news & events
November 19 - November 28, 2021
Dear People of Saint Paul’s:
At the regular vestry meeting this week, we continued to discuss many of the same issues, including our current budget situation and the ways to prioritize the congregation’s interests as stated at the 2020 listening sessions. Two weeks ago, 40 people attended a formation class when Finance Committee Chair Monty Osteen and Treasurer Will Rice presented at formation on the updated status of the 2021 budget. Thank you, Will and Monty, for your continued efforts for this Church. We are committed to increasing our transparency and the flow of information about all of the happenings at the Church. All of support is vital to continuing Saint Paul’s mission. We continue to be hopeful about the decreasing rate of infection from COVID-19 in the community and the opportunities that it affords us as we re-gather in our beautiful and beloved spaces. At the time of the meeting, we had 111 reported pledges. We remain grateful to everyone who has given their gifts of prayer, time, and financial support to the Church over the last year. We are hopeful that with your help, our Church community will strengthen in ways yet to be seen. As we approach the holiday season, the Vestry began its celebrations with an evening of thanks for the joy and ministry that Fr. Bowden brought us and for the excitement that we feel with the arrival of Fr. Biddy.
During this week of thanks, I am thankful for each of you who support Saint Paul’s in every way!
Ashley Wright
Senior Warden
Saint Paul's Nursery is OPEN
9:30 AM -12:30 PM
We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursey has reopened for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30 a.m. to allow parents to attend formation. If you have any questions about the nursey, please contact the parish office. Miss Connie and Miss Jenna are all VERY EXCITED to welcome you back!
Sunday Forum
9:30 AM -10:30 AM, Berlin Room
This Sunday is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, commonly called "Christ the King." This semi-official feast is very new (started in 1925) and only half-recognized by the Episcopal Church. More than most Sundays, it makes explicit political claims . . . in church! This Sunday at 9:30 we'll begin a new occasional series called "The Christian Year" and examine these claims. What might they say to us today, in our politically diverse parish and politically divided nation?
Godly Play - grades PK - 1
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
ALL children inherently know God, but it is up to us to give them the language of the Christian faith so they can grow to make meaning of our faith in their own lives. Godly Play is a profound method rooted in Montessori principles that forms child spirituality by attending to their natural gifts for wonder and discovery. Children are greeted at the door of the Godly Play room by the "door person." It is VERY important for parents to respect the boundary of the door threshold by not entering the children's sacred space--their Godly Play room. We cannot wait to welcome your children each Sunday!
Spark - grades 2- 6 (two classes)
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
Our older children will again immerse themselves in SPARK, where they will work with the same themes and Scripture that we all encounter in common worship. Every lesson follows a four-part pattern: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send. Week after week, the children and their leaders gather together, explore the Scriptures, enjoy one another's company, pray, and discover God's presence in their midst.
Colaborate: Bible Study - grades 7 - 9
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
The Colaborate Curriculum is designed to help youth take an honest look at the holy mystery and the complexity of Scripture to move them onto a path of growth and discovery. Using infographics, this program will include studies of both New Testament and Old Testament lessons to start a conversation about God and what it means to follow Jesus.
Animate: grades 10-12
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
For our older youth, we will begin the year with the Animate Curriculum which begins each gathering with a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith to open a group reflection. Topics include: God: Faith Is a Quest, Cross: Where God Is, Jesus: The Revolution of Love and others to begin to ask the questions about faith for their journey.
Sunday Worship Schedule
8 AM Rite I - In person
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
All 3 of our Sunday worship services are in-person with no requirement to sign-up.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
Grades 6-12
The Table Game Night
Church of the Good Shepherd
The Table: Our friends at Good Shepherd have invited us to join them for game night at the Table. Bring
food to share. Bring a game to play. We will provide the pizza!
Friends are always welcome, and no one should miss an event because of expense. There is funding available. Contact Fr. Biddy.
EYC Emails:
EYC parents and youth, we will be sending emails regularly with updates for our youth programing and events. If you would like to be on this list, please contact Elisabeth Price in the parish office.
EVENTS NEXT WEEK | November 22 - November 28
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, November 24, 5:30 - 6:50 PM
Our Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinners return, and this month's dinner precedes our Thanksgiving Eve service, Wednesday, November 24, 5:30-6:50 PM, in the River Room. Please join us for a wonderful evening with your parish family as we give thanks for our many blessings. The dinner menu will be available next week. $5 per person; $20 max per family. Please RSVP on the website or by using the link below.
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Wednesday, November 24, 7 PM
Bring your family and friends to the Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist, Wednesday, November 24 at 7 PM. The offering Thanksgiving Eve will be given to the DCCM (Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries) Food Bank. Join us in giving thanks on this national & religious holiday.
For those traveling, join us from where you are! The Thanksgiving Service will be broadcast on Facebook Live on Wednesday evening.
NO Compline next week.
Compline will return Dec. 1
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 p.m. Social time follows worship on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Parish Office Hours
Thursday & Friday, November 25-26
The Parish Office will be closed Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26 in observance of Thanksgiving. Our regular weekend schedules for Saturday and Sunday, November 27-28 are unchanged.
Make an Advent Wreath for your Home
Sunday, November 28, Drop in 9-10:50 AM
Tyler Hall
Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. Drop in Tyler Hall, Sunday, November 28, 9 - 10:50 AM to make an Advent Wreath for your home. All supplies will be provided, including wreathes, live greens, and candles. $20 donation. Please RSVP.
Tuesday's Music Live
Tuesday, November 30, 12 noon, Nave
Tuesday’s Music Live continues its 33rd season with a free concert by the Davidson Chorale, November 30 at 12:00 noon. The 2021-2022 season will not include lunch. Patrons are encouraged to visit some of downtown Augusta’s restaurants after the 30-minute concerts conclude. For more information visit TuesdaysMusicLive.com or call (706) 722-3463.
Handel’s “Messiah” at Saint Paul’s Church
Augusta Choral Society Concert
Saturday, December 4, 7:30 PM, Nave
The Augusta Choral Society, the Lyra Vivace Orchestra and soloists will be performing Handel’s “Messiah” at Saint Paul’s Church on Saturday, December 4th at 7:30 PM. In the spirit of Christmas, will perform this as a sing-along and audience members are invited to bring their Messiah scores and sing along with the choruses. Tickets are available at augustacs.org.
For parents with young children, you are welcome to bring your children to come sit in for some of the dress rehearsal that morning from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM. We only ask that you stay with your children and that they not be a distraction to the musicians.
EYC: Save these Dates
Sunday, December 5 & 19
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12), Save these dates! December 5, St. Nicholas Celebration at Saint Paul's and December 19, Dinner and Caroling.
Gathering Safely Plan Updated
As our community’s high COVID-19 transmission numbers continue to decline, the Vestry has approved a plan for gathering safely. This plan is available using the link below and on our website . Clergy, vestry, and regathering committee members will continue to monitor the situation and publicize precautions and changes. For this Sunday, masks are encouraged.
From the Stewardship Chair
Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you,
the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts in our lives.
Our 2022 annual pledge campaign has concluded. The Finance Committee and the Vestry will now begin the work of preparing the 2022 budget. Your pledge allows them to prepare a more accurate budget. If you did not receive a pledge appeal in the mail or have simply misplaced yours, please email the parish office or contact by telephone at (706) 724-2485 ext. 225. You may also pledge online using the link below.
Pledge Cards Received: 119
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
as of 11/17/2021
Offerings pledged this Week $11,650.02
Offerings received this Week $4,860.00
Operating Expenses to Date $772,144.40
Total Income Received to Date $790,085.22
COVID-19 Vaccine Registration
Eligible individuals, including those ages 5 and older, can now register to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Registration must be completed in advance on the AU Health website.
South Carolina residents who are eligible can also register to receive the vaccine at Aiken Technical College through the AU Health website.
The Vestry Nominating Committee is seeking candidates whom you believe would make outstanding Vestry members for Saint Paul's. If you'd like to suggest someone, including yourself, please contact retiring Senior Warden Ashley Wright. Prior to nominating someone else, please discuss with them their interest and willingness to serve in this role.
The basic responsibilities of the Vestry are:
- to help define and articulate the mission of this congregation
- to support the church's mission by word and deed
- to support the clergy in furthering the mission of Saint Paul’s
- to ensure effective organization and planning
- to manage resources and finances
- to attend monthly vestry meetings and annual vestry retreat
- to serve as liaison to assigned parish committees
We expect to elect for three full three-year terms and the remaining year of Matt Gullette’s unexpired term. If the new senior warden comes from the current vestry, we may have an additional unexpired term to fill.
To be eligible for the Vestry, a nominee must answer "yes" to all of the following questions.
- Have you been confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church?
- Do you regularly attend worship services at Saint Paul's?
- Are you a pledging member of Saint Paul's?
Each nominee slated to run for election to the Vestry will be invited to share a profile with the parish via our regular parish communications including the weekly newsletter.
A Note on Eligibility: It was recently brought to our attention that some of our election practices vary from what is required in the diocesan canons (church law in our diocese). Conversations with the Bishop’s staff have clarified the language that will bring our practices into alignment with diocesan canons. On page 19 of the attached Constitution and Canons, those eligible for election are those “confirmed adults in good standing eighteen years of age or older enrolled in the Congregation” (Canon 2.1). Those eligible to vote in an election are “those confirmed adults enrolled in the Congregation who are in good standing and who have reached the age of sixteen” (Canon 2.3). Those already in the process of being confirmed or received and otherwise eligible, are eligible to run and vote while waiting for the bishop’s next visit.
Are we missing your birthday?