New Life in Christ Church Weekly Update - April 14, 2023
This Sunday: April 16, 2023
8:00 am Praise in the Park, Gilchrist Park
9:15 am Traditional, Sanctuary
10:45 am Contemporary, Life Center

Message: "Heaven"
Pastor Angela Hinchman
Easter at Laishley Park
A very special thanks to Emma Buck and Briyin Butgereit for capturing so many photos from Easter morning at Laishley Park. More Easter photos can be viewed on our website HERE.
New this Week:
  • Wi-Fi Update
  • Today Matters
Harmony Class - Holy Spirit Study
The Harmony Class will begin a new six-week study on The Holy Spirit taught by Pastor Bill Grant. The class will begin this Sunday, April 16th at 9:15 AM in Lenox Hall. This class will be based upon the teachings and ministry of Bill Bright and his book "The Christian and the Holy Spirit." Pastor Bill will be taking orders for books at the first class. 
Tuesday Night Small Groups - this week!
Come and join us Tuesday evenings, starting this week, for 6 weeks as we explore what it looks like to Apprentice with Jesus! Everyone is welcome, and dinner and child care are provided!

Dinner: 5:45 pm
Small Groups: 6:30 pm

Please register using the link below.
Wi-Fi Update
Our Wi-Fi password has changed! While on campus, you can connect to our Wi-Fi by using the Login: New Life Church Guest and the Password: NewLifeForAll.
Today Matters
Today Matters will not hold an event this month, instead we encourage you to join us at the Jesus Loves You Benefit concert on April 21st!
Jesus Love You - Benefit Concert, April 21
A night of local talented Singers & Soloists coming together to raise funds to minister and help the homeless. A love offering will be received to further Jesus Loves You Ministry. For concert information call Jerry: 920-470-5014.
Youth Yard Sale - April 28, 29
Mark your calendars now for our Huge Youth Yard Sale held primarily to support our summer mission trip. The sale will be open first to you (our New Life Church Family) on Friday night April 28th from 6 - 8 pm. This is a CASH-only sale (no checks, credit cards, Venmo or apple pay will be accepted).

The sale will continue on Saturday, April 29th from 9 am – 2 pm when we will welcome the general public to scoop up some great deals and find some awesome treasures. At noon Saturday, all unsold items will be reduced to ½ price at checkout.

Please tell your neighbors and friends to attend this giant sale on Saturday, April 29th to help our students earn the money they need to participate in our annual mission trip. (This year our teens will serve for 9 days in Austin, Texas)

Your donations of items for our sale can be dropped off in the Life Center room #7 (As you enter the Life Center foyer Room 7 is the first door on the right and is also known as the game room). 

Donations can only be accepted on the following days and times:
April 18th - 20th from 10am - 1pm and April 24th - 27th also from 10am - 1pm  

We can accept most items that have value for our sale, but we ask that all clothing be donated to our Church Bargain Boutique.

*Please note that we cannot take the following items: Mattresses, large kitchen appliances (like refrigerators or stoves) nor can we accept large furniture (nightstands & coffee tables are ok) All items should be in working order.
Shower Ministry Needs
Shower Ministry Needs:
-women’s socks (new in packages)
-men’s M and 2X underwear(new in packages)
-men’s S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X casual or T-shirts
-men’s size 28-34 jeans or cargo shorts

Thank you for your donations!
Reading the Bible
Many people would really like to know more about the Bible, but when they are confronted with reading it they become aware of an acute problem—they don’t know where to start. Many fine Christians earnestly start to read the Bible but find it difficult to understand.  

Beginning Monday, May 1st, God’s answer to this problem can be solved with the study... Journey of a Lifetime. I have led this more than 6 times with folks from all denominations, ages, and walks of life. Classes will be held in my Punta Gorda home at 10 a.m. and if you feel you’re ready to take on the challenge contact me by email for the location. The cost of the class material is $10. All reservations must be in by April 24th.

Myrt Creigh 
Music Ministry Updates
Greetings Everyone, 

Now is a great time to consider joining the Bell Choir or Chancel Choir. If you have been sitting on the sidelines thinking about it come give it a try. There does not need to be any long-term commitments. 

Music Ministry Opportunites:
The Chancel Ringers rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM and plays at the 9:15 AM service once a month. If you are interested in joining our handbell group and can read music I want to talk to you! 

The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the Historic Sanctuary and sings Sundays at the 9:15 AM Service. The Chancel Choir is open to anyone interested – no audition is necessary. 

Please contact me for more information or questions. 

Soli Deo Gloria!
David Bellows
Director of Music Ministries

This Sunday’s Music – April 16, 2023 – 9:15AM Service 
Prelude: Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing – J. Wayne Kerr
Opening Hymn: 257 He Lives
Offertory Anthem: Alleluia, Christ Is Risen! – J. Kirkby
Chancel Choir & David Bellows, Director
Doxology 682 
Closing Hymn: 626 Come, We That Love The Lord
Postlude: Tuba Tune – C. S. Lang
A Word from Worship
Greetings New Life Church family -
I pray that everyone had a blessed Easter. In spite of a very busy Holy Week, and too many "to-do" lists to keep track of; too little sleep and packing and repacking supplies, like baskets for communion and offering collection, bulletins, altar table with tablecloth, candles, and of course Easter lilies to name a few - the blessings far outnumbered the work items. In the past, when someone would ask if I needed help, I'd worry that they might think I wasn't capable of handling things. Foolish, right?!  I soon learned, through prayer of course, that sharing God's gift of service is a blessing for all involved. On Holy Thursday we had people help prepare Communion who had never had that experience before and others who served as greeters, handing out bulletins for the first time. Their comments were filled with gratitude. Easter morning started early at Laishley Park with greeters and ushers arriving before 6 am (in the dark) to pass out Communion and help set things up for a beautiful Sunrise service.  We were filled with gratitude when fellow members remained to help at an additional service in order to drive Don and me back and forth from the church between worship services. These are only a few examples of opportunities to be of service. Jesus was the perfect example of servant leadership when He bent down on a hard dusty floor and grabbed a towel to wash his disciples' feet. Imagine that evening -- a carpenter from Nazareth, asking them to believe He was the Messiah, and before breaking bread and pouring wine, washed 120 toes. He wouldn't ask us to do what He hadn't already done, by spending His last night on earth in service to His disciples. My prayer is one of gratitude for all who helped to make our Holy Week services happen as well as Easter Sunday celebrations, in spite of the rain at the 10:45 am service. Let's continue to be a church of prayer and service to our congregation and our community. 

I'm praying for you!

Rosie Young
Worship Coordinator
Church Name Tags
When you come to the church campus, please wear your New Life Church name tag.
If you do not have a church name tag, you can order one HERE.
The Bargain Boutique will close for the summer months beginning June 1, 2023.
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm
(941) 639-3842 |
Sign up to receive text messages & daily devotions by calling the church office.
All past issues of The Bridge are available on our website HERE.