#99 - Week ending March 31st, 2023

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop us an email or create a support ticket.

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April 1st: NHS Sight Test Fee / Voucher Value Increase

The NHS sight test fee and voucher values are increasing, In England & Wales, from Saturday April 1st.

Click here to view the guidance and new sight test fee and voucher values

Your stock items and voucher values will need to be updated, instructions on how to do this differ for each system so please see the notes below.

FLEX Users

A high priority patch (HPP) is being released overnight, your FLEX system will download the patch in the morning when it first runs.

The patch will update the voucher values to the new amounts automatically, it will also identify the NHS sight test fee stock item and update that to the new amount as well.

We recommend that you check the values have correctly updated before creating any claims, follow the steps below to check the values:

  1. Go to 'Menu' > 'Setup' > 'Till' > 'General'
  2. Go to the NHS Vouchers tab and check the amount column.
  3. If you need to amend any amounts, click the amount field and type the new value

Optinet V5 Users

Follow the instructions in the link below to manually update the voucher values.

PCS Users

Follow the instructions in the link below to manually update the voucher values and examination fee.

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Px Record Shows Next 2 Appointments

A patch has been released that updates the patient record card to show the next 2 appointments that have been booked in for a patient (currently it only shows the next one).

If you would like the patch applied to your system, please get in touch.

The patch has been applied to hosted FLEX already.

Latest Patches: v1.5.7.29 /30

HPP indicates high priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically

MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers

REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***

  • #063 - Optical Payment Services (OPS): Enhanced the OPS outstanding payments reports to utilise the date pickers on screen.

  • #064 - Patient Record: Update to display multiple upcoming appointments on the patient record summary. MTS

  • #065 - NHS Voucher Values (England & Wales): Enables automatic update of voucher values and linked stock records on April 1st. MTS

  • #066 - eGOS England: Claim rescue option added to business intelligence for Optinet Staff to allow manual switching of Unique Claim Identifier on eGOS England claims that have been rejected as 'duplicates'. / Additional validation has been added at the end of a claim submission to prevent claims being 'stuck' as submitted e.g. due to connection problems / pcse errors etc.

  • #067 - Clinical Records: IOP History window now displays Left Corneal Thickness and calculates adjusted IOP correctly

  • #068 - OPS: Further updates to OPS that allows for downloading payment days.


Don't forget, if you want to book any type of FLEX training for your staff (remote / on-site or in our training room in Malvern) then drop an email to our dedicated training inbox -

  • Remote training is provided as part of your monthly fee
  • On-site training is charged at £400+VAT per day (6 hours)
  • Spaces in our training room are only £50+VAT per person (lunch included).

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