The News of Zion

Love God

Love People

~Luke 10:27

June 1, 2023

My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand."  John 10:27-28


Jesus often spoke of a shepherd and sheep as a metaphor for the relationship between God and us. In our culture we can't fully appreciate the bond between the shepherd and his sheep as it was in the culture and time of Jesus.  But most of us can recognize and understand the relationship and love between a person and their dog.

Through the demonstration of dogs with varying stages of training and obedience, Disciple Dogs seeks to present a clear illustration of us and our relationship with the Master, Jesus. These varied stages of obedience mirror the different places we as people find ourselves. There are those of us who are on the run from God, wanting nothing to do with His love or His boundaries.  Some of us acknowledge that He is there but still want to pursue our own inclinations and desires. But there is a freedom found in obedience that answers the desires of our hearts. The obedient dog knows that freedom and fulfillment are found at the feet of his Master.

Bliss & Jessica Steele

Join us on Sunday, June 4 at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary as we welcome Disciple Dogs Ministry with Bliss and Jessica Steele. For more information about Disciple Dogs, please visit their website

We will receive a love offering for the Disciple Dogs Ministry following the serviceUshers will be available at the exits to accept your donations for this ministry.

“You Will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

June Worship Greeters and Ushers:

Worship Greeters: Julie Middleton and Tonette Thomas

June Ushers: Tommy Midcleton, Danny Thomas, Steve McDonald, and Dwayne Ray.

We will be using attendance pads again during worship to register your presence and provide a means of communication for the congregation with the church office (update contact info, request a call or visit, etc.).  As the pads are passed, please fill out pertinent information. The pads will be handed out by the ushers from the outside aisles and should be left on the top of the pew in the center aisle to be picked up after the offering.

Our Grief Support Group continues to meet the first and third Mondays of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 11:00 am. Our next meeting will be Monday, June 5. All are welcome!

The Chosen, Season 3

Join us on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary for our Bible study of The Chosen, Season 3. We plan to meet each Sunday to cover the eight episodes of Season 3.

Hope is seeking to build their team of volunteers so that they can continue to address the short term emergency needs of our community. We have opportunities every day of the week for your people to put hands and feet to their faith. 

We invite you to drop by and visit us. Come get a tour. Allow us the opportunity to answer any questions that you might have about our programs, purpose, and passion.

-- Tim Howard

Volunteer Coordinator, HOPE in Lancaster, INC.

Office: 803-286-4673 | Cell: 803-288-7684 |

2008 Pageland Hwy. Lancaster, SC 29720

Rock Hill District Men-N-Ministry and Western York Charge United Methodist Church present


Saturday, June 10 from 9am-1pm,  4050 Black Highway, Smyrna, SC Empowering the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within local congregations and their communities. Mission opportunities, restored cars, trucks and tractor show, music and prayer and a barbecue lunch. 

Free Summer Camp for Kids! Located at the

Lancaster Bowling Center. 


Join us for 3 days this summer

June 19-21, 26-28, July 10-12, 17-19, or 24-26. 12:30 to 4:30 pm. Learn about our Symbols of Freedom, the Bill of Rights, US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and meet a “Son of Liberty”. FREE for ages 10-13. To register, call (803) 320-0268 or email Sponsored by Local Businesses

Our Adult Sunday School classes continue to meet each Sunday at 10:00 am. If you are unsure which class would better suit you, please contact the church office, 285-3864. Our Youth and Children’s Sunday School classes will be meeting at 10:00 am as well, youth and children in the family life center.

Collection For Our Local Animal Shelter

Used blankets, towels, and hand towels are being collected for the Lancaster Animal Shelter. Please place your donations in the collection box in the church vestibule.

Dear friends of Zion U.M. Church,

Thank you all so much for your support, love, and   prayers for us! You are all such a blessing to us. We really appreciate your cards, they made us feel loved and cared for. 

We Love You Dearly, Daisy and Ashley Brunson

Special Gifts to Zion Church

In Honor of:

Hazel and Terry Robinson and Lisa, Scott, and Roman Phillips by Judy Payne

In Memory of:

In loving memory of Crystal Fields by Judy Payne



Special Gifts to Building Fund

In Honor of:

Courtney Broughton on her birthday by Tommy Knight

Dennis Hall - Thanks for all your help! by Mike and   Diane Rape 

Our deepest love and sympathy are extended to Dale Jenkins and his family in the death of his brother, Donnie Jenkins.

Morning Walking Club: 

Our weekday morning walking group has resumed meeting in the life center Monday through Friday at 8:30 AM. Church members are welcome to come out and enjoy getting in some exercise out of the elements and in a secure location!

Please remember these in prayer:

Leeanne Steele Alexander

Angela Bailey

Francis Bell

Carol Boyles

Austin Brooks

Emma Rae Bryson

Barbara Catoe

Sue Catoe

Donald Chances

Diane Chances

Knox Chapman

Amelia Clontz

Leslie Collins

Sandra Cope

Wendy Culler

Susan Duell

Steven Evans, Jr.

Laura Everall

Diane Faulkner

Linda Jo Ferguson

Ashley Fort

Karon Vick Furr

Max Funderburk

Myra Funderburk

Mike Gay

Mary Gibson

Ryan Griffin

Catherine Hammond

David Hayes

JoAnn Hinson

Ed Horne

Jeremy Hudson

Melinda Hunter

Danny Johnson

Thurmond Johnson

Rick Joyner

Amy Kelly

Nancy Kimbrell

Brandi Knight

Jeffrey Knight

Mary Knight

Nancy Landrum

Fran Lathan

Frankie Mathews

Judy Maree

Clyde McAteer

Ivy McAteer

Luther McAteer

Louise McDaniels

Bonnie Mitchell

Jennifer Montgomery

Shelia Hinson Mullis

David Murray

Tony Neely

Elfreida Plyler

Ann Powers

Seth Robinson

Jacqueline Rodriguez

Bonnie Sears

Helen Shehane

Eva Small

Milburn Small

Greg Smith

JoAnne Smith

Lyla Allen Smith

Billy Sowell

Mickey Starnes

Alice Steele

Becky M. Steele

Tabitha Steele

Robbie Stepp

Kayla Strait

Matthew Sweatt

Graham Thomas

Lauren Thomas

Richard Thompson

Pat Vick

Myrtle Walker

Donna Walters

Michael Walters

Sam Wilson

Kim Yost

Even as we offer in-person worship, our services will still be made available online on our Facebook page. Log in to our Zion United Methodist Church Facebook page on Sundays for our service if you are unable to make it to church!! The service will also be available on our website at



Upper Room Devotionals are

available in the church vestibule

There are also copies available in the informational box outside the double doors at the drop off for those who have not returned to in person worship.

June 1: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Craig

June 2: Jonathan McAteer, Rock Love

June 3: Autumn Webster, Joyce Weathersbee

June 4: Mary (Mrs. Jack) Knight, Hannah Rowell, Emmie Lou Haigler

June 5: Danny Thomas, Matthew Snipes

June 6: Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Neal

The Record Speaks....

Present for 5/28 Sunday School: 42

Present for 5/28 Worship: 66

Needed each week for General Fund: $4,182

Received for General Fund: $2,119

Received for Building Fund: $100

There are many options available to give to the continuing ministry and outreach of Zion UMC. You may give through Paypal on the website, text your giving to 803-525-1834 and follow the secure link, or if you are not comfortable giving online, you may drop your offering in the mail to Zion UMC at 1665 Zion Road, Lancaster, SC 29720 or drop off in the secure drop box that is located beside the double doors where the buses are. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Missy at 803-804-2434 or leave a message at the church office, 803-285-3864 and your call will be returned. Thank you for your continued support of the Mission that is Zion!!

"...because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to."

Deuteronomy 15:10

Zion United Methodist Church

803-285-3864 -

Pastor John D. Howle - 1-864-770-5584

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