October 29, 2020
LGBT History Month
It started in 1994 when a high school teacher in Missouri felt strongly enough to pick up the torch passed by generations of activists who paved the way for the rights of the LGBTQIA community. Rodney Wilson decided to speak up and say that there should be a month dedicated to the celebration and education of gay and lesbian history. October was selected as LGBT History Month because of October 11th being #NationalComingOutDay along with the anniversary of the first March on Washington by LGBT people on October 14th 1979. Since its inception, the month of October has come to include #SpiritDay on October 20th, Ally Week, and the anniversary of Matthew Shepard.

Anytime that we recognize where LGBT progress has brought us, we must acknowledge the sacrifice of the most vulnerable and marginalized of us. Transgender people, drag queens, and queer people of color lead the charge during the most major early milestones in the gay rights movement, but still today are denied the benefits that generations before them fought so hard for.

LGBT History Month seeks to highlight the achievements of the exceptional within our community. For each day of the month of October, a different icon is highlighted in a series of videos, biographies, bibliographies, and downloadable materials. Please see this list of icons below.

"Please remember, especially in these times of group-think and the right-on chorus, that no person is your friend (or kin) who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow and be perceived as fully blossomed as you were intended."
-Alice Walker

#DEIatCTI #NationalComingOutDay #SpiritDay #Allyweek #SolidarityWeek #MatthewShepard #LGBTHistoryMonth       

LGBT History Month Intro Video: