School Bus
Back To School Newsletter
Covid-19 has had a tremendous effect on all of our lives in the past year and a half, including that of our children. As schools are now back in session, it is important to be mindful of supporting kids in the transition from the pandemic back to in-person schooling. Check out the information we’ve put together below to help keep your child safe and have the best school year possible!
Tips for Transitioning
Back to School
There are many resources online for parents, caregivers, or providers to help children with the transition and resources on how to address possible trauma impacting children's lives.

Signs of Child Abuse
As an educator, caregiver, or anyone working with children, it’s important that you know the signs of abuse so that you can detect and report any suspected abuse early. Remember - you don’t need proof of abuse in order to make a report! Follow your gut, and help keep children safe. Click below to view the 10 Signs of Child Abuse.
Who are mandated reporters? And how do they make a report?
Locate your community's Children's Advocacy Center
Click here to learn more about the 12 Children's Advocacy Centers in Massachusetts
School Bus