Home of the California Welcome Center
January 20, 2021
4980 Hillsdale Circle, Ste. A, El Dorado Hills
www.proequityam.com (866) 647-8844
"Pledge to support Small Business" in the Elevate to El Dorado Series
PhD, CFA, Chief Economist
Sacramento Business Review
This virtual event will also be live streamed on the El Dorado Hills Chamber's Facebook page.
Who: Chamber Members & Affiliates
What: Lunch & Learn
Where: Online; Zoom link will be sent after registering
When: Wednesday, February 3rd, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Why: Hear up-to-date economic indicators, welcome new and renewing Members, and meet new contacts, as we reconvene our Monthly Luncheons. Order your BYO lunch from a local restaurant, and we'll see you on Zoom!
Vaccine Process & Clinics
"Many of us have been receiving a flood of questions about vaccines from our friends and family -- or have them ourselves! -- and I want to explain some key points of information about the vaccine rollout in general and the process around it. I hope you find it helpful."
-- The State developed the Phases and tiers. We have no control over who is eligible for which tiers or when one can receive a vaccine. And as the Governor/State adds additional segments of the population to the current or previous eligibility Phase/tier (e.g. 65+ and caregivers to the disabled, vets), there remains only the same amount of vaccine. A larger pool of people vying for the same number of vaccines creates confusion that is beyond our control to resolve.
-- Expanding the list of who is eligible for the vaccine does not get us more doses.
-- The State provides the allotment of vaccine to Counties. They ask us to confirm if we want the amount they will provide. Yesterday, we requested 1,000 additional doses and were denied. We receive allotments, the size of which vary, weekly, though not necessarily on the same day each week. This adds to the scheduling challenges. I update the website indicating our total allotment to date HERE.
-- The forms used to register for an appointment at our Public Health clinics are developed and managed by the State. We have no control over form or function. We have made suggestions for improvement, particularly that appointment availability be first rather than on the last page of the form. The state has not replied to our suggestions or requests.
-- Similarly, we cannot alter the Safeway form, e.g. where it notes Phase 1A only sign-ups).
-- Sign up links on the Vaccine Clinic website cannot be done in real-time to reflect the non/availability of appointments. EOC Planning division has to manually check the back end of the links for Public Health, but not Safeway. Then, they inform me and I update the website. It's a clunky process, but there seems no way around it at this time. That is one reason someone may see a day that isn't full, go through the process of filling out the form for that day and have it be full by the time they finish. The other reason is that the slots simply fill up very quickly--in the time it takes to fill out the form.
-- If people are getting an error message, it's not from the County's server. This, too, is a State issue.
-- We have more than a sufficient supply of vaccinators. We don't have enough vaccine to meet the demand from those who want them. We are dependent upon the State for our allotment.
-- We have requested 5,000 doses a week from the State and have not received a response.
-- Appointments for second doses are not available yet. People will need to check the Vaccine Clinic website for information and openings.
-- People may make an appointment for their second Pfizer dose no sooner than 21 days after the first dose and no sooner than 28 days after the first Moderna dose.
Thank you, as always, for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
Carla B. Hass
Director of Communications & Outreach
County of El Dorado
The application will be available from Feb. 1- March 1 (5pm). Grant recipients will be notified and receive funding in April 2021.
You are welcome to contact El Dorado Community Foundation Program Officer, Kathy Haven at kathy@eldoradocf.org
El Dorado Community Foundation is dedicated to strengthening our community both now and for future generations.
2021 Endow El Dorado Grant Cycle
The El Dorado Community Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2021 Endow El Dorado Grant Cycle will open on February 1, 2021. Endow El Dorado is open to all nonprofits serving the residents and communities of El Dorado County. This year, this funding opportunity has three areas of focus for non-profits to choose from. Applicants may only apply in one Area of Focus.
The Areas of Focus are:
1) Youth, 0-18 years of age ($5,000 application limit)
2) Social Services and Community Mental Health ($10,000 application limit)
3) Pandemic Response ($10,000 application limit)
Congress has also made changes to other programs – including Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL Program), the Employee Retention Tax Credit, a Venue Grant program, and SBA loan programs –that will benefit small businesses.
Register for a complimentary event TODAY and mark your calendars for the next Small Business Update on Tuesday, January 19 at 11:00 AM PST.
Not only were new COVID-19-related laws passed in the areas of workers’ compensation, paid sick leave and workplace safety, but also beginning January 1, 2021, employers must follow stringent COVID-19 recording and reporting requirements.
White Paper Covers New Laws for 2021
Target Market your Business to
New Residents in
El Dorado Hills
Now in its 6th year running strong, Welcome Bags are delivered at no cost to new residents as well as to Chamber Members for your branded swag. Don't miss this impactful opportunity, RSVP now, items due 2.19.21.
Returning Master or Ceremonies,
Mark S. Allen
33rd Annual Installation & Business Awards Dinner
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Chamber Members and Guests seats are limited and filling quickly! Please RSVP early. Safety guidelines will be in place.
Our Silent Auction is going virtual this year! Donations warmly welcome and appreciated. Proceeds will again go toward our programming for businesses and in the community. In gratitude, we’ll promote your business or organization in our eNews, website, and social media. Thank you for your support!
This virtual event is co-hosted by the Roseville, Citrus Heights, and El Dorado Hills Chambers of Commerce
How To Use Google Ads Effectively
Who: El Dorado Hills & Roseville Chamber Members & Affiliates
What: Free Webinar on how to maximize your advertising on Google
Where: Online; Zoom link will be sent after registering
When: Thursday, January 21, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Why: This Webinar will
* Show Why You Should Be Using Google’s Paid Advertising Platform: Google Ads.
* Give You Tips On How to Improve Current or Future Google Ad Campaigns to Get More Leads from Your Ad Spend.
* Share The Power Of A Results-Oriented Google Ads Campaign.
Who: New to the El Dorado Hills Chamber or want more information about what the Chamber can do for you?
What: Member Orientation
Where: Online; Zoom link will be sent after registering
When: Wednesday, January 27, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Why: Learn more about how we are a tremendous resource for you, as well as the opportunities that await your business or organization!
Thank you to our Member Orientation Sponsor -
2021 California & Federal Employment Posters: You must post a compliant Employment Poster in a conspicuous place in the workplace where all employees and applicants can see it. The poster also must include information about your workers’ compensation benefits, payday schedule and emergency contacts. You may need to order several to ensure that your business, branches and satellite offices are displaying the poster according to the law. Failure to comply can result in severe penalties and fines by the state of California. If any of your company’s workers are Spanish-speaking, you will need to order the Spanish version.
Substantial discount when you purchase through the El Dorado Hills Chamber.
HARASSMENT TRAINING: We have partnered with the California Chamber of Commerce to bring you required California Harassment Prevention Training. Under the new law, SB 778, all employees, supervisory and non-supervisory, must be trained by January 1, 2021.
BUSINESS LICENSING: Remember to keep your business license current, whether you are home-based, remote, or in-person.
Employment Opportunities: Job Postings are now upgraded and continue to be FREE for Chamber Members and competitively priced for non-members. You can now post your own job listings HERE.
Your Chamber Membership at work:
FREE PPE Supplies: El Dorado County businesses and nonprofits with 100 or fewer employees may receive FREE face masks (50 per box) and hand sanitizers (16.9 oz) per employee/staff.
Start by visiting our website, choosing your wineries and then making your reservations!
See you soon! Cheers!
Welcome Back - we've missed you!
This is your official invitation to visit your favorite wineries in El Dorado County starting today! We have been given the greenlight to once again hold outdoor tastings in our picturesque vineyards. Come join us and taste what we've been up to!
Of course your safety remains our top priority so the COVID protocols remain in effect with adherence to sanitization and social distancing.
In order to accommodate as many guests as possible please make your reservations ahead of time. Also, be prepared to wear a mask until you are seated.
Wash Wednesdays for a Cause
" Sierra Laundry is happy to announce our Wash Wednesdays for a Cause. On one Wednesday of each month, Sierra Laundry in El Dorado Hills will partner with a local philanthropy or school to give back to the community. We will donate 50% of the proceeds generated in the store from 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm on one Wednesday of every month."
If you are interested in participating in the program, please contact Rita Ferrero at ritaferrero1@yahoo.com or 925-998-3086.
Shop Small All Season Long
Congrats to the #Explore95762+ winners and thank you again to our awesome businesses* for donating such great prizes! Thanks everyone for continuing to #KeepItLocal365 and support our small business community!
Tag Us on Social Media: @ElDoradoHillsChamber and we will help with engagement, advertising, and promotion of your business or organization. #KeepItLocal365 #StrongerTogether #ElDoradoHillsChamber
Click HERE for the EDH Video to view and share - Thank You!
El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce
Home of the California Welcome Center
(916) 933-1335
2085 Vine Street, Ste. 105
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762