November 2020
Video: Water Recommendations for the Next Administration
In this recent webinar, Pacific Institute President Emeritus Dr. Peter Gleick and Director of Research Heather Cooley joined President Jason Morrison to discuss the Pacific Institute’s water recommendations for the incoming Biden administration. The webinar included an overview of America’s current water woes and practical solutions for the incoming administration, on issues ranging from aging infrastructure to inequitable water access to climate change’s effects on water resources.

View the webinar here.

Read "Water Recommendations to the Next President" here.

Listen to the podcast Let's Talk About Water: Bide(n) Time for America’s Water Resources with Peter Gleick here.
Upcoming Webinar: AWS System: WASH and the AWS Standard, Progress and Learning
Co-convened with our partners in WASH4Work, this session will share progress made in supporting and leveraging action on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The webinar will include a preview of the new Supplemental Guidance on WASH developed by AWS, a “how to” manual for fulfilling WASH components of the AWS Standard. Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Mai-Lan Ha will present, along with other expert panelists.

Date: November 30, 2020 I 8:00-9:00AM PT. Learn more and sign up here.
Upcoming Webinar: Nature Based Solutions & Water Resilience
Nature-based solution (NBS) can improve degraded ecosystems, help sequester carbon, and help manage the effects of climate change, including extreme weather events. Businesses are beginning to recognize the value of NBS for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience. But NBS is underutilized in the business sector, partly because of a lack of frameworks and tools for identifying the benefits and monetizing the full scope of co-benefits provided by NBS projects. This webinar will explore this and other challenges, offering a path forward for businesses to successfully implement NBS.

Date: December 4, 2020 / 9:00-10:30AM PT. Learn more and register here.
Update from the CEO Water Mandate: Key Take-Aways from the Webinar on Setting Site Water Targets to Drive Action in India and South Africa
The Pacific Institute is Co-Secretariat of the CEO Water Mandate, a UN Global Compact initiative that mobilizes business leaders on water, sanitation, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 
Setting meaningful water targets requires companies to take the local context of their operations into consideration, since the variety of challenges companies face -- from water governance issues to extreme events like drought -- manifest in the river basins where they operate. In this blog post, Pacific Institute researchers summarize key takeaways from the webinar "Setting Site Water Targets to Drive Action in India and South Africa."

Read more here. View the webinar here. Read the India and South Africa case studies here and here.
Proposed Legislation Would Bring Major Federal Investment to the Salton Sea
Located in one of the driest parts of California, the Salton Sea is an impressive sight, sprawling for many miles. But the lake's ecosystem is on the brink of collapse. Earlier this month, Congressman Raul Ruiz of California introduced the Salton Sea Public Health and Environmental Protection Act along with Representative Juan Vargas of California. The legislation would put crucial federal resources towards the public health crisis at the Salton Sea, while protecting the environment and supporting economic growth.

Learn more about this important legislation here. Learn more about the Pacific Institute’s work on the Salton Sea here.
Meet Our Intern: Courtney Smith
Courtney Smith supports outreach and communications at the Pacific Institute. She says she believes water scarcity -- including access to safe and clean water for drinking and sanitation -- can be managed in a way that accounts for “every individual, community and country, through open and empathetic communication and inclusive policies.”

Read more here.
December 1st, 2020 is #GivingTuesday, a global day of philanthropy designed to drive an influx of generosity, citizen engagement, business and philanthropy activation, and support for communities and nonprofits around the world.

This year, we have an opportunity to leverage #GivingTuesday with a generous matching gift offer from a Pacific Institute board member. Gifts made by 11:59pm PT on December 1st, 2020 will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $4,000! If you are considering a gift to the Pacific Institute this year, #GivingTuesday is a great way to double the impact of your support and participate in a global day of giving.

Please visit our website or follow us on social media and show your support for Pacific Institute on #GivingTuesday!
From the Blog: Pacific Institute Insights
Pacific Institute in the News
Let's Talk About Water: Bide(n) time for America’s Water Resources with Peter Gleick

CapRadio: California Is Making Progress on Safe Water for All, but Work Remains

Read more news featuring Pacific Institute research and experts here.
Help create and advance solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges.