Housing Connection
January 2021
Building communities together.

TSAHC believes in the power of education and building capacity for our nonprofit housing partners. Through Housing Connection, we help affordable housing and counseling organizations access trainings, promote themselves, build capacity, as well as provide a network where best practices can be shared
Monthly Spotlight:
Thank you for an amazing year!
Thank you for all of your support assisting Texans throughout 2020!

TSAHC through Housing Connection has assisted over 50 counselors from 35 organizations in over 20 Texas cities in 2020! Even while quarantined, housing counselors received almost $30,000 in scholarship funds for courses involving foreclosure prevention, maximizing energy savings, and understanding credit reports.
To stay up-to-date on this year's Housing Connection training please bookmark this link.
Mark Your Calendars:
Recent News:

Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

On December 27, 2020, two types of relief for renters were signed into law:
  1. $25 billion for emergency rental assistance . The funds will be distributed by the U.S. Department of Treasury to states and local governments in 2021.
  2. An extension of the CDC’s eviction moratorium until January 31, 2021. This means the protections last beyond the CDC’s original expiration date of December 31, 2020.
Keep reading [the article] to learn more details about this relief.

Source: U.S. News

While paying down debt, student loan balances may be a priority among other financial obligations, and it can be challenging to identify the most effective strategies. Making extra payments to the principal on student loans is a way you can free up funds sooner to apply to other financial goals – such as saving up for a down payment on a house.
As you consider this option, be sure you get a handle on what to know about making extra student loan payments on the principal only.

Source: BankRate

What you don’t know can hurt you — especially when shopping for a mortgage. Before wading into the world of home financing, it’s important to do some research so you don’t make a costly mistake.
To save yourself money, time and headaches, here are four common mortgage errors and how to avoid them.

Source: GreenPath

Credit cards are important tools for the majority of people, and using credit cards wisely is part of financial wellness.
Especially in a time of financial challenge, credit cards can help you pay for household and personal expenses. Careful use of a credit card can improve your credit score. And having a healthy credit score is key to reduced financial stress and improved overall financial wellness.  View the following webinar highlight for more insight. 
Thank You to Our Supporters:
Jael Zelada
TSAHC Approved Lender
Southwest Funding