A Message from Bob Henderson: November 19, 2021
Dear friends:

For years, as the Thanksgiving holiday approached, I entertained myself with the thought of a sermon entitled “Here Comes the Family!” I never did it, and probably won’t, mostly because last year drove home just how grateful I am that family can gather safely around any table, never mind one so fraught with tradition and meaning.

Jesus taught that the practice of giving thanks is intrinsic to healthy living. C.S Lewis thought and wrote a lot about the subject and suggests that to not praise and thank God was to miss something essential, and furthermore, that there is a connection between expressions of gratitude and personal happiness. He wrote what are perhaps my favorite sentences on the subject:
"I noticed how the humblest and at the same time most balanced minds praised most; while the cranks, misfits, and malcontents praised least. Praise almost seems to be inner health made audible." (Reflections on the Psalms, pp. 78-81).

We’ll explore it in depth in all four worship services this week. I’ll be preaching in the Sanctuary, and Molly Smerko, our Pastoral Resident for Education, will bring her insights to the 8:45 service. You can read this passage in preparation. Join us and bring a friend.

PS. I hope you’ll consider expressing gratitude for the life and mission of Covenant by investing in our work. Cultural headwinds make being a ‘big tent’ church a real challenge these days, and we strive to be faithful in all we do. This year, especially, we will need all oars in the water rowing vigorously in the same direction! Please say ‘yes’ to our life and mission by clicking here. And…. thank you!

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