It is with that sad hearts that we bid farewell to three stalwart board members. We are grateful for all the work and dedication of departing board members Nancy Casey, Susan Richardson, and Bonnie Snyder. They’ve done so much to keep our chapter going through their valuable time spent on initiatives, leadership, and numerous projects. Nancy is the immediate past president of Blue Ridge Audubon and guided our chapter through some tough times. It would be impossible to sum up all that Nancy has done over the years. Susan Richardson began as secretary and then expanded to work on outreach to underserved communities, create new programs, and to help organize countless events. Bonnie Snyder was our outreach coordinator and represented the chapter at many events. She served as nominating committee chair and made sure that we found some stellar new board members. Our sincerest thanks to all of them. We will deeply miss their extensive and much appreciated contributions to the board.