Weeds creep out of the Tahoe Keys (lower right) into Lake Tahoe. Photo: Marine Taxonomic Services
The Tahoe Keys Control Methods Test is approved!
Today, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency joined the Lahontan Water Board in unanimously approving the Tahoe Keys Control Methods Test – a project to tackle the growing infestation of aquatic invasive weeds in the Tahoe Keys, ground zero for this ecological threat in the Basin. With TRPA’s vote, the Control Methods Test is cleared to move forward. 

To protect the Lake's water quality and clarity, the League has taken a leadership role in addressing the Keys’ weeds problem for nearly a decade. We've helped develop, fund and implement innovative technologies, and bring stakeholders together to work for a solution. All along, we've been guided by the best available science, which shows that sticking to the status quo will result in the most harm to water quality. We applaud the agencies' heavy focus on scientific study in approving the project.
“TRPA and the Lahontan Water Board’s unanimous decisions highlight the strong scientific basis for the project’s methods, monitoring and safeguards for Tahoe’s natural environment,” said Darcie Goodman Collins, the League’s CEO.
To Keep Tahoe Blue, our team of scientists and experts will stay closely involved in the project – playing our part as the Lake’s independent environmental watchdog.
“We will monitor the project closely and raise a red flag if the health of the Lake or those who enjoy it is ever in question,” noted Darcie.
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The Tahoe Keys lagoons. Photo: Wendy Hudnall
What's next
Over the next three to five years, the Control Methods Test will be implemented in targeted areas within the Keys. The results will provide essential information for developing a long-term strategy to address the infestation and stop its spread to Lake Tahoe.

In the meantime, the League will continue using our full set of tools to keep weeds contained in the Keys, identify new populations with help from our Eyes on Lake volunteers, and help knock back infestations that pop up in the Lake.

You can help by volunteering with Eyes on the Lake, or by donating to further our work. Thank you for supporting a clean and clear Lake Tahoe.
Together, we Keep Tahoe Blue
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