City of Cumming


June 2023

Two City Center Businesses Opening This Month

Congratulations to Irwin Homes LLC and Good Chemistry Health & Med Spa, both of which will be opening in June at the Cumming City Center. Irwin Homes LLC is a brokerage consisting of Realtors who strive to be the best at what they do led by owner Deborah Irwin. "I will be bringing on the highest caliber Realtors who will be rewarded for their exceptional service," she said.

Good Chemistry Health & Med Spa will be offering various promotions on IV hydration, medical weight loss, peptide therapy, hormone optimization, Hydrafacial, laser hair removal, collagen building treatments, wrinkle relaxers and more. Follow @getgoodchemistry on Instagram and Facebook for more information, or connect with them at

Inaugural City Center Beer Fest is June 17th

The Cumming City Center will be the site of the Inaugural Cumming Beer Festival on June 17th from 1-4 p.m. Presented by Homestead Restaurant, the Beer Fest will feature beers from some 100 breweries, with 50 of those being Georgia breweries. The event will also offer live music in the Lou Sobh Amphitheater, food vendors, a full bar, and more! Cost is $50 or $80 for a VIP pass (includes special samples not available to for the general admission ticket, one-hour early entry, and a special sampling area). Click here to purchase tickets or for more information.

Giant Bounce & Slide Event June 2nd-4th at Fairgrounds

The Cumming Fairgrounds will be the site of the 2nd Annual Big Bounce & Slide Festival from Friday, June 2nd through Sunday, June 4th. Presented by Bounce House Atlanta, this event features more than 30 of the largest waterslides, as well as dozens of bounce houses, obstacle courses, games, free photo opportunities with Disney and Marvel characters, free face painting, and more! Click here to purchase tickets and for more information.

June Concerts: Calling All Deadheads and '80s Fans

The Cumming City Center will continue its spring and summer concert series with Frankly Scarlet: The Ultimate Grateful Dead Tribute on June 10th and Members Only: '80s Party and Concert on June 24th. Both concerts begin at 7 p.m. in the Lou Sobh Amphitheater and continue until 9 p.m. Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. Friendly dogs on-leash are always welcome at the City Center. NO coolers, glass bottles, cans or any alcohol is allowed to be brought into any City Center event; food and alcohol will be available for purchase on-site from tenant businesses and food trucks at both concerts.

Cumming Utilities Presents Annual Water Quality Report

The Cumming Utilities Department is pleased to present the Annual Water Quality Report, which outlines the safety of our drinking water and whether or not Cumming Utilities had any Safe Drinking Water Act violations for the previous calendar year.

As usual, the City's drinking water meets all state and federal regulations. Click here to read this year's Cumming Utilities Annual Water Quality Report.

Jim Otwell & Doug Sorrells Receive "Key to City" Recognition

During their May Work Session and Regular Meeting, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented "Key to the City" recognitions to Jim Otwell and Doug Sorrells. The Key to the City recognition is presented to long-time City of Cumming residents who have been pillars of the community for multiple decades.

Click here to read about Jim Otwell's life and service to our community.

Click here to read about Doug Sorrells' life and service to our community.

In other business during the May Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council took the following actions:

  • Signed a proclamation recognizing Friday, June 2nd as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in the City of Cumming. Moms Demand Action Forsyth accepted the proclamation.

  • Adopted the 2022 Budget Amendment. This is a requirement of State of Georgia auditing regulations.

  • Accepted the 2022 Audit Report as presented by Ruston Group, the City's independent auditors.

  • Approved the sale of 5.32 acres and the building currently occupied by Creative Enterprises-Forsyth to the non-profit organization.

  • Approved purchase of stream mitigation credits as part of construction of the Vision Parkway Extension at the Cumming City Center.

  • Approved a rezoning, Conditional Use Permit, and variance of 1.26 acres from Central Business District (CBD) to Highway Business (HB), for the purpose of constructing office/warehouse or “flex space”. The future land use of the subject property is Office Professional.

  • Approved de-annexing Tax Map Parcel 194-022 at the request of the property owner.

  • Approved the low proposal from Jasper Grading & Pipeline for construction of the Sawnee Drive Extension. This project will extend the existing Sawnee Drive from where it currently terminates at the intersection of SR9 to the property line of Sawnee Village property owned by the Providence Group.

  • Authorized City Administrator Phil Higgins to sign the closing documents for purchase of property on Mountain Road, which will be used by Cumming Utilities.

Click here to view meeting agendas and minutes.

Cumming Arts Center Presents "Summer in the City" Art Show

Call to artists: The Cumming Arts Center invites local artists 18 years and older to enter its “Summer in the City” Community Art Show. Entries are open to the public for 2D, 3D and Photography. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your artwork alongside members of the Sawnee Association of the Arts at the Cumming Arts Center. Register online at menu item “Summer in the City”. Submissions are due by June 10th. The Art Show opens June 23rd and runs through Aug 26th.

Learn more about this and other Cumming Arts Center events, classes, open studio, and more by clicking here. The Arts Center is open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and on Sundays during special events.


City Council Work Session - June 6 at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - June 20 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - June 20 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

Click here for previous meeting videos.

Click here for City Council Agendas and Minutes.

Click here for Planning & Zoning Board Agendas and Minutes.

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