January 19, 2021
Stay home, save lives πŸ πŸ’™
Stay up to date with this latest edition of This Week in Durham Region.
Ontario issues stay-at-home order
The Province of Ontario has issued a stay-at-home order and declared a second state of emergency, in addition to further restrictions and enforcement to the current province-wide shutdown. Wash your hands frequently, stay six feet apart, wear your mask, and download the COVID Alert app. For more information and for the up to date status in Durham Region, visit durham.ca/NovelCoronavirus and durham.ca/COVIDCases.
Health Department inspects big box stores January 16 and 17
Durham Region Health Department public health inspectors visited area big box stores to ensure compliance with COVID-19 public health measures as part of a provincial enforcement blitz on January 16 and 17. Public health inspectors joined their enforcement counterparts from the province, as well as local bylaw and police officers, to help protect workers and customers in response to rising COVID-19 cases. Read the press release to learn more.
Can you solve the #SmartCity challenge?
In partnership with Ontario Centre of Innovation and Spark Centre, the Region is connecting Ontario-based small and medium-sized enterprises to provide a solution to the following challenge: How can Durham Region leverage Smart Home Technologies and 5G to empower citizens to interact with regional services?
The deadline to join is February 3. For more information and eligibility rules, visit the Ontario Centre of Innovation’s website.
Learn more about the Region’s new Mixed Waste Pre-sort and Anaerobic Digestion Facility
Watch our new animated video to learn more about this facility, the first of its kind in North America, and how it will convert organic waste like food scraps into a renewable natural gas. The facility will also remove non-combustible material and recyclables from garbage bags to further increase diversion, and free-up capacity at the Durham York Energy Centre for garbage that can be incinerated to create electricity. For more information about this project, visit durham.ca/ADproject.
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