January 13, 2022
Humanity’s Existential Crisis –
It May Not Be What You Think It Is
“We humans are in the midst of an existential crisis – either we live by the Golden Rule, or die by the rule of gold.”
-- Swami Beyondananda
We have been hearing a lot about web-of-life threatening crises in recent times – there is the climate crisis … the pandemic … and of course, the ongoing loss of species in what is being called “the 6th great extinction”.

And …if we focus only on the tangible crises that threaten our physical existence, we are missing the true “life or death” choice that will impact the lives of our children, their children, and the future of humanity. That choice is, will technology be our servant, or become our master?

That is the bottom “bottom line.”

And, “life or death” is not hyperbolic. As the COVID epidemic has unfolded over the past two years, we have seen two trends in medicine. First, we have seen the de-platforming and censorship of natural treatments. Second, we have seen the medical monopoly and unelected global authority put all their eggs in the vaccine basket. And now, with these proving less effective than advertised, the official policy is – more shots.  As for doing more of what isn't working – I defer to noted philosopher Rocket J. Squirrel , who has said more than once, “But that NEVER works, Bullwinkle!”

What does work is a multi-pronged approach to a crisis that involves numerous co-factors. Vaccines? A tool in the tool-kit. Could we have flattened the curve two years ago with early treatment – instead of telling those exhibiting the first symptoms to go home and wait until they were sick enough to go to the ER? Could people have been saved needless hospitalization and death? We might never know because testimony like this by Dr. Peter McCullough in front of the US Senate was completely blacked out by mainstream media.

At the outset of the pandemic, I was, like most of the folks I know, willing to socially distance and “flatten the curve.” I took some satisfaction in how the hiatus of human activity coaxed the natural world out of hiding. There was something about this “pause”, this “reset” that seemed necessary for nature to recover from an overdose of human activity. But in April 2020 something happened that shifted my perspective. I got a call from a long-time friend, a retired chiropractor. He told me of a colleague of his, another chiropractor, who had successfully treated – at that time, early in the pandemic – at least three dozen COVID cases with natural treatment. All recovered. No hospitalizations, no deaths, no long COVID. What was his treatment protocol? I don’t know. He could not share that information publicly, lest he be called out by the medical board for breaching medical protocols.

Now of course, those who worship the god of “science” would tell us these are purely anecdotal accounts. Well, I’ll tell you what. Each one of those “anecdotes” involves a real human, grateful for the natural intervention. 

And …

This piece is not going to go down the vaxx vs. anti-vaxx rathole. Rather, I want to focus on two “meta-issues”. First, because we have devolved into the two sides lobbing grenades at one another, the “sane and sacred” folks on all sides have not been able to have a conversation about how to handle the crisis in a holistic (as opposed to “assaholistic”) way.

Secondly, we need to address two obsolete worldviews playing tug-of-war that have kept us on the current mutually-destructive battlefield – patriarchal social and religious systems that have perpetuated domination of one human over another, and the modern “religion” of scientific materialism that seeks dominion over nature.

We can all recognize how the dominator system has unhinged us from indigenous wisdom, and the feminine – and consequently disconnected us from the web of life, and the web of love. (To find out more about how loss of this connection has led to enduring trauma and societal dysfunction, see the “boil down” of the first seven Front and Center podcasts, at the bottom of this article.)

However, at this moment it is the “god” of technology, and infrastructure of technocracy that pose the pre-eminent threat to our humanity. Rather than liberate our species from scarcity and want, it threatens to take “domination” to a level so frightening, that most humans don’t even want to “go there.” Well, as the Swami has told us, “THERE has already come HERE.”

For just as human awareness has evolved, so have the mechanics of domination. When we think of domination, what first comes to mind is physical domination, strong over weak. In our Front and Center interview, author and radio show host Thom Hartmann reflects on an article he wrote called “The Lost People”, about how the indigenous cultures of Europe were decimated first by invading armies, then through witch-hunts and inquisitions. Domination then “evolved” to economic exploitation and extraction – you have only to read John Perkins’ book, Confessions of an Economic Hit-man to understand how this has played out in the third world over the past 75 years.
And now, in this “information age”, control through military might and economic pressure have been superseded by censorship and control of “truth” – “misinformation” has been redefined as anything, factual or not, that contradicts the Official Narrative. This narrative has been so seamlessly and smoothly executed, that most people don’t realize they are being brainwashed and mind-fogged. I have been shocked but not surprised at how many well-meaning, well-educated people have uttered the mantra, “Follow the science” without recognizing it as an updated version of, “How do I know? The Bible tells me so.”

Our civilization – particularly the “moderns” who’ve abandoned the idea of a “Higher Power” for the belief that physical existence is all there is – seems ready to give it all over to technology, as if somehow artificial intelligence is a substitute for real intelligence. And if we dismiss these concerns about “transhumanism” turning us all into automatons as the imaginings of “right-wing paranoids”, we will surely be betraying future generations, not to mention wise ancestors.

Do we devolve into machines or evolve as humans?

Do we use medical technology to better manage our health through all means available, or is it used as a form of social control?

To address those questions, we must face the “elephant and donkey” in the living room, our divide-and-conquer political system, where both parties ultimately are beholden to the rule of gold, instead of the Golden Rule. Our polarized political narratives have brought us to the point where the two sides are living in utterly different realities and actually consider those on the other side as demented, evil, or “mentally ill.”

Last fall, my friend and associate Michael Maxsenti and I, launched our Front and Center podcast to bring “left and right, front and center, to face the music and dance together”. Behind this jokey quip is a serious mission to call forth a “sane and sacred center” to bring awakening individuals on all sides together in common purpose. As we learned from Glenn Aparicio Parry, one of the first seven guests we interviewed (again, see below), America has a “sacred purpose” – unity and diversity. The seemingly paradoxical yet truly evolutionary purpose, expanding freedom in the context of beloved community, is the mission I am dedicating myself to in these times of great crisis and opportunity.

Through the podcast, through my “cosmic comic” mission as the Swami, and through a new blog on a new platform, Signs of the Upwising, I am looking to promote what my colleague Bruce Lipton calls conscious evolution – as an alternative to mass extinction and horrific dystopian devolution.

Like many of my colleagues who have become disgusted with censorship on media and social media platforms, I am working with a platform called Substack that allows those who want to support my work to do so and receive notices of my postings. (I will also continue to send them as well via my Signs of the Upwising newsletter, like the one you are seeing here.)

My mission is to use love and laughter to help us rise above – and “wise” above – the trauma and separation that has brought us to our current confluences of crises. I invite you – regardless of which “side” you are currently siding with – into this evolutionary conversation so that we can indeed write a new story for humanity.

Yours in evolutionary upwising,
Steve Bhaerman

Here is the Front and Center boil down:
We've Boiled it Down For You!

We – Steve Bhaerman and Michael Maxsenti -- launched our Front and Center podcast in September with the intention to help all sides get off the political battlefields and onto the cooperative playing fields so we could write our new story together.

Our first seven guests have shown us the pathway to turn this ideal into the REAL DEAL – by awakening the recognition of what is possible. This seemingly dark time is actually leading us to the birth of a new era for humanity, an era of REUNION …where we can come together as a family to face our common challenges, and thrive in harmony with the web of life and the web of love. 

We know how busy most people are, and we want to make sure you get the essence of these conversations so you can start this New Year as encouraged and optimistic as we are about the future. So, to clarify our intention and help see a path forward, we’ve distilled more than seven hours of conversation into two 17-minute videos …and now we’ve boiled THAT down to this very short 9-minute video.

Here are the purposes, principles, and practices that emerged from conversations with Charles Eisenstein, Charles Randall Paul, Bobby Austin, Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, Thom Hartmann, Glenn Aparicio Parry, and Joan Blades:
To step off the battlefield and onto a new playing field, we need a UNIFYING IDEA that expresses our common human aspiration to live in a loving, healthy and coherent world – best expressed by Charles Eisenstein’s phrase, “The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”
The great obstacle to achieving this great aspiration of humankind is the learned habits of separation. To address this separation, we invited Charles Randall Paul to talk about “religious diplomacy” – accepting and holding the peaceful tension between opposing viewpoints so we can seek the whole truth together.

Bobby Austin shared how “public kinship” can bring diverse viewpoints together around a common purpose and a common culture, that allows us to disagree in our minds while staying united in our hearts – unity without uniformity.

To further ground our unifying vision, we next invited Shawna Bluestar Newcomb to bring forth her Native American perspective, and show how we can evolve from the “doctrine of domination” to “the reverence code” that connects us to the web of life, and the web of love.
Our next guest, talk show host Thom Hartmann, spoke about the “Lost People” – the disconnection of European people from their own indigenous roots that made the doctrine of domination possible – and led to the collective trauma that must be healed for us to experience kinship and reunion.
To acknowledge the Native American contribution that has been largely ignored, we invited Glenn Aparicio Parry, author of “Original Politics”, to tell the story of how the Native Peoples influenced the America’s founders and sacred purpose – unity and diversity. He also emphasized bringing together the indigenous and the modern, the feminine and masculine, the progressive and the conservative, so that we have the FULL POWER of wisdom on our side to guide our actions.
With the understanding that we needed to bring all these diverse perspectives into the room to bring forth great wisdom, we wrapped up our series with Joan Blades, co-founder of both MoveOn.org and Living Room Conversations – a platform to have the “re-humanizing” conversations that provide the foundation for collaboration and reunion, where the dignity of everyone is respected.
So that’s the boil down, folks, and here’s the boil down of the boil down:

  • What we require now is a compelling and unifying story to lift us beyond our differences so we can work together for the thrival of each and all.

  • We can heal the separation, by affirming kinship in the heart, even as we have disagreement in our heads – unity without uniformity.

  • Our vision must be compatible with the web of life, and the web of love, and we must acknowledge and heal the collective trauma that is part of our human DNA.

  • We must cultivate the wisdom of all sides and all polarities to improve the human condition, and “overgrow” the human conditioning.

  • To do so, we must engage in rehumanizing conversations that respect the dignity of everyone.

From this foundation of vision, kinship, unity and diversity, respect and acknowledgment, we begin this New Year, bringing all sides front and center to face the music and dance together. We hope you will join us on this journey to a healthier, more joyous, and more prosperous world. 

Watch all Front and Center podcasts on You Tube here and follow us.

Become a member of our Front and Center Locals community here … it’s free. For extra benefits, we invite you to become a supporter.