of things related to evangelism at FPC that I plan to encourage every member to pray about. First, evangelism has a more personal dimension. Each one of us as individuals operate within certain spheres of influence. There are the spheres of church, family, work/school, leisure activities, neighborhood, or other places we frequent (stores, salons, our kid’s ball fields, etc.) And within our respective sphere there are people whom God has purposely placed, in order that you and I might develop relationships with them, in hope of influencing them, perhaps to take even just one small step closer to Christ. In John 4:35, Jesus says, “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” And in Colossians 4:3-5, Paul prays that God would open a door for the message of the gospel, and that God would open his moth to proclaim it. Finally, in Acts 16:14, it says of Lydia (one of Paul’s coverts), that the Lord opened her heart to respond to the message of the gospel. All of these verses could be summed up by the word “Open. May the Lord cause our eyes to be open to the lost people around us. May he open doors of opportunity. May he open our mouths to speak. And may he open their hearts to believe!
Evangelism has a corporate dimension as well.  It isn’t necessarily something we just do alone. In fact, the gospel is often more powerfully communicated when it comes by means of God’s church speaking and living out the gospel in the community together. Here is where I want to specifically encourage your women’s ministry. As you are planning and organizing your women’s events and ministries this year, I simply want to urge you to think intentionally about including and inviting lost or perhaps unchurched women to your gatherings. Whether it be a small group, a service project, a women’s retreat, Blessed Celebration, or any sort of fun, low-key (non-churchy event!), pray about women in your spheres of influence who might potentially come to those gatherings if you invite them. Let’s incorporate unsaved women into the wonderful times of worship, fellowship, and outreach that you are already planning to do. I know God can and will use you in powerful and compelling ways to reach other women with the gospel.  That reaching the lost would be a value embedded in all that we do at FPC. 
You and I have the greatest gift of all: a relationship with Jesus Christ! Evangelism is simply, naturally, prayerfully, intentionally, and joyfully sharing this gift of Christ with others. In gospel partnership with you.
Happy Valentine’s Day
This season of love we can reach out to those who do not know Jesus.  Neighbors, friends, and people you see at the Y, a grocery clerk, your mail person. Gather a Valentine goodie bag filled with sticky notes, pen, candy or anything to say “Because of the love of God, I want to share is with you.” Simple acts of kindness are one way of sharing the gospel.
Testifying to the Goodness of God is an act of Thanksgiving and it confirms our faith.

First, let me say that I am not a person who easily shares their feelings but I felt God was calling me to step out in faith as others may feel as I do. During the calendar year of 2020 my ears were bombarded by many strident, headlining phrases. I became more and more anxious about Covid and about the condition of the world. While sheltering in my house I wanted to shut out all unpleasantness and focus on what made me feel better, calmer, and more peaceful. I wanted to read only what I wanted to read, watch what I wanted to watch, and do what I wanted to do. As my life became quieter and emptier I was surprised that I wasn’t actually more calm and peaceful. I was just bored!
I began to hear from Reverend Chadwick the words, “Fruitful, Faithful Follower.” I began to think about what this phrase actually meant t for me.  
How could I be more fruitful during these difficult times? How could I become more faithful to the calling of God? Of course, I had these two questions backwards. If I could be more faithful in my time by prayer, study, and actively seeking the will of God, the fruitfulness would follow. I really did ask God what he wanted me to do and then I waited for the answer.
The answer for me during the last few months has been pretty simple and very rewarding. I can call, text, write and pray. I felt the strong need to reach out to other women. Particular people were placed in my mind and heart and the command was “Do it now! Yes, this person!” I started calling people that I missed and wanted to know how they were getting along during this difficult, lonely time. I know the names of these women were given to me by God. Some were close friends, and some were women that I did not know well. Some were people I had not had a real conversation with in years. Our amazing God answered my prayers. My phone friends and I have shared some laughs, deep concerns and prayer requests, and connected in a way that is amazing and definitely God inspired.
My goal for 2021 is to listen more intently and obey more fully as God leads me into deeper connection with Him and with other women. Next time He might want something more than a simple phone call and prayer. I hope each one of us can trust our Heavenly Father to give us a way to serve him. Love from one fruitful, faithful follower to another.  
Impressions – Virginia Saunders
I was walking along the sidewalk the other day on the way to work out in our neighborhood gym. It happened to be after a heavy rain and leaves had blown everywhere. As I walked I caught glimpse of impressions of leaves on the concrete sidewalk. As I did my exercises those impressions wouldn’t leave my mind. So I returned to the site and as I walked I noticed that the concrete sidewalk that was in the shade had no leaf impressions. They were only found on the sidewalk touched by the sun. Many thoughts came to mind. One was how could a small leaf leave an imprint on something so hard and permanent and the other was why was it only on those touched by the sun?
There are lessons to be learned by all this. I think of the many people that I have told about Jesus not knowing the outcome of those conversations. Like the leaves, our words fall either on listening ears or those whose ears are closed. We can’t be sure whether our words will fall on those in the shade or those in the sun. But we must always give the gospel message. It is interesting that those impressions that were embedded in the concrete are those that were touched by the sun, just as those who are touched by the SON will respond to the message. The outcome of sharing the gospel is not up to us, it is all in the hands of God. We are just the messengers.
We are all asked to give an account of the hope within us. Some will go to the mission field and some will stay at home and reach out to those in the sphere of influence. We should ask ourselves everyday how we can glorify God in our actions and our speech and give testimony to his faithfulness. We should be as willing to share the gospel with others as we are a new recipe, a new technique we have learned, or even a new TV show that we think is great. We should be excited about the gospel and its life changing effects……We don’t have to do it by standing on the street corner but by learning to fit it into our everyday lives. 

Here’s the question: Are we willing to obey Jesus’ command to go and make disciples? 
Walking Ministry
Tuesday 5:30-6:15pm - Meet at the church

We want to hear what God has been teaching you lately. Send a 1-2 minute video sharing how God has been working in your life and we will share it on social media. Email your video to
 If you have anything you would like to share in our upcoming newsletter, please email Katey Temple
or Virginia Saunders

February Birthdays
February 1- Charla Brewster
February 5 – Paula Newman
February 6 – Chris Morgan,
                     Sara Congdon
February 8 – Amanda Davidson
February 10 – Pam Ekey,
       Christine Hosteller
February 11 – Martha House,
                   Julie Mooring
February 12 – Margaret Graham
February 13 – Nan Marie Cash,
                 Elizabeth Peulausk
February 17 – Rebecca Stansell
February 18 – Elizabeth Ponder
February 22 – Yvonne Miller
February 25 – Ashley Evans
February 26 – Phyllis Pemerton
February 27 – Julie Shaw
February 29 – Joan Brock
*If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Women’s Council
Co-chairs: Natalie Stegall ( or Holly Shadday (