Conveyor belt designers and users frequently ask us for advice on how to determine required belt pull and power on bulk handling conveyors. This "technical tip"answers how to calculate the drag exerted on a conveyor by a mechanical belt cleaner.
Rulmeca Acquires Douglas Mfg.
“We are thrilled by the significant opportunities and value this deal may bring to our companies, customers, employees, and stakeholders in the coming years. This deal will allow our customers in the USA and North America to access an enhanced portfolio of products and services,” said Rulmeca Holding’s Executive Vice President, Mr. Fabio Ghisalberti.For more info click here.
Rulmeca Corporation shipped a third batch of thick-walled Motorized Pulleys this month for a special application. For more info click here.
Burgaw Job Fair
Rulmeca Corporation attended a Job Fair in Burgaw, NC to fill a new position in our production department. Mike Gawinski visited with Olivia Dawson, mayor of Burgaw, when she visited the Rulmeca booth. For more info click here.