What to expect
Both of the 7.5 MG tanks will be constructed concurrently, beginning with the floors, then walls, then roof slabs.
The floors (and eventually roof) slabs are the largest concrete pours that will happen, meaning lots of trucks running continuously.
The floors will be constructed in quadrants and will take a total of four concrete pours for each floor slab. In total, each floor slab will require approximately 800 cubic yards of concrete.
The first major pour will occur on Friday, Aug. 5 and will require approximately 20 truckloads of concrete. Note this date may need to be shifted depending on progress and availability of concrete and the required staff.
The trucks will be safely staged near the site, starting around 6:30 a.m. on Aug. 5.
You can expect a few more construction workers on pour days and they will be arriving a little earlier than normal to be ready. Crews will arrive at the project site around 6:30-6:45 a.m.
At 7 a.m. the first truckload of concrete will arrive, and then trucks will come and go in a continuous stream about every 10 minutes through early afternoon.
After Aug. 5, the next scheduled pour dates are tentatively Monday, Aug. 15 and Thursday, Aug. 18.
Once the floors are poured, the frequency of pours will increase to several a week, but each pour will be smaller--just a couple of trucks per day.
The concrete trucks and pumps will create engine noise and a loud humming sound. In between pours, while concrete is setting, it will be fairly quiet at the site.
Reminders regarding general construction impacts:
- We will only do work during hours that the City of Eugene noise ordinance allows and we will communicate work hours as the work progresses.
- Truck noise such as beeping is not easily mitigated as that is an OSHA-required safety feature and needs to be loud enough for someone to hear while wearing hearing protection. When possible, trucks will be routed around the site to avoid the need to back up.
While we can't anticipate or mitigate all impacts, we will be responsive to your questions, suggestions, or concerns. Please reach out to us directly so that we can quickly address any issues that arise by email at water.storage@eweb.org or by phone at 541-685-7899.