Special Edition Newsletter
September 14, 2021
Our valued families:
We hear you! We're taking action! We need your help!  

Moms In Motion, along with several other Service Facilitation companies, has been advocating tirelessly to reinstate Telehealth for Service Facilitation visits in order to keep you and your families safe. We've contacted legislators, we've contacted the Office of the Attorney General, we've contacted the Governor's office, and we even reached out directly to the Centers for Medicaid/Medicare Services (CMS).  What we've learned is that it is the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) that has the power to reinstate Telehealth for Services Facilitation.  

According to the Virginia Department of Health, the 7-day moving average number of COVID cases in Virginia is the highest it's been in 6 months. Now more than ever, it is important to remain vigilant and be as safe as possible.

DMAS needs to hear from you! It is now a requirement for us to do our Service Facilitation visits in person, at your home. What this means is that, in spite of doing our best to follow CDC guidelines, wearing protective equipment, and encouraging our team to get vaccinated, we will be seeing several families per day, going from home to home, potentially carrying the COVID virus to your doorstep without even knowing it.

You have told us that you are not okay with this. You've told us that in-person visits make you feel unsafe. You have told us that you prefer that we continue to do our visits using Telehealth methods. Some of you have even told your legislators. And, thousands of you have signed our petition to keep Service Facilitation on the list of services that can be conducted using Telehealth. In spite of all of this, the in-person requirement has not changed.  

DMAS has the power to reverse this decision. But they need to hear directly from you.  

Tell the decision makers at DMAS:
I feel unsafe having providers come to my home. I would like to continue to have my Service Facilitation visits conducted virtually at least until the Appendix K flexibilities end (currently set to end 4/22/22).  This has been working and has kept us safe. COVID has killed over 12,000 Virginian's to date. Don't expose 25,000 of your most vulnerable population unnecessarily to this killer virus which is currently out of control. Keep Us Safe!

Contact the Decision Makers at DMAS today:

Karen Kimsey, MSW
Director of the Department of Medical Assistance Services
On Twitter: @VAMedicaidDir

Tammy Whitlock
Deputy Director for Complex Care

Nichole Martin
Program Director - Long Term Care

Thank you in advance for your continued vigilance,

As always, we will continue to communicate significant changes with you via newsletters and through our amazing team of Service Facilitators. 
Moms In Motion/At Home Your Way is a Consumer-Directed Service Facilitation Provider for Individuals approved for Virginia's Medicaid Waivers: CCC+, CL and FIS Waiver