Hello TBE members, 
It is time again to organize the Christmas Eve dinners at the shelters.
As you might have guessed they will look somewhat different this year due to COVID restrictions.
All activities will occur on Thursday December 24th.
For those of you new to TBE and this event, we provide gifts and holiday meals for residents at three shelters in Stamford.
For those of you who have  participated in the past, we will do a modified version of what we have done in the past due to COVID restrictions.  We hope to resume our normal activities in 2021.
There are 3 events confirmed (lunch at New Covenant House, dinner at Pacific House and dinner at Franklin Street).
What will be different?:
1. No one will be in person at Franklin Street and Pacific House
2. New Covenant will have 3-4 people in person inside to help prepare the meals to go and the hot chocolate to go.  New Covenant will NOT allow us to have a clothes rack/table this year.
3. No choirs will be able to perform due to COVID this year but we look forward to this special performance next year.
4. Food for Pacific House will be provided and we can cook it in our homes as we always do.
5. Food for Franklin Street cannot be cooked in our homes.  We will collect money to order food from local restaurants to deliver to the shelter.  They will not take food that is not from a licensed restaurant/caterer.
6. Gifts should be wrapped by the people providing them and labeled.
7. All food and wrapped gifts will be dropped off at the home of the site coordinator and NOT at TBE this year.
Here are the details of the three confirmed events:
1.New Covenant House (10:15am-12:15 pm) -  Four people will help prepare, cook and package dinner and prepare the hot chocolate.     We will provide extras of hot chocolate and desserts.   We will provide hats, winter socks, scarves or gloves for ~100 people (mostly men, ~10 women).   
2.Franklin Street Inspirica location - we will still provide a holiday meal for about ~35-40 parents and children but this year we will have to collect money to order food from a local restaurant in large trays.  The staff of Franklin Street will then package it in family containers and hand it out to the families.   Gifts will be provided for the residents (make-up bags for the women and teenage girls,  toys for the children and gifts for the men).  Gifts should be wrapped.
3.Pacific House - provide a festive holiday meal for about 70men.   Food will need to be donated/cooked ahead of time.    Gifts of hats, gloves or scarves will be provided for the residents.

This year there are several possible ways in which you can help:
1. Donate make-up items for the moms at the Franklin Street shelter
2. Donate food/paper goods (sign up using the google sheet at this link below.
3. Donate gloves/hats/scarves/winter socks for the men's shelter at Pacific House and  New Covenant House. 
4. Donate toys for the children at Franklin Street.
5. Four people to prepare and package up in to go containers lunch on December 24th at New Covenant House.
6. Donate money to be used to buy either gifts for the residents (socks, gloves, scarves, hats, make-up, toys) or food for the meals.  This will be critical this year as Franklin street food must be purchased from a restaurant/caterer.
If donating food, paper goods or gifts, please use the link to the googlesheet to sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rg4GqX5ZH8QsENhM9pD5cSnfUR8NZ_UhcliqTPi08kU/edit?pli=1#gid=0
If you do not feel comfortable with the googlesheet to sign up, just call me at 203/496-1309 and I will let you know what is needed and I can fill in your name next to the items in the googlesheet.
If giving money, please make check out to TBE, note in the memo it is for the Christmas Eve Shelter event, and mail  it to Steve Lander. c/o Temple Beth El, 350 Roxbury Road, Stamford, CT 06902  Also email me at [email protected] to let me know.
If you are donating any gifts, please wrap them and put a post-it note on the outside with what is inside such as gift for Franklin Street boy 9-11 years old or scarf for Pacific House.
In total we expect to serve dinner to over 200 people that night so our needs are great for food, gifts and paper goods.
Non-perishables can be dropped off at the site coordinator's home any time up to  December 24th.  If you plan to drop it off before the 24th,  please contact the site coordinator by phone, text or email and coordinator.  Perishables have to be dropped off at the coordinator's house on December 24th.  Please check with her what time you can drop them off.
Site Coordinators:
Pacific House:  Joy Katz,[email protected], 203/912-4362,  48 Janes Lane, Stamford.
New Covenant House:  Karen Resnick,[email protected], 203/536-3115, 4 Robinson Drive, Stamford.
Franklin Street:  Amy Temple,[email protected], 203/496-1309, 17 Talmadge Lane, Stamford.

This event is a huge undertaking and would not be possible without your generous participation. 
I know this email contains lots of information and details.  If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 203/496-1309.

Amy Temple  

Temple Beth El
350 Roxbury Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06902
An Conservative, Inclusive Spiritual Community