January 8, 2021
After the service, move over to Zoom for
our virtual Coffee Hour.
Bill Motter facilitates 25-30 people tuning in to see how everyone is doing, giving everyone a chance to check in. 
How can I share?You can type it into the “Comment/Chat” bar during Sunday's Service or click below.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month,
5:30 -7:30 pm. 
Click here for a message from our Board

"Zoomthing" Sunday, January 10, 9:15am
An open, ya’ll come, discussion of Principle #7 of the seven UU congregational principles, covenanting “to affirm and promote Respect for the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part.”
Sunday Morning Women's Discussion/Convenant Group
(resuming January 17) 9:15-10:15am
For January, we will use the UUA "Soul Matters" curriculum on the theme "Imagination":
January 17: "Imagine a Story that Has Shaped Your Own"
January 24: "Imagine your Gravestone and Obituary"
January 31: "Image 'Breaking Free': What Would that Look Like"?
To Contact the discussion leader by email,
click the button below.
January 10: Contemplative
The Gates of Hope” by UU Rev. Victoria Stafford
Noon Zoom Check-In,
(Updated January 19)
Don’t lose touch – our sharing & conversation are interesting, healing, funny and sweet!  
Contemplative Meditation Readings
(Moving to Tuesdays)
Learn how to meditate here.
Adult Religious Studies
Zoom Discussion 
(Updated) On Holiday through January 27 - 10am & 7pm
Facebook Join My List Logo
January 14: 12:00pm 
Zoom Citizen's Cafe' - a chance to share about the socio-political issues of the week and times as we approach the Inauguration
Pastor Jack's Weekly Message
Dear UUSP Community,

Did you hear the funny story in this week’s news?Nope, neither did I.  
But I have been referring frequently to my old “Garfield” comfort cartoon where Jon tells the supine feline, “Time is running out, Garfield” – to which the catatonic cat replies, “Okay… what else is time going to do?”

And I’ve been referring frequently to my old “Rhymes with Orange” comfort cartoon where God is raking a miniature Zen sandbox right next to a little garden box with a miniature apple tree entwined by a snake next to two little humans – and God says, “It’s nice to have this sandbox for when the other garden stresses me out.”

Putting God and Garfield together, as UU ministers are prone to do, the call for the week sounds like, “Don’t do anything stupid or in a hurry” – lest our raised bed garden become a litter box.
Missing you,

Religious Education
Wednesday Zoom Adult Religious Studies
Religious Studies Discussions - UPDATED

On Holiday Break and will be back January 27 (10am & 7pm)
Study topic/book to be announced soon

More information coming - watch the InfoNet
Contact Pastor Jack if you have questions.
Sunday Children's Religious Education:
January 10 at 1130am on YouTube.

January's Theme for
RE is Imagination.

Our faith is a hopeful one. We disagreed with those who saw this life as doomed and irredeemable and instead asserted that life in the here and now was good and full of possibilities. In difficult times our faith has always encouraged us to hold on to hope by imagining the new day that is on its way. (Think about how often we quote the famous line about the arc of the universe bending toward justice.) So, what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of imagination?

It tells us to
“imagine the new day that is on its way!” 
What? - You aren't receiving it the
RE Weekly Newsletter?
Click below for the newsletter & lesson.
UUSP Community
Don’t forget our covenant groups continue to meet monthly, these days mainly on Zoom. We currently have eleven covenant groups in the congregation with over 100 people participating. A Covenant Group is a group of 10 or so people who gather regularly (at least monthly) to share and converse about how life is going for the individuals in the group and often for our wider circles of life. Contact Pastor Jack for help to join a group.
Saturday, January 9, 2021
UUSP Waving Tour 
Whether by phone, email, drive-by, let’s reach out to members and friends whom you haven’t seen in a while and say “hey!” Pick 4-6 destinations from the directory, have a brief chat and spread some  sUUnshine.

Contact: Sabine or 976-768-3256.
Building a Community in a
Pandemic E-vents
"Culinary Phobias Put To Rest"
Meeting ID: 974 6946 7982
Passcode: 545279
Dial in: 929 205 6099 
Save the Date!
January 17, 5:30 to 7pm

Let John Motter help you with your culinary phobias.
This month John will demystify the mystery of preparing fettuccine carbonara, Pastor Jack’s challenge.

"I’m going very classical rather than extras like the cream Jack mentioned.  If you buy quality ingredients and cook it correctly, then you’ll have a plate of spun silk."

The recipe and vegetarian version will be provided next week. Join in on great conversation and viewing a retired gourmet chef’s techniques.
What is the one thing that you’d love to cook but are afraid to or don’t know how to. Let Sous Chef Sabine know and Chef John will solve the mystery in his kitchen during a zoom meeting each month.
Social Justice
Guest at Your Table

The UUSC’s long-standing fundraising and educational program is taking place at UU St Pete during the month of January 2021. Here are our four guests. 

During the January 3rd service we introduced our first guest: Chief Shirell Parfait Dardar, the leader within the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe. Through a partnership with the Lowlander Center, a volunteer-run ecological justice organization in southern Louisiana. UUSC works with Chief Shirell to advocate for the Tribe’s rights against the ravages of climate change, exacerbated by oil and gas activity and lack of Federal Recognition.

This week, our “Guest” is Marshallese climate researcher and UUSC partner Mark Stege, who works with communities in the Marshall Islands to collect data on flood risks and groundwater quality.

By involving communities in data collection and decision-making, Mark helps increase Indigenous leadership in climate change research, ensure self-determination for communities, and prolong the habitability of peoples’ homes through adaptation and resource conservation.

Below is a video clip of Mark speaking about the importance of increased involvement of impacted communities in climate change research and adaptation planning.

Mark is pictured above with Chloe Bulles, one of his community elders. 

FAST continues to work with local officials regarding affordable housing. With this FAST has asked us to spread the word that the St. Petersburg Housing Authority is accepting applications for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Check out the link below.
UU Ways To Give
Much More Than Your Money!
What Will Be Your Legacy?

Traditional legal estate planning documents help pass on your financial assets and “stuff.”

But your true treasures are worth much more than money. You can share your values, heritage, relationships, hopes, memories, and stories with family and friends in a Legacy Letter.

Join us virtually on Monday, February 8, 10-11:30am for an upbeat, interactive session helping craft your Legacy Letter for family and friends.

Legacy Letter Workshop led by Kathleen Rehl, author & storyteller.
Sponsored by Legacy Builders and Trustees of the Endowment.
Contact KathleenRehl@gmail.com for Zoom link to register.
UUA Corner

Check out the UUA Southern Region's December Newsletter and some upcoming webinars

Save the Date: February 27, 2021

For more information contact conglife@uua.org.
Thank you for your interest in
Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg!

Stay Safe and Stay Well!
Kelli DeGraw, part of your Communications Team.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome
(reply to this email)
Our UUSP staff members will continue their duties in a safe, cautious manner to the fullest degree possible. 

Thank you, Cathy, Jeanay, Jon and Ciera! And many volunteers!

During this challenging time, may we remember that we need to pay close attention to how everybody is doing and how we can help.  
Our mission is to be an inclusive, evolving religious community
that inspires spiritual and intellectual growth to make our world a better place.