Dear Friends,
To date in Howard County, we have 14,622 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 7,971 active cases, 6,440 total recoveries and lost 211 of our neighbors from this virus. We're keeping these families in our hearts. It's vital that we continue the practices that we all know at this point - wear a mask around people not in your household, avoid gatherings of large groups, keep your distance, and wash your hands. Let's StayCOVIDSafe HoCo.
As of 9:00 a.m. today and according to the Maryland Department of Health, our 7-day average positivity rate is at 5.62% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 22.8. We've seen both these metrics decline since earlier this month and are holding steady at this point. Both our positivity and case rates are below the State averages and our rates are within the lower third of all jurisdictions.
The Howard County Health Department is continuing with Phase 1A of our vaccine distribution plan, which includes approximately 15,000 healthcare providers and first responders. The Health Department has also begun vaccinating people in Phase 1B, a group of about 55,000 people, including educators and staff in Priority Groups 1and 2, as prioritized by HCPSS, private school educators and staff and childcare providers. Last week, the new vaccination clinic at Howard Community College opened and administered 3,337 vaccines. All vaccinations at this point are by appointment only. Second dose administration is also continuing this week at the Health Department. Howard County General Hospital and select pharmacies in the county continue to also vaccinate congregate living facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities, health care workers, and the elderly.
While there are more than 95,000 residents who are currently eligible to receive a vaccine, Howard County Health Department has only received a total of 15,025 first dosages since the first 100 dosages that we received December 23rd and administered 100%. Although we have the infrastructure to administer upwards of 20,000 doses a week, this week Howard County will receive only 2,000 doses from the State, which is 56% less than received last week. However, while the Health Department is receiving less vaccine, the State has identified more pharmacies in the county.
These vaccine appointments are controlled by the Maryland Department of Health and should be scheduled directly at Please check on that site for eligibility criteria. As we receive dosages from the State, we are working hard to ensure it gets to our residents. We ask for your patience and understanding in recognizing how great of a demand we have compared to our very limited supply. The County depends on the Federal and State governments to determine how many vaccines are allocated.
As we've stated before - not everyone will get appointments immediately until we have enough vaccine, and we do not have enough vaccine. Please visit for additional information or to pre-register. You may also call the Health Department at 410-313-6284 if you need assistance pre-registering. Please be mindful, call volumes are extremely high due to the high demand and wait times may be longer than usual.
Pre-registration is now available for all residents in Phase 1B through the Health Department, with the exception of Howard County Public School System employees who are contacted by the school system when appointments are available. Pre-registration allows the Health Department to collect contact information from residents. Once you have completed the pre-registration you will be contacted to schedule an appointment when there is vaccine supply available. Anyone who attempts to go to a clinic without a valid appointment will be turned away.
Residents who are 65-74 in Phase 1C may also pre-register at this time. Additional surveys are being developed for other Phase 1C populations and will be available soon. While some parts of the State have moved on to Phase 1C, Howard County Health Department is still prioritizing Phase 1A and Phase 1B based on supply received. Howard County expects increased supply soon and will communicate available appointments as soon as is possible.
While we are hopeful that production will increase over the next few weeks and months, we are still in a position where demand will continue to exceed supply for the foreseeable future. We know how many people are relying on a vaccine to do their jobs as safely as possible, to return to normal life, to see their family and friends, and to be less isolated. We’re doing everything we can to make this process go faster.
Howard County Vaccine Distribution Plan
We’re working around the clock to rapidly scale up vaccination clinics and vaccinate up to 20,000 people per week. As we’ve known since the start of this pandemic, it’s going to take all of us working together to get to the other side of this. Please note, the Maryland Department of Health and the Governor have changed prioritizations under some of these phases.
Phase 1A
Vaccinations for Phase 1A are ongoing. Phase 1A include includes all licensed healthcare providers, correctional officers, law enforcement agencies, and frontline judiciary staff. The Health Department estimates there are up to 15,000 people in this group. Healthcare providers can register here.
Phase 1B
The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) will coordinate vaccinations for their K-12 educators and staff. Registration for all who qualify under Phase 1B is now open, with the exception of HCPSS educators who will be contacted by their administrators.
Phase 1C
Phase 1C vaccinations are expected to begin in February. Phase 1C includes residents ages 65-74, public safety and health workers, essential workers in grocery stores, food production, labs, manufacturing, public transit and the postal service. Per the Maryland Department of Health, residents who are severely immunocompromised are now included under Phase 1C. The pre-registration for residents 65-74 is also open for residents.
HCC Clinic
The HCC vaccination clinic is now open and will be able to administer 1,500 doses per day, depending on supply from the State. The vaccinations will take place in the gymnasium of the Athletics and Fitness Center on campus and appointments are required. There is no need to arrive early, as this can cause long lines to form. Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early for your scheduled appointment.
We have conducted a thorough debrief with the Health Department and together we are deploying additional staff to assist with changes to the operation at HCC. We are operationalizing the following changes for the clinic:
Address Wait Times - Super Senior Saturday will be divided over two days to decrease the number of people onsite. Individuals will be directed to a holding parking lot until their appointed time to limit the number of people waiting in the line.
Traffic and Directional Management - There will be increased traffic flow to manage higher volumes of cars. More staff will be outside for better direction and signage will be clearer.
Mobile Vaccinations - Mobility issues for the elderly will be taken into consideration and there will be an increased ability for individuals to be vaccinated in their cars.
Other Amenities - Porta potties will be available on site and there will be more wheel chairs available.
Older Adult Outreach
The Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is working to increase vaccine communications with phone calls, online information, signage and flyers posted throughout 55+ communities, senior residences or apartment buildings, assisted living facilities, healthcare providers and commercial areas, through traditional mail, and even through COVID-safe in-person direct community engagement.
Bilingual staff are available to assist those with limited English proficiency who may need support signing up for vaccination or to answer questions. Translated documents are available on the Department of Community Resources and Services website in Korean, Chinese, and Spanish, and there are resources available to assist those who are visually or hearing impaired.
For residents without access to the internet or may not be comfortable with using technology, may reach our Maryland Access Point Staff by calling 410-313-1234 to reach a staff person.
COVID-19 Vaccine Townhall
Howard County is working around the clock to get vaccine administered as quickly and efficiently as possible. We know that there are many questions and concerns and invite you to join us for our COVID-19 Vaccine Telephone Townhall Monday, February 8th, at 6:00 p.m.
I encourage residents to use this opportunity to learn more about the vaccines and understand how and when they will be able to receive their vaccinations.
Residents can call in at (855) 756-7520 Ext. 71314# OR pre-register here. Email questions in advance to
Celebrating Black History!
February is Black History Month – a time for us to join in honoring the historic achievements and contributions to our community, and our world, by people of African descent. This month, and throughout the year, it’s important to acknowledge our past, honor our present, and inspire our future.
From Benjamin Banneker, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Tubman to Simone Biles, Hank Aaron, and Kamala Harris, we stand on the shoulders of yesterday's giants and continue to inspire tomorrow's bright stars. We join to celebrate the rich culture experienced every day to inspire current and future generations.
Happy Black History Month!
Staying Heart Healthy
February is American Heart Month – an important time to recognize and learn more about heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for men and women. As we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s even more important to take care of our hearts as those living with a heart disease may be at an increased risk for severe illness from the virus. Due to COVID-19 being a relatively new virus, the data available is limited. However, patients with comorbidities have more deteriorating outcomes compared with patients without.
Talking with your loved ones about heart disease is important. In fact, it could save a life. I encourage us all, during this month and throughout the year, to talk to our loved ones about heart health and work to maintain a happy and healthy heart.
For more information about American Heart Month, please click here.
Building Wells and Connections
We can all be inspired by Julia's story.
During a Girl Scout meeting last year Julia’s troop read a book about a young South Sudanese girl who makes two-hour treks to get water for her family. Wanting to do more to help, Julia, with the help of her family and friends, has self-published her own book - Willa's Adventures, to raise funds for The Water Project to build a well for those facing water insecurity around the world.
In a time when it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face, it's young people like Julia that keep us going. Read more about her story here.
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
If you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, I encourage you to talk to your primary care physician about your qualifications for monoclonal antibody treatment – a safe and effective COVID-19 therapeutic. The Maryland Department of Health is working closely with the Maryland Hospital Association and other partners to implement an allocation and distribution process of monoclonal antibodies to better serve residents across the state as there may be a greater demand than supply of COVID-19 therapeutics.
Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-made proteins that mimic the immune system’s ability to fight off viruses. They are administered within the early stages of a COVID-19 infection to help mitigate severe symptoms and possible hospitalizations. MDH recommends that patients talk to their provider as soon as possible and no later than 7 days after symptoms onset to begin the infusion process. Treatment includes a single, one-hour intravenous infusion, followed by at least one hour of observation.
Treatment can be obtained at a number of hospitals and other health care providers in the state, including:
- Adventist HealthCare Takoma Park
- Atlantic General Hospital
- Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital
- MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center
- Meritus Health
- Peninsula Regional-Tidal Health
- UPMC Western Maryland
Additionally, eligible nursing home residents may have access to treatment through their long-term care pharmacy partners. Under a special arrangement with the federal government, a supply of monoclonal antibody treatment medications is available to patients for free.
While hope is on the horizon with the vaccine distribution underway, we must do everything possible to mitigate the onset and the spread of COVID-19, which is still very prevalent. For more information, please visit
Congratulations HCPSS High Schools!
Please join me in congratulating our seven Howard County High Schools for earning the College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award! Schools with this distinction have expanded girl's participation in AP computer science courses - setting them up for future success and careers in an important field.
Congratulations to:
- Atholton High
- Centennial High
- Glenelg High
- Hammond High
- Howard High
- Mt. Hebron High
- Oakland Mills High
Out of the 20,000 institutions that offer AP courses, 1,119 achieved either 50% or higher female representation in one of the two AP computer science courses. These schools were a part of 831 schools that were recognized. Despite a challenging year, we've seen our students persevere in their studies and pursue new fields.
State of Business
It has been a challenging year for many due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but most of all, for our local businesses. Join me and the Howard County Chamber on February 24th, 2021 for my annual State of Business address. Get your tickets today here!
During this speech, we want to ensure we’re hearing directly from businesses. Please take a moment to complete a brief survey, and items submitted may be incorporated into the Chamber’s questions. Take it now here.
Energy and Utility Bill Assistance
COVID-19 has devastated many households who have lost income and are trying to make ends meet to keep the heat on, feed their families, and pay their rent. There are several programs available to assist residents with current and past due energy and utility bills.
We are laser-focused on ensuring that our most vulnerable residents do not fall through the cracks this winter, as we continue to combat this virus in our community. Please share this information with friends and neighbors who may be in need.
Rental Assistance and Eviction Prevention
The longer this pandemic stretches on, the more urgent rental and eviction relief becomes. With more than 23,000 renters in the county, and more than 46,000 residents who have filed for unemployment, we are doing all we can to keep people safely housed.
Beginning January 4th, residents may apply for additional housing assistance. As we continue to battle this virus, we must deliver the necessary relief and services to make sure no one falls through the cracks.
For more information, please click here.
Moratorium on Evictions Extended
The moratorium on evictions and foreclosures has been extended!
President Biden has issued an executive order extending the moratorium on evictions for renters and foreclosures for homeowners with mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which was originally set to expire at the end of this month, through March 31, 2021. This means that if you have a federally backed mortgage, you can’t be foreclosed on or evicted for not paying.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development at
Where to Get Tested
As we continue to see a rise in COVID-19 cases in Howard County, we are also seeing rise of residents who are getting tested or have questions about testing. The two drive-thru COVID-19 testing locations set up in the parking lots at the Elkridge and Savage fire stations are NOT being operated by the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services, but are operated by Quality First Urgent Care.
Our volunteer fire stations in Savage and Elkridge are being inundated with questions regarding testing. If you have any questions regarding testing at either location, please call the Howard County Health Department’s Coronavirus Information Line at (410) 313-6284. We all have a responsibility to do all we can to reverse our concerning trends. For more information, please visit
Recreation & Parks Updates
Recreation & Parks' three community center gymnasiums (Gary J. Arthur, North Laurel and Roger Carter) are CLOSED, EXCEPT for scheduled programs. Visitors may still access the community centers walking tracks, but by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please contact the front desk of the community center you wish to visit. Visitors may also use the community center fitness rooms, but also by appointment only.
Additionally, Recreation & Parks’ indoor programs are limited to no more than 10 people per activity area and all outdoor sports facilities, athletic fields, playgrounds, courts and skate parks are now limited to 25 people or less.
For more information and/or questions, visit Recreation & Parks' website and/or please contact the department at 410-313-4700.
Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS)
Lunar New Year
Celebrate the YEAR OF THE OX with an Authentic Lunar New Year Meal prepared by Hunan Manor Restaurant! Pick up your meal at Hunan Manor, 7091 Deepage Drive, Columbia 21045 on Wednesday, February 10 between 11 a.m. and noon to take home and enjoy.
TO REGISTER, call Maryland Access Point (MAP) at 410-313-1234 (voice/relay) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays February 1 through February 8.
COST: Individuals 60 and over are encouraged to contribute to the cost of the meal. Those 59 and under pay the cost of the meal, which is $15 per person.
"So She Did" Campaign
As women across the nation are breaking barriers and making history, we're excited to present the 'So She Did' campaign - an initiative designed to recognize greatness throughout our county. In lieu of our annual Women’s Hall of Fame, which has reached its conclusion with the 40th anniversary of the Commission for Women in 2020, this campaign will expand our goal of building political, social, and economic equality for all residents.
The commission is seeking profiles by February 12 of residents who are promoting positive change through their professional work, volunteerism, or advocacy efforts in Howard County. Residents are encouraged to submit their showcase of the girls and women you know who are making a difference for the betterment of our community. For more information, please visit
Department of Fire and Rescue
In an emergency, every second counts. Fire hydrants that are blocked, concealed, or difficult to access due to snow, ice or other obstructions can impede emergency fire response.
Help our department and adopt-a-hydrant today here.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Rent and Utility Assistance
DHCD has been awarded a $9.7 million grant from The U.S. Department of the Treasury to provide rent and utility assistance to county residents who have suffered a COVID-related loss of income, reduction in hours or medical illness. The funds will assist with paying up to nine months of past due rent or utilities. Note, residents who previously received three or six months of rental assistance, as well as residents that are still unemployed, could be eligible for additional assistance from this grant. Household income limits apply.
Police Department
Thank You!
Thanks to your support, the HCPD plunge team to support Special Olympics Maryland has surpassed its donations goal! The team has raised more than $1,300 that will go directly to Special Olympics athletes in Maryland.
The annual plunge event at the Chesapeake Bay was cancelled this January, but we "virtually" plunged and the cause goes on. HCPD and other agencies are trying to raise $250,000 for Special Olympics athletes. You can still donate through Jan. 31 directly to Special Olympics Maryland or through the HCPD team page:
Thank you again for supporting a cause near and dear to HCPD!
Department of Public Works
Virtual Public Meeting
Attention Savage: Our Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, February 9th starting at 7:00 p.m., to present plans for a stormwater pond retrofit project (Capital Project D-1177) in the vicinity of 10000 Junction Drive in Savage. To improve the stormwater management pond, DPW’s Stormwater Management Division plans to install a new concrete principal spillway pipe and riser structure, as well as a clay core and filter diaphragm in the pond embankment. In addition, storm drain inflows will be realigned and riprap will be placed along the inflows to reduce erosion and the outfall to reduce erosive velocities. This project is expected to begin in August 2021.
The informal meeting will include an overview of the design followed by an open discussion. County staff and the project’s design consultant, Century Engineering, will be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments. To participate in the meeting by computer, go to and click “join;” the meeting number is 180 733 0650 and “stormwater” is the password. To participate by phone, call 1-650-479-3207 (note, fees may apply) and enter the access code 180 733 0650.
Those unable to participate in the virtual meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Ms. Michele Monde with DPW’s Stormwater Management Division at 410-313-0444 or email
Department of Public Works Construction Report
Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.
Calvert Ridge Pond Repair
A project (D-1177) to repair and improve the stormwater management pond adjacent to 7078 Calvert Drive in Elkridge, is expected to begin on or about Monday, February 8th. The project will include installation of a new concrete riser and a 24-inch reinforced concrete spillway pipe. The existing auxiliary spillway will also be removed, and a portion of the embankment will be reconstructed to include an impervious core and filter diaphragm. This project is partially funded through the County’s Watershed Protection and Restoration Fund.
Signs will be posted in the area to alert residents of the project; however, this project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late May 2021.
Updates to ongoing projects – New Completion Dates
- Cedar Lane pumping station, W-8328 – completion late March 2021
Ellicott City
- Patapsco River Road green street improvements, D-1160 – completion summer 2021
- Whiskey Bottom Road sidewalk, K-5061-52B -- completion mid February 2021
To learn about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Department of Public Works – Bureau of Environmental Services
Curbside Collection Season Ends
REMINDER: The County's yard trim curbside collection season has ended until the season resumes the first week of April. However, this does NOT apply to those households who participate in our Bureau of Environmental Services "Feed the Green Bin" program. Residents participating in this program receive year-round yard trim collection as part of the County’s food scrap curbside collection program. To learn more about our food scrap collection program and if you are eligible, check out For more information about the County's yard trim collection program, visit
Department of Recreation and Parks
Sports & Outdoor Camp Guide
If you’re a Howard County resident, you likely received a physical copy of our 2021 Sports & Outdoor Camp Guide in your mailbox. This handy guide contains information on all of our upcoming sports and outdoor summer camps. To access a digital copy of this guide, visit us online. Note: This guide will be followed by a second Indoor Camp Guide, which will be released this spring.
"Pix in Parks" Contest Comes to a Close
Thank you to everyone who participated in our free-to-play Pix in Parks photo scavenger hunt contest! Over 75 families had fun solving a unique mystery while exploring Alpha Ridge Park, with seven lucky winners taking home cool prizes. Keep your eyes peeled to our Facebook page for information about our next fun contest.
Valentine’s Day Family Fun Kit
Looking for fun Valentine’s Day activities you and your child can enjoy from the comfort of home? Purchase a Valentine’s theme Family Fun Kit from the North Laurel Community Center! Each kit is $35 and includes materials for two personal pizzas, sugar cookies, hot cocoa, a slime kit, crafts and more. Add materials for an additional participant for $15! Each kit must be picked up from NLCC between 11am and 2pm on Saturday, February 6. To reserve your kit today, visit