INGRAM GALLERY | Winter 2021

The new year comes with revived insight and forward-looking promise. The power of art becomes ever-clearer as our personal environments have an increasing amount of influence on our lives.
Let us know what artists or works have your attention and we will bring the gallery directly to you. We provide tailored catalogues based on your interests and curate the experience that you know and love from a visit to your gallery.
Please read on for news about Ingram Gallery, the artists we work alongside and a virtual visit to the gallery with the newest installment of From the Collectors’ Den, a serial focus on significant historical works of Canadian art making.

RACHEL BERMAN (1946-2014) All Knowing's having and Have is (you guess) ee cummings from no. 40/50 poems (1938) Study High Street (2009) 5.5 x 7.25 inches | full sheet 10.5 x 13.5 inches,
watercolour, pencil, coloured crayon, oil pastel


FLORENCE VALE (1909-2003)
Le Fort, 1958
oil on board
12 x 10 inches

Florence Vale's Le Fort holds far-reaching significance in the history of art making in Canada and is currently available at the gallery. This oil was created during an artfully potent era and depicts the artist's husband, renowned painter Albert Franck, RCA (1899-1973), with the considered and playful directness that is wholly Vale’s. The painting's title and bold brushwork embody the concept of strength itself while motioning toward the underlying and ornate beauty of her subject and gregarious partner.

FLORENCE VALE (1909-2003) Le Fort (1958) 12 x 10 inches, oil on board

A classically trained musician, Vale began working with her husband’s paints after a recommendation from her doctor. Taking an entirely different approach to her surroundings, Vale's worldly and artistic temperament mixed the surreal and the graceful with a distinctive nature that seems to only intensify as time passes in the eyes of art collectors, appreciators and public gallery settings.
“Without Florence Vale, who could we turn to for the fuel that fires enough quiet passion in the blood to see us through our various losses and the long winters?”
- James Purdie, Florence Vale: Selected Drawings & Verse (1979)
Vale had lived with Franck a few houses north of Ingram Gallery on Hazelton Avenue. Their Victorian home often served as a meeting place for the intelligentsia of mid-century Toronto and the residence in turn helped to establish Toronto’s Yorkville neighbourhood as an artistic and cultural hub. Relations burgeoned around the couple with visits from writers, critics, television personalities and Painters Eleven members such as Kazuo Nakamura, Harold Town and Walter Yarwood. Close relationships like Vale and Town's would continue to produce fruitful artistic connection throughout their lives and beyond.

E.B. COX, RCA (1914-2003) Owls 11 x 7.5 x 3.75 inches, limestone

Owls by E.B. Cox, RCA (1914-2003) is now at the gallery and demonstrates the enticing perception held by the distinguished artist. The limestone work captures the essence of fragility and tenderness within the timeless landscape of stone that had formed in calm and life-filled waters.

BARKER FAIRLEY, RCA (1887-1986) Two Pines, Snow (1966) 20 x 24 inches, oil on masonite

Ryan Dineen is in studio producing fresh works and has recently completed his outstanding Donuts which is soon to arrive at the gallery. In a continuation of Dineen’s painterly accomplishments, ascending amounts of transcendent energy and artful insight come directly from the artist’s technically skilled brush.

RYAN DINEEN Donuts (work in progress) 24 x 36 inches, oil on canvas

New sculptures have arrived from the studio of gallery team member and artist Nadaa Hyder. These impelling and raw pieces examine human existence at its core. Profound complexity emerges through the fragmented contours of each work’s authentic vision.

The works of Rachel Berman (1946-2014) are often discussed and greatly admired among collectors and art lovers. A prolific note-taker, many of Berman's exquisite pieces contain indispensable writings that serve to add poetic mystery as much as they offer explanation. As with All Knowing's having... (above), Berman's notes on Study for Mr. James Shielded Himself - with Mrs. Hawkesby signals that the work was poignantly created at Toronto’s True Love Café on Dundas Street East.

JESSICA LEVMAN Expansion (2018) diptych: 2 - 11 x 6 inches, mixed media & collage on paper

We frequently update our historical collection and the newest additions reflect an increasing interest in significant works of Canadian printmaking. Please stay tuned to Ingram Art News as well as the Current page on our website for highlights of works found in our windows, on our walls, those in regular discussion, and new pieces soon to arrive at the gallery.
Until the city begins to reopen its doors note that we provide expedited shipping worldwide and are here for you by phone and email. Please be in touch to let us know how we can best be of help!
Brightest & best wishes from all of us at the gallery,

Tarah Aylward, Director   
Ingram Gallery
For the Love of Art | #AtTheGallery 

SEAN YELLAND Another Long Night (2020) 50 x 40 inches, oil on canvas