Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
November / 2020 has compiled a list of Veterans Day discounts on restaurants, goods, services, and events for 2020. Click below to search for discounts by category. Remember to visit daily as the list is updated frequently!

Advantage CCS would like to honor and say "Thank you" to all of our Veterans this November 11th and every day!

Click below to read more:
In This Issue:

Veterans Day Deals & Discounts
Avoid Debt Traps This Holiday
Protect Your Credit When In Debt
How To Budget For A New Baby
Clients Speak Out (Reviews)
Company News & Events
The Advantage Challenge
The Holiday season is knocking on the doors, and indeed, people cannot stop thinking of how much they will spend on gifts and fun activities. Like with other holidays witnessed in recent years, this Christmas season will be a shopping and spending spree for many. However, the shopping frenzy has both.... Read more!
One of THE most asked questions about a debt management program is, “Will a debt management program hurt my credit score?” Debt management is intimidating enough for many people, but for your financial future, it’s also essential to protect your credit as you move forward. You’re.... Read more!
Having a baby is one of the most joyous and exciting events that could ever happen to you! It’s also a little financially scary, and maybe even an emotionally scary time in your life. Babies cost a lot of money and everyone knows that. They have many needs that must be met. Did you know that.... Read more!
"This program made a very difficult process much less daunting and your staff was always available, knowledgeable, and supportive throughout the program. I would highly recommend to anyone needing direction and support in debt management." ~ Amy B.
"You took care of negotiating and paying off balances-charged only a minimum fee for your service. Very pleased with the service and professionalism!" ~ Patrick H.
"From day one I was made to feel like someone cared about my situation. Everyone that I was in contact with took their time in every aspect of my concerns to do their very best for me. I felt very special and cared for. It made the four years go by fast knowing that I had full support and that I was not alone. I will ever be grateful for all the support I received from this organization. Will definitely recommend." ~ Pamela P.
Advantage CCS is participating in the Western PA Volunteer Expo!

It's happening on Saturday, November 14th from 8:00am to 4:00pm!

Bringing individuals interested in volunteering and volunteer organizations together is what the Western PA Volunteer Expo is all about. We're very proud to be a part of this free virtual event!

Funded in part by a grant from SCORE and sponsored by the SCORE Pittsburgh chapter, we invite you to join us. This virtual expo is interactive, allowing you to explore all the many volunteer organization exhibit booths and learn what is available to you and how you can help.

Our very own Heather Murray will be presenting "Covid Budgeting and Credit Score Tips For Small Businesses" on Tuesday, Nov. 10th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm (EST), so make sure you check that out! You can register for that here:

Sign up today and receive your free admission ticket!
Are you up for the Advantage Challenge?

We challenge YOU to the Credit Karma 30-Day Debt Loss Challenge!

Paying off debt, even a small amount, can improve your financial outlook. Like a 30-day weight loss challenge, a 30-day debt loss challenge focuses on trimming the amount of debt you carry. The folks over at Credit Karma have gotten together to start this challenge. Here’s how it works: